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ULEIURI - totul despre uleiuri: teste, recomandari, etc.

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va salut am o intrebare la care nu i-am gasit raspuns la cati km se schimba uleiul la un bmw e 34 525 tds din 1995 am in ea ulei 10w-40 castrol

Depinde de felul in care mergi cu masina, eu schimbam la td-u undeva la 5000 km, tot castrol, la un ulei conteaza mult stilul de mers si starea motorului....,normal un semisintetic bun merge cam 10.000 de km in conditii normale...

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eu schimb la 7-8.ooo


Dar tu ai seria 5?



nu conteaza modelul masinii ci mai degraba modelul motorului si anul fabricatiei... un ulei cu primul numar mai mare este mai vascos (adica 10W mai vascos ca 5W) si automat recomandat pentru temperaturi mai ridicate si motoare mai vechi... de ce motoare mai vechi? pentru ca din productie au o toleranta mai mare si automat trebuie un ulei mai vascos ca sa lubrifieze optimal...


referitor la schimburi si eu recomand ca o masina utilizata in Romania sa aiba uleiul schimbat la maxim 7000-8000 de km... de ce? pentru ca aerul are foarte multe impuritati care trec prin filtrul de aer si imbacsesc uleiul din motor generand o imbatranire mai rapida a acestuia... ca exemplu, la mine, BMW e90, serviceul este dat standard de BMW la 30 000 de km si automat exista un senzor care monitorizeaza aceatsa perioada si o ajusteaza in functie de stilul de condus si calitatea uleiului... eu am facut deocamdata cu masina 3500 de kilometrii si logic era ca sa mai am pana la revizie 26500 de kilometrii dar mie masina imi arata deja 25 000 pana la revizie... deci la 3500 km uzura resimtita de masina este de 5000 km... deasemenea recomand ca la schimbarea uleiului sa se schimbe si filtrul de aer... ajuta si la cresterea puterii si la pastrarea mai buna a calitatii uleiului... nu e cine stie ce dar pentru cativa lei in plus stai calm... nu mai spun ca filtrul de ulei se schimba obligatoriu pentru ca daca nu il schimbi degeaba ai pus ulei nou... mai recomand ca la masinile mai vechi, 7-8 ani odata pe an la schimbarea uleiului sa se puna si un agent de curatire inainte de schimbare... eu faceam asta la un Opel Astra care avea vreo 10 ani si inainte sa schimb uleiul puneam un agent de curatire in motor (parca de la 2+2 era) si lasam motorul sa mearga pe loc cu acel agent pus peste uleiul vechi dupa care scoteam tot si puneam uleiul nou... parca uleiul se mentinea mai bine si motorul suna mai frumos... o fi fost placebo, nu stiu, dar masina mergea unsa desi avea un car de ani...


fiti foarte atenti la tipul de ulei pe care il bagati, adica sintetic sau semi pentru ca si asta e foarte important...

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uite de aici am invatat o groaza despre masina mea... http://www.carbibles.com/engineoil_bible.html citeste ce e acolo si sunt sigur ca nu vei mai avea intrebari pe aceasta tema :)


despre vascozitate aici: http://www.carbibles.com/viscosity.html


"So how often should I change my oil?



You can never change your engine oil too frequently. The more you do it, the longer the engine will last. The whole debate about exactly when you change your oil is somewhat of a grey area. Manufacturers tell you every 10,000 miles or so. Your mate with a classic car tells you every 3,000 miles. Ole' Bob with the bad breath who drives a truck tells you he's never once changed the oil in his car. Fact is, large quantities of water are produced by the normal combustion process and, depending on engine wear, some of it gets into the crank case. If you have a good crank case breathing system it gets removed from there PDQ, but even so, in cold weather a lot of condensation will take place. This is bad enough in itself, since water is not noted for its lubrication qualities in an engine, but even worse, that water dissolves any nitrates formed during the combustion process. If my memory of chemistry serves me right, that leaves you with a mixture of Nitric (HNO3) and Nitrous (HNO2) acid circulating round your engine! So not only do you suffer a high rate of wear at start-up and when the engine is cold, you suffer a high rate of subsequent corrosion during normal running or even when stationary.

The point I'm trying to make is that the optimum time for changing oil ought to be related to a number of factors, of which distance travelled is probably one of the least important in most cases. Here is my selection in rough order of importance:


1. Number of cold starts (more condensation in a cold engine)

2. Ambient temperature (how long before warm enough to stop serious condensation)

3. Effectiveness of crank case scavenging (more of that anon)

4. State of wear of the engine (piston blow-by multiplies the problem)

5. Accuracy of carburation during warm-up period (extra gook produced)

6. Distance travelled (well, lets get that one out of the way)


If you were clever (or anal) enough, you could probably come up with a really clever formula incorporating all those factors. However, I would give 1, 2, and 3 equal top weighting. Items 1 to 3 have to be taken together since a given number of "cold" starts in the Dakar in summer is not the same as an equal number conducted in Fargo in January. The effect in either case will be modified by how much gas gets past the pistons. What we are really after is the severity and duration of the initial condensation period. All other things being equal, that will give you how much condensate will be produced and I would suggest that more than anything else determines when the oil should be dumped. "

Edited by crisjohn
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Da, ai nevoie de 6.5 litri.


PoĂži pune BMW 5W-30 Longlife-04 sau Castrol Edge 0W-30.


deci pana la urma uleiul BMW 5w30 se pune si la benzinare si la diesel ? ca sa ma lamuresc odata ... :)





BMW 5W-30 se bagĂŁ ĂŽn reprezentanĂže la orice BMW non-M.



acuma am vazut. merci

Edited by B.M.W.
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BMW 5W-30 se bagĂŁ ĂŽn reprezentanĂže la orice BMW non-M.

si daca bag castrol 5w-40 e ok?

e ok orice pana pica turbina:)) nu mai bagati prostii,mergeti pe recomandarile producatorului,dc el zice 5w30 sau 0w40 nu va inteleg..


Eu ii inteleg pe multi! Eticheta face diferenta!!! Culori vii, vreun X mai smecher caligrafiat in vreun colt ...sunt tertipuri care dau pe spate un client mai neinitiat. Fi/miu nu se mai uita demult dupa jucarii in ambalaje frumos colorate, intreba ce face respectiva jucarie.

Edited by CC23298
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