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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

e39 consumtion


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hhahahahah clona cui esti ? din 4 posturi 2 ti-s in romaneste, 2 in engleza... duxter tu esti ? ti-a crescut consumul ? de la like 18 la like 39 ?


eu nu vorbesc romaneste bine asta e ....da a crescut consumul de la 7 pana 25 - 35 depinde dar duminica am fost la ungaria se dupa 120km it went down till 9.5

nu stiu ce sa intamplat ai o idea

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hey guys i have a question i have an e39 525i 2002 benzin it was consuming from 6 till 8 max and like from 2 weeks ago it started consuming from 20 till 39 i dont know what happened does anyone know why could this be happening ...thanks


De când consumã un 525i 6-8%? <_<

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hey guys i have a question i have an e39 525i 2002 benzin it was consuming from 6 till 8 max and like from 2 weeks ago it started consuming from 20 till 39 i dont know what happened does anyone know why could this be happening ...thanks


De când consumã un 525i 6-8%? <_<


pai de cand am cumparto :)

de un ani de zile cunsuma asa si acum e 20 pana 35

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sondele lambda, cred


hmmmm poate dar are 3 nu?

cred ca treb sa scanez la compania e mai bine

sonda lambda de reglaj...de obicei cam asta pica prima, e situata inainte de catalizator,recomandat e sa o schimbi si pe urmatoarea,care e folosita la diagnoza emisiilor si e situata dupa esapament...oricum nu te costa o avere, pana la urma sunt consumabile...

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sondele lambda, cred


hmmmm poate dar are 3 nu?

cred ca treb sa scanez la compania e mai bine

sonda lambda de reglaj...de obicei cam asta pica prima, e situata inainte de catalizator,recomandat e sa o schimbi si pe urmatoarea,care e folosita la diagnoza emisiilor si e situata dupa esapament...oricum nu te costa o avere, pana la urma sunt consumabile...


luni ma duc la bmw si o sa scanez acolo ca aici nam gasit pe nimeni sa reparez.

ms mult

man esti arab?

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hey guys i have a question i have an e39 525i 2002 benzin it was consuming from 6 till 8 max and like from 2 weeks ago it started consuming from 20 till 39 i dont know what happened does anyone know why could this be happening ...thanks



It's cold outside, adica este frig, asta ar putea sa fie problema.

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hey guys i have a question i have an e39 525i 2002 benzin it was consuming from 6 till 8 max and like from 2 weeks ago it started consuming from 20 till 39 i dont know what happened does anyone know why could this be happening ...thanks



It's cold outside, adica este frig, asta ar putea sa fie problema.


da a inceput problema asta cand a fost afara -18

dar acum nu mai e frig

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hey guys i have a question i have an e39 525i 2002 benzin it was consuming from 6 till 8 max and like from 2 weeks ago it started consuming from 20 till 39 i dont know what happened does anyone know why could this be happening ...thanks


De când consumã un 525i 6-8%? <_<

Daca vorbeste engleza poate si consumul e in galoane :)

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