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mp3=uri DVD Navigatie

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Salut! Am un bmw 320d E90 cu nav. busniess..


Problema mea e urmatoarea mi-am facut un DVD cu mp3-uri pe el in diferite foldere l-am ars cu Nero si cand l-am bagat in masina, nav. vede doar cateva foldere si doar cateva mp3-uri.

Cum pot face in asa fel incat sa umplu un DVD cu mp3-uri in diferite foldere si sa fie vazute toate pe nav. Am incercat sa pun numai mp3-uri fara foldere si asa apar toate pe nav dar e foarte obositor sa cauti o melodie anume.


Multumesc anticipat!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Salut. Uite ce am gasit pe un forum. Incercati si vedeti daca merge. Eu am DVD-ul de navigatie blocat in unitate. Cand dau pe eject, zice : Navigation DVD blocked. Stie cineva cum sa il scot?



Use Mp3 DVD on iDrive

Using Nero 7 for your burning program, open the Nero Burning ROM app and in the ISO tab set the following options:


Data mode: Mode 2 / XA (Mode 1 will also work. Depending on your type of burner this may or may not be an adjustable option.)

File system: ISO 9660 + Joilet

File name length (ISO): Max. of 31 chars (Level 2)

Character set (ISO): ASCII

Relax restrictions:


Allow path depth of more than 8 directories

Allow more than 255 characters in path

Allow more than 64 characters for Joilet names


Select your MP3 structures (directories) and drag em into Nero and burn at the normal speed (even if your burner support overburn) of your burner. I have a Pioneer A108 that is an 8X burner however can burn @ 16X halfway through the burn if I use the correct media and set NERO to "Max". I coastered a bunch of DVD-R's this way, and it only worked when I set my max speed back down to 8x. Either way...IT WORKS!! Post here if you have any issues

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