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Side and parking lights


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Bmw e 39 530 d /2002


Am urmat instructiunile din manual, am incercat sa scot becul de 10 w din soclu, dar nu am putut, ma poate ajuta cineva?


Side and parking lights

10 Watt bulb

The bulb holder and reflector are a

single unit, and are changed


1. Turn the bulb holder with reflector to

the left and take it out

2. Detach the cable connector

3. Attach new bulb holder to plug

connector making sure that it

engages correctly

4. Insert reflector with bulb holder and

twist clockwise as far as limit posi-


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Translation: English » Romanian


Laterale Âşi lumini de parcare

10 Watt bulb

Becul titularului Âşi sunt un reflector

singurĂŁ unitate, Âşi sunt modificate

ĂŽmpreunĂŁ. <

1. ĂntoarceĂži bec titular cu reflector pentru a

partea stângã ºi ia-l

2. DesprindeĂži conector de cablu

3. AtaÂşaĂži nou bulb titular la plug

conector - asigurându-vã cã acesta

se angajeazĂŁ ĂŽn mod corect

4. Inserare reflector cu bulb titular Âşi

rĂŁsuci ĂŽn sensul acelor de ceasornic ĂŽn mĂŁsura ĂŽn care este limita de pozi -



:) :)

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