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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

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Nu am o cifra exacta caci masinile se tot vand stiu ca in noiembrie sau vandut in Germania 4.000 buc.Tot la sfarsitul lui noiembrie erau vandute vreo 30.000 buc si in strainatate dar nu in America si alte tari.Nu am o data exacta stiu ca se produc vreo 500-600 buc pe zi fara sambata.Momentan nu sunt capacitati de productie mai mari si nu se doreste neaparat o marire se asteapta noul 3 si cred ca aici vor fii folosite capacitatile de rezerva.BMW e un producator f f mic pe piata internationala.O fabrica buna de aici nu poate produce mai mult de 300.000 buc pe an si e fabulos cu o mana de oameni.
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O veste mai rea se scumpeste seria 1 e-87 de la 01 martie 2005.

un 116i va costa cu 100€ mai mult si evident ca celalalte 118i,120i,118d,120d se scumpesc putin cum multi fani BMW stiu cam in martie in fiecare an se face o reasezare de pret.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unii probabil vor sa stie cum se vinde seria 1,eu am numai datele din Germania ar fii bine si frumos daca cineva ar avea date despre vanzari in Romania.

Deci in decembrie 2004 sau vandut 3552 buc.

In toata perioada 2004 18 set.31 dec. sau vandut 14.749.

Repet e vorba de vanzarile din Germania.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Da, seria 1 creste incet da sigur la vara apare si in sfarsit un 130i cu 6-cilindri,3.0l,258 Cp.Se lucreaza si la un M1 si la alte modele care vor aparea pana in 2007 cum ar fii model cu 3 usi,coupe,touring si cabrio.
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M-am gandit sa prezint mai ales in poze BMW 130i care va fi prezentat la salonul de la Geneva si va pute fi cumparat din septembrie.

BMW 130i

6-cilindri,190Kw/258CP,0-100km/h-6,2s,V-max.250km/h.Motorul a fost adaptat din 630i coupe.Cred ca Golful GTi are un adversar pe masura.

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Un 125i nu e deocamdata in plan si nici un X.130i va costa pe la 30.000€ nu stiu exact dar pe aici se invarte.O sa mai apara in timp o groaza de modele seria 1,coupe care arata minunat 3 usi care arat normal,touring si poate un van cu timpul si nu e mult prea mult si actualul E-87 va primi un facelift dar mai e pana atunci si sa ateptam cu rabdare.Daca o sa am timpul necesar am sa scriu din timp si evident si cu poze.
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The BMW 130i is the new top model within the successfully launched BMW 1 Series. Its world première is scheduled for March in Geneva, with the market launch to follow in September.



The engine – an engineering milestone.


The new BMW six-cylinder in-line powerplant (see eNewsletter 25/04) has revolutionised modern engine design. It is among the lightest and most advanced six-cylinders in the world (for technical specifications and comparisons with competitor models see the Appendix). What makes this engine so remarkable is its unmatched power development, spontaneous response and supreme refinement. The deliberately assertive engine sound also adds an acoustic dimension to the BMW 130i’s sporting character.


 Capacity: 2993 cc

 Power: 190 kW/258 hp

 Torque: 300 Nm @ 2500–4000 rpm

 Specific output: 63.3 kW/l, 85.7 hp/l

 0–100 km/h: 6.2 sec approx.

 Top speed: 250 km/h

 Fuel consumption: 9.0 l/100 km approx.

 Engine weight: 161 kg (down 6 % from the current 3-l straight-six unit)

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Competitors – inferior on almost all counts.


Viewed in its competitive context, the top athlete within the BMW 1 Series is firmly in a class by itself. Compared to the top models of its core competitors, the Audi A3 3.2 quattro and the Alfa Romeo 147 GTA, it not only features the most powerful, but also the most fuel-efficient six-cylinder engine.


Audi A3 3.2 quattro.

The Audi A3 is based on the VW Golf platform. In addition to a two-door version, it is also offered as a four-door Sportback, with vehicle length increased by 83 mm. Despite a slight capacity advantage (3.2 litres instead of the BMW 130i’s 3.0 litres), the Audi A3 3.2 quattro fails to match its BMW rival (190 kW/258 hp / 6.2 sec /

9.0 l/100 km) in terms of power (184 kW/250 hp), acceleration (6.5 sec), or fuel consumption (10.6 l/100 km). Transmitting the power of the more powerful Audi engines to the road requires AWD for these usually front-wheel driven vehicles – and the Audi A3 3.2 quattro is no exception. A new Audi S3 with approximately 206 kW/280 hp is expected at the end of this year.


Alfa Romeo 147 GTA.

In 2003, Alfa Romeo introduced a sports version of its 147 that boasts a 3.2-litre V6 engine (184 kW/250 hp). Its acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h is on a par with that of the BMW 130i (6.2 s), but its top speed of 245 km/h does not match the BMW 130i’s electronically limited 250 km/h, while its fuel consumption of 12.1 l/100 km far exceeds the modest 9.0 l/100 km/h the BMW 130i contents itself with. The relatively imprecise steering and the exceedingly hard suspension are among the weaknesses of the Italian FWD. The workmanship and material quality in the interior are further areas where the Alfa clearly falls short of the standard set by the BMW.


VW Golf GTI.

The VW Golf GTI is among the secondary competitors of the BMW 130i. This model is Volkswagen’s attempt at reviving the GTI cult of the 1970s. Despite its significantly smaller capacity (2.0 l), this four-cylinder turbocharged engine manages an output of 147 kW/200 hp. Its maximum torque of 280 Nm is transmitted to the front axle via a six-speed manual gearbox or the DSG direct shift gearbox. The VW Golf GTI is available in a two-door version and as a four-door model.


Verdict: The BMW 130i – in a class by itself.


The BMW 130i offers all the features that make the BMW 1 Series so successful, combined with maximum sporting prowess: it is full of character, while maintaining a perfectly discreet exterior. Boasting rear-wheel drive (unique in this segment), the most refined six-cylinder engine in the world and superior performance figures, the BMW 130i will define a new benchmark for agility and dynamism in the compact class following its market launch in September.

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  • 3 months later...

Traducere aproximativa :blink:

"That comes out from a use list for spare wheels. Therefore also the 2,5-Liter-Reihensechser with 218 HP and 250 Nm torque introduction in the 1er row after the three-litre six cylinder with 258 HP, which gives then the 125i to the small series, holds. The 3er-Limousine will accommodate in the future also one Dreiliter Biturbo Diesel with 272 HP and 560 Nm as 335d. On the Benzinerseite is used a likewise loaded three-litre petrol engine with approximately 330 HP as 335i. Both aggregates can besides with the optional all-wheel drive are combined and to hear then on the designations 335xd and 335xi. Available both machines are later also in the Touring and in the CoupĂŠ Cabrio, where they will be likewise optional to have as all wheel variants. A rounding downward receives the Touring Motorenprogramm with that to 129 HP strong 118i as well as the 118d - a abgespeckten two-litre Diesel from the 320d debuetiert in the autumn already in the sedan - as basis Diesel. Only the CoupĂŠ Cabrio must do without these basis engines. Here the 320i and the 320d form the entrance motorizing. BMW does not want to take a position to the new motorizing on request."



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