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regulator relanti e36 316

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salutare. am demontat admisia si nu am gasit regulatorul al de relanti sa-l curat in locul indicat in toate posturile si site-urile despre asta. eu am gasit ceva asemanator din care a curs antigel cand am desfacut furtunele <_< e normal?era pozitionat in partea dreapta a masinii cum stai cu fata la capota si era prins de caroserie exact langa servofrana sau ce e cutia aia neagra rotunda. acum vreau sa stiu dak ala e regulatorul sau nu, ca m-am uitat peste tot si nu am mai gasit si altceva.
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Now, take the ICV and clean it. The image below shows the ports into which the tubes were plugged, and air flows, with a blue arrow. You’ll want to hit it with an old toothbrush and a gratuitous soaking with the TB cleaner. You may choose to clean the throttle body itself while at it with some paper towels and the cleaner.


Let everything dry, and clean off the hoses if you’d like. One of mine was cracked and therefore replaced, but washing the oil and grease off of them will help them last longer. Replace any that are cracked! They will make your idle worse and allow unfiltered air into the engine = bad. Be sure to let everything dry, especially items that were cleaned with water (hoses.) Installation is the reverse of removal. Be sure to connect ALL the hoses - double check!


PoĂži folosi WD-40.

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frate nu mai inteleg nimic.am luat toate piesele din realoem la rand si nu am gasit nici un regulator de relanti.eu cred ca totusi nu are la astea dupa 95.pe admisie mai am un senzor care seamana cu un motoras.eu cred ca ala e



Poza de mai jos e pentru tipul tau de masina si piesa 8 e cea pe care trebuie sa o cureti

Edited by DanS
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