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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

ULEIURI - totul despre uleiuri: teste, recomandari, etc.

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Salutare, am un E90 2009,2.0D N47 177 CP(170000 km), pana acum am folosit Mobil Super XE 3000 acum as dori sa schimb uleiul si sunt putin in dubii!

Ce sa aleg, Ravenol(de care?) sau Liqui Molly TOP TEC 4200?


la mototul ala nu as face experimente. Degeaba e mai silentios sa nu daca ti se rupe lantul.

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la mototul ala nu as face experimente. Degeaba e mai silentios sa nu daca ti se rupe lantul.


Pai nu cred ca sunt experimente atat cat unge mai bine ca BMW original. Am sunat la MHS si au zis ca ei baga in toate masinile BMW 5W30, practic eu bag ce recomanda ei. PLus luand in considerare ca este LL04 certificat si ca apare pe BMW approved list (http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/55493-uleiuri/page__view__findpost__p__2095831) nu cred ca o sa intampin probleme. Oricum uleiul am de gand sa-l schimb la 10 000 km tocmai pentru protejarea lantului contra uzurii. Ascultat motorul la rece si cald nu se aude nici un sunet metalic.


Nu cred ca am ceva mai bun de bagat intre LM si Motul, nu am incredere in uleiurile Castrol/BMW din Romania.

Edited by DarkSun
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este mai subtire, este sintetic


Si 5W30 este full sintetic, iar cat de subtire e in primele 2 minute de functionare la rece, se vede performanta de ungere doar dupa -15*, la noi abia vezi -5 dimineata. Eu sincer consider ca este un moft 0W, in Suedia/Norvegia ce sa mai zica la -30 de grade ? Pun -10W? :)

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Vezi ca s-a pus un link mai devreme aici:




The bottom line is this. The lower the first number is for engine oils, the better it is for your engine in order to reduce initial start up engine wear. And it has been proven in independent studies that approximately 90% of engine wear occurs at the time you initially crank a cold engine! And a cold engine is defined as an engine that hasn't been cranked in a few hours...even though it may be sitting in the hot sun on a 120 degree day!


Most all car makers are now recommending 5W-** or 0W-** engine oils for their car's engines. You will see more and more oil makers producing 0W-** engine oils soon. They just need to educate the buying public why 0W-** engines oils are better regardless of climate. Better yet, they need to change the way they grade engine oils (and "gear" oils too) so it makes more sense to the average car owner...

Edited by InSidE
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Da am citit ce era deasupra inclusiv acel link, e logic ca un ulei mai subtire ajunge mai repede peste tot, dar la fel de bine un ulei mai subtire nu ramane pe componente pentru ca va curge mai usor. Ar fi frumos sa vedem ce diferenta este in milisecunde, cat ii ia la 5W si la 0W sa ajunga peste tot. Eu ma simt mai safe cu un ulei mai gros, iar reprezentanta baga 5W-30, la recomandarea BMW. Edited by DarkSun
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Nu te lua dupa ce zice BMW. Tot ei recomanda sa nu schimbi uleiul la cutia automata ca e lifetime.

Si care e legatura? Lifetime la BMW inseamna maxim 160k km , adica exact ce recomanda si ZF sau alti producatori de automate.Mie la AB Constanta mi-a recomandat schimbul de ulei, asa ca fapt divers...

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