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Service Reset Blocat


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Am schimbat de curand placutele de frana si uleiul dar pur si simplu nu am mai reusit sa resetez check-ul. In loc sa apara semnul exclamarii apar ecranele din bord goale.. decat iluminate. Cu 2 sapt inainte sa schimb cele enumerate am avut pdc failiure si de atunci nu mi-au mai mers nici senzorii de parcare. Ma gandesc ca de la pdc este. Colac peste pupaza mi-a fost sparta si masina pe la geamul din dreapta si cand montam geamul m-a pus mecanicul sa pun contactu si sa ridic geamul cu mufa de airbag scoasa si acum apare si martorul de airbag in bord. Sunt din Craiova si nu este nici un tester in oras de e60. M-am gandit sa scot bornele de la baterie poate s-o reseta dar multi mi-au zis k se poate intampla ceva si de-asta am zis intai sa intreb.

Masina este un e60 525d din 11.2004

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Pfff.. nasol pt mine k nu e nici un tester in craiova <_<.. asta e. cand am drum la bucale o sa fac si programare.. nu imi e de alta dar data trecuta cand am fost la abv sa imi stearga service check-ul mi-au luat 100e pt 10 min cat a stat masina la ei :). Pretul platit k am numere de dj :bashwall:)
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Pfff.. nasol pt mine k nu e nici un tester in craiova <_<.. asta e. cand am drum la bucale o sa fac si programare.. nu imi e de alta dar data trecuta cand am fost la abv sa imi stearga service check-ul mi-au luat 100e pt 10 min cat a stat masina la ei :). Pretul platit k am numere de dj :bashwall:)

Vorbeste cu userul maciu1 dupa forum sau cu Cristi Romanciuc ca ei au tester pentru e60, la noi la tzara la Craiova :unsure:.

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Cum poti sa spui ca nu avem testere in Craiova???Inainte sa fi spus chestia asta trebuia sa te documentezi nu sa vb asa...(ne facem de ras)

Tr mes pe privat daca vrei sa-ti dau nr de tel al lui Cristian Romanciuc

Si ar fi mai multi in Craiova care pot sa te ajute dar cel mai sigur si mai bun este Cristian Romanciuc

Edited by dj33bgd
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Prin Bucuresti e careva? Am tapitzat scaunele si am ramas cu o eroare AIRBAG de cand au scos mufele... Mi-e asa scarba sa merg la Ab sau Filaret doar pt asta, de nu ma vad.



o pui pe tester si scapi de eroarea asta...eu cu boditza azi am rezolvat am pus masina pe tester si am scapat de problema cu airbag ul(multumiri lui George). A mai ramas problema ca resetul la service am uleiul si placutele de frana schimbate recent si nu mai pot sa resetez. Cum am zis tin apasat pe buton si imi apare casuta goala acolo unde ar trebuie sa apara semnul de la ulei...sau celalate...chiar nu a mai avut nimeni problema asta sa imi dea un sfat ?



Edited by nonick
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Prin Bucuresti e careva? Am tapitzat scaunele si am ramas cu o eroare AIRBAG de cand au scos mufele... Mi-e asa scarba sa merg la Ab sau Filaret doar pt asta, de nu ma vad.



o pui pe tester si scapi de eroarea asta...eu cu boditza azi am rezolvat am pus masina pe tester si am scapat de problema cu airbag ul(multumiri lui George). A mai ramas problema ca resetul la service am uleiul si placutele de frana schimbate recent si nu mai pot sa resetez. Cum am zis tin apasat pe buton si imi apare casuta goala acolo unde ar trebuie sa apara semnul de la ulei...sau celalate...chiar nu a mai avut nimeni problema asta sa imi dea un sfat ?




Pai io cautam un tester privat prin Bucuresti daca stie careva.....


Referitor la resetul consumabilelor, deci daca apesi 10 secunde cel putin odometru (cu contactul pus) nu-ti apare nimic intre ceasuri?

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Am gasit pe net un articol mai detaliat despre procedura de resetare a intervalelor de service. Daca nici asa nu merge...

Iar in privinta PDC-ului, cind mai face figuri, daca ai timp si rabdare, schimba senzorii intre ei. O sa ne apara la scanare daca ei fac probleme sau nu.





--------Firstly with the ignition switched on, set the odometer trip meter back to zero by pushing it once. Then switch the ignition back off again. (I found this step was critical, otherwise I couldn't get to the "Service" menu).


Now you are ready to go through the reset steps as follows:


1. Switch the ignition on (so that the battery, Oil and Parking brake lights are displayed) and the key is ready to start the engine - but don't actually start the car.


2. Press the odometer reset button for between 5 and 10 seconds until a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in the centre appears in the top window between the clocks (where the outside temperature / time or date normally appears) - this is the "Service" icon.


3. Release the odometer button briefly and press again straight away which brings up a picture of the Brake Fluid symbol (same as the one that the i-drive shows when you look at the Service menu).


4. If you want to reset the Brake Fluid interval for another 2 years then keep holding the odometer button until the word "RESET?" appears at the bottom of the lower window.


5. Release the button briefly and push it in again and hold for about 5 - 10 seconds until the new date appears in the bottom window. You can then switch the ignition off and the new Brake Fluid date will appear in the service menu on the i-drive screen next time you switch on.


6. If you want to reset the Oil, Microfilter or Brake Pad indicators then you will need to follow the same sequence as steps 1 and 2 above, but when you get to step 3 and the brake Fluid icon appears, just release the button and press again and the next service item will appear.


7. You can continue releasing and pressing the button until the required service item icon appears for the one you want to reset. As soon as it does then hold in the button in until the word "RESET?" appears again as in step 4 above. Once the word "RESET?" has appeared, you need to release the button briefly and hold it in again for about 5 - 10 seconds until it is replaced by the new service interval figure (as per step 5 above).


Hints & Tips

Before actually resetting anything, go through steps 1, 2 and 6 above until you are familiar (and sure) what you want to reset. Practice this a few times and note down in what order the icons appear after the initial "Service" icon appears.


If you do happen to hold the button down too long against an item you don't want to reset and the "RESET?" appears, just leave the button alone for 10 seconds or so and it will not let you reset the item. (Alternatively just switch the ignition off and start again).


Sometimes if you have not released and pressed the button again quickly enough, when you hold it down again the German technical writing will appear after about 15 - 20 seconds instead of the Service item icon you were expecting. (If this happens just switch off the ignition and start again).


Once you are sure what item you want to reset and are confident of the sequence, then give it a go. If you do hesitate between releasing and pressing the button at any time, you will have to go back to the beginning and start again as "he who hesitates is lost"."

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Dap asta e procedura standard! Am afisat-o si io pe aici pe undeva mai de mult! Insa el zice ca nu-i merge asa...!

Eu asa am facut mereu si mi-a mers....insa trebuie apasat ceva mai bine butonasul ala ca uneori nu face contact bine!



nus ce draq sa ii mai fac... nu reusesc de nici un fel...butonul nu are nici o problema pana acum mi-a mers am apasat de m-am saturat...

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