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avertizare in bord


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sal. Am un e 90 din 2005 , si de curand mi-a aparut un avertisment in bord. La prima si singura revizie pe care am facut-o , am schimbat uleiul si toate filtrele , problema e ca nu le-am schimbat la un service autorizat si nici la vreunul care sa aiba posibilitatea sa lege un calc la computerul de bord si sa-i dea un reset. Ca urmare , roman cum sunt , sunt avertizat ca trebui sa merg neaparat la service , avand si un desen in bord cu o masina pe o platforma.Probema mea cea mare este ca nu cunva masina sa nu mai porneasca intr-o buna zi , lasand deoparte eroare care o trec cu vederea.Teoretic eu mai am de mers cu masina pana la urmatoarea revizie inca 10.000 de km .Neavand posibilitatea sa ma duc la cineva sa umble la setari , pt ca nu sunt in tara , va intreb daca pot sa merg cu ea asa , cu avertismentul in bord , inca cateva luni ? :)
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sal. Am un e 90 din 2005 , si de curand mi-a aparut un avertisment in bord. La prima si singura revizie pe care am facut-o , am schimbat uleiul si toate filtrele , problema e ca nu le-am schimbat la un service autorizat si nici la vreunul care sa aiba posibilitatea sa lege un calc la computerul de bord si sa-i dea un reset. Ca urmare , roman cum sunt , sunt avertizat ca trebui sa merg neaparat la service , avand si un desen in bord cu o masina pe o platforma.Probema mea cea mare este ca nu cunva masina sa nu mai porneasca intr-o buna zi , lasand deoparte eroare care o trec cu vederea.Teoretic eu mai am de mers cu masina pana la urmatoarea revizie inca 10.000 de km .Neavand posibilitatea sa ma duc la cineva sa umble la setari , pt ca nu sunt in tara , va intreb daca pot sa merg cu ea asa , cu avertismentul in bord , inca cateva luni ? :)


Mergi la reprezentanta si plateste 20-30 EURO si reseteaza inspectia

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Sau reseteaz-o tu singur din bord fara niciun 30 de euro, vezi pe e90post.com sau iti scriu mai tarziu cum sa faci

Sincer... mai ajuta foarte mult daca ai putea sa ma indrumi.Tin sa mentionez ca modelul meu nu este prevazut cu consola , am doar un conpiuter de bord care imi indica consumul , presiunea , si multe alte tiganii , este un displei destul de primitiv .Nu am avut banii necesari sa-mi achizitionez o masina cu consola si dvd. Defilam cu ce avem.

mersi anticipat

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Avertizarea service se reseteaza manual din bord:


Step 1

Insert key into slot

Step 2

Press start/stop button without depressing clutch/brake and wait for the service reminder to dissapear.

Step 3

Immediately after service reminder goes out, press and hold the odometer reset. After 3 secs a warning triangle will appear, keep the odo. button pressed and after another 2-3 secs the Oil can will appear. I f you hold it too long (10 secs in total) you will overshoot the runway and some German writing will appear giving the software level/ can bus etc. of the car. Go back to the beginning and start again.

Step 4

You are now in the service menu, use the toggle switch on indicator stalk to scroll up/down through the various service items.

Step 5

When you have the item you want to reset showing, press the BC button on end of indicator stalk. Reset should now appear in the display. Press in and hold the BC button for 2-3 secs and a clock will start whirling around and hey presto, its done

Step 6

You can now either scroll up/down to select another item (as in step 4) or you can press the start/stop button to exit.


Enjoy! E foarte simplu :)

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Avertizarea service se reseteaza manual din bord:


Step 1

Insert key into slot

Step 2

Press start/stop button without depressing clutch/brake and wait for the service reminder to dissapear.

Step 3

Immediately after service reminder goes out, press and hold the odometer reset. After 3 secs a warning triangle will appear, keep the odo. button pressed and after another 2-3 secs the Oil can will appear. I f you hold it too long (10 secs in total) you will overshoot the runway and some German writing will appear giving the software level/ can bus etc. of the car. Go back to the beginning and start again.

Step 4

You are now in the service menu, use the toggle switch on indicator stalk to scroll up/down through the various service items.

Step 5

When you have the item you want to reset showing, press the BC button on end of indicator stalk. Reset should now appear in the display. Press in and hold the BC button for 2-3 secs and a clock will start whirling around and hey presto, its done

Step 6

You can now either scroll up/down to select another item (as in step 4) or you can press the start/stop button to exit.




Enjoy! E foarte simplu :)


Fa ce zice THX si va merge. Avertizarea cu platforma poate avea mai multe cauze. Inainte de aparitia ei, ai fost avertizat asupra viitoarei cauze. La mine s-a dus senzorul de la placutele de frana si nu am putut aplica resetul pana nu am schimbat senzorul. La ulei sau filtrul de polen a mers fara sa le schimb.

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Avertizarea service se reseteaza manual din bord:


Step 1

Insert key into slot

Step 2

Press start/stop button without depressing clutch/brake and wait for the service reminder to dissapear.

Step 3

Immediately after service reminder goes out, press and hold the odometer reset. After 3 secs a warning triangle will appear, keep the odo. button pressed and after another 2-3 secs the Oil can will appear. I f you hold it too long (10 secs in total) you will overshoot the runway and some German writing will appear giving the software level/ can bus etc. of the car. Go back to the beginning and start again.

Step 4

You are now in the service menu, use the toggle switch on indicator stalk to scroll up/down through the various service items.

Step 5

When you have the item you want to reset showing, press the BC button on end of indicator stalk. Reset should now appear in the display. Press in and hold the BC button for 2-3 secs and a clock will start whirling around and hey presto, its done

Step 6

You can now either scroll up/down to select another item (as in step 4) or you can press the start/stop button to exit.


Enjoy! E foarte simplu :)


In primul rand multumes mult , acum am venit de la munca si mai in colo o sa ma duc sa incer.



Avertizarea service se reseteaza manual din bord:


Step 1

Insert key into slot

Step 2

Press start/stop button without depressing clutch/brake and wait for the service reminder to dissapear.

Step 3

Immediately after service reminder goes out, press and hold the odometer reset. After 3 secs a warning triangle will appear, keep the odo. button pressed and after another 2-3 secs the Oil can will appear. I f you hold it too long (10 secs in total) you will overshoot the runway and some German writing will appear giving the software level/ can bus etc. of the car. Go back to the beginning and start again.

Step 4

You are now in the service menu, use the toggle switch on indicator stalk to scroll up/down through the various service items.

Step 5

When you have the item you want to reset showing, press the BC button on end of indicator stalk. Reset should now appear in the display. Press in and hold the BC button for 2-3 secs and a clock will start whirling around and hey presto, its done

Step 6

You can now either scroll up/down to select another item (as in step 4) or you can press the start/stop button to exit.


Enjoy! E foarte simplu :lol:


In primul rand multumes mult , acum am venit de la munca si mai in colo o sa ma duc sa incer.


Nici sa mai scriu nu stiu:)) sunt obosit , cica vin de la munca .

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Avertizarea service se reseteaza manual din bord:


Step 1

Insert key into slot

Step 2

Press start/stop button without depressing clutch/brake and wait for the service reminder to dissapear.

Step 3

Immediately after service reminder goes out, press and hold the odometer reset. After 3 secs a warning triangle will appear, keep the odo. button pressed and after another 2-3 secs the Oil can will appear. I f you hold it too long (10 secs in total) you will overshoot the runway and some German writing will appear giving the software level/ can bus etc. of the car. Go back to the beginning and start again.

Step 4

You are now in the service menu, use the toggle switch on indicator stalk to scroll up/down through the various service items.

Step 5

When you have the item you want to reset showing, press the BC button on end of indicator stalk. Reset should now appear in the display. Press in and hold the BC button for 2-3 secs and a clock will start whirling around and hey presto, its done

Step 6

You can now either scroll up/down to select another item (as in step 4) or you can press the start/stop button to exit.


Enjoy! E foarte simplu :)


In primul rand multumes mult , acum am venit de la munca si mai in colo o sa ma duc sa incer.



Avertizarea service se reseteaza manual din bord:


Step 1

Insert key into slot

Step 2

Press start/stop button without depressing clutch/brake and wait for the service reminder to dissapear.

Step 3

Immediately after service reminder goes out, press and hold the odometer reset. After 3 secs a warning triangle will appear, keep the odo. button pressed and after another 2-3 secs the Oil can will appear. I f you hold it too long (10 secs in total) you will overshoot the runway and some German writing will appear giving the software level/ can bus etc. of the car. Go back to the beginning and start again.

Step 4

You are now in the service menu, use the toggle switch on indicator stalk to scroll up/down through the various service items.

Step 5

When you have the item you want to reset showing, press the BC button on end of indicator stalk. Reset should now appear in the display. Press in and hold the BC button for 2-3 secs and a clock will start whirling around and hey presto, its done

Step 6

You can now either scroll up/down to select another item (as in step 4) or you can press the start/stop button to exit.


Enjoy! E foarte simplu :lol:


In primul rand multumes mult , acum am venit de la munca si mai in colo o sa ma duc sa incer.


Nici sa mai scriu nu stiu:)) sunt obosit , cica vin de la munca .


Intr-un final am reusit sa intru in minicomputerul de bord si sa resetez tot ce era de resetat ,ffiltre ulei ... mai putin , sincer nici nu stiu ce este , imi arata spatele masinii ( cu semnul exclamarii intr-un cerc ) asta era rrosie si cand am resetat-o a schimbat-o in galben , celalalte fiind in portocaliu , si de la - 40 km acum dupa ce iam dat restart imi apar doar niste puncte ( pot sa-i dau restart dar nu se intampla nimic) , iar cand dau sau iau contact imi da aceeasi eroare , masina pe o platforma , fara sa mai imi arate ca merg pe - km.

PL help

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Spatele masinii cu semnul exclamarii te avertizeaza ca trebuie neaparat sa schimbi placutele.-40km inseamna ca trebuia sa le schimbi acum 40 de km,adica esti la mare risc!!Mergi si verifica-le neaparat!


Mersi mult , am sa ma duc sa verific masina luni. Doar ca mentiune , eu inainte sa plec din tara , adica acum 6 luni , am fost cu ea la service ca sa-i schimb cauciucurile.Eu i-am intrebat pe baietii de acolo cum stau cu placute , iar raspunsul lor aa fost : sunt aproape noi. Este posibil sa se fi tocit in acest timp , lund in considerare ca eu am facut 1 500 de km pe autostrada si inca 4 000 pana in prezent , este posibil sa se fi dus ??


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Sincer eram 2 cu masinile , amandoua erau cocotate , si ala de la sevice cand l-am intrebat de placute mi-a si aratat cum trebuie sa arate unela tocite , adica a prietenului meu. In comparatie cu ale lui ale male erau noi , aveau sabatu aproape intact , ala de la care am preluat-o i le schimbase cu 3 000 de km inainte sa o cumpar eu in germania. De aia intreb

De dus la service o sa ma duc mai mult ca sigur luni.

Mersi inca o data pt repiditatea rapunsurilor


Sincer ai dreptate , majoritatea angajatilor sunt pe langa :)) problema este ca , cateodata nu ai ce sa faci , si trebuie sa te iei dupa ceea ce spun ei , realizand dupa ca sunt pe langa nu poate sai acuze prea mult , si ramai tu cel care are de pierdut . Viata te invata multe

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