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nu mai functioneaza bine masina :)

ca si functionare nu este la fel cu cel de pe Dacia 1300 :lol: Nu este un decantor !!!


BMW recomanda schimbul filtrului de aer la fiecare ''Inspection I sau II''


Pentru :

Filtru de aer

Filtru de combustibil


Filtru de ulei


Lichid de frana


...BMW recomanda schimbarea lor macar la un interval de Inspection !!!

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BMW 3 (E46) 320 d cod motor: M47204D1,M 47 D 20


Interval de schimbare a filtrului de aer -> la fiecare service II

Interval de schimbare a filtrului de combustibil -> la fiecare service II

Interval de schimbare a lichidului de frânã -> la fiecare service În funcÞie de indicatorul de interval (cel mai târziu o datã la 2 ani)

Interval de schimbare a agentului de rĂŁcire a motorului -> la fiecare 4 ani

Interval de schimbare a uleiului de motor Âşi a filtrului -> la fiecare service ĂŽn funcĂžie de indicatorul de interval

Interval de schimbare a filtrului de habitaclu -> la fiecare service

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Sursa este un site ce comercializeazĂŁ uleiuri Âşi filtre auto. Nu am pus link pt a nu se considera cĂŁ fac reclamĂŁ, cu toate cĂŁ nu am nicio legĂŁturĂŁ cu acel site. Dar vĂŁ asigur cĂŁ informaĂžiile sunt corecte Âşi cele recomandate de producĂŁtor.

Numai bine.

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Deci informatia ta este 0 [zero].

Citeste cartea de service a masinii tale si apoi o sa te lamuresti...:)


Fiecare service auto sau magazin de piese o sa iti spuna INTOTDEAUNA ca piesa X trebuie schimbata CHIAR ATUNCI :lol:


supras_clan a intrebat despre informatii oficiale...

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Deci informatia ta este 0 [zero].

Citeste cartea de service a masinii tale si apoi o sa te lamuresti...:)


Fiecare service auto sau magazin de piese o sa iti spuna INTOTDEAUNA ca piesa X trebuie schimbata CHIAR ATUNCI :lol:


supras_clan a intrebat despre informatii oficiale...



Am incercat sa citesc cartea dar este in germana si nu cunosc.

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intre Inspection I si II este un interval de aproximativ 50.000 km [30.000 mile] !!! acest interval se respecta mai ales cand masina este in garantie :)


la mine :

44.435 km Inspection I

86.742 km Inspection II

142.163 km Inspection II

164.536 km Inspection I


...stampila BMW Germania pe ele !!!

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For 1999 and later models, the recommended service/inspection intervals are as follows:



5,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)

10,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)

15,000 miles - Oil and Safety Service (O/S)

20,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)

25,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)

30,000 miles - BMW Inspection I (I/1)

35,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)

40,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)

45,000 miles - Oil and Safety Service (O/S)

50,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)

55,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)

60,000 miles - BMW Inspection II (I/2)

65,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)

70,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)

75,000 miles - Oil and Safety Service (O/S)

80,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)

85,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)

90,000 miles - BMW Inspection I (I/1)

95,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)

100,000 miles - intermediate oil service (O/F)



Bentley BMW Service Manual

BMW Inspection I

The BMW Inspection 1 Service is the smaller of the two inspection services recommended by BMW. It includes basically all of the items that assures safety and full functionality of your vehicle. Other makes and models can also utilize this maintenance program to ensure a pleasant drive and ownership (But make sure you mechanic says it is OK first). Inspection 1 could cost in the range of $200+ to $300+ depending on who you go to and also if you have any repairs. (Repair cost are not included in the inspection cost) So be prepared to spend more!. If your mechanical skills are high, just DO-It-Yourself! The items that are generally checked are listed below. If you are performing the inspection yourself, We carry most of the BMW parts you need to complete the inspection and replacement of BMW parts. Click here for the Online BMW Parts Catalog. Don't forget to purchase the BMW service/oil change reset tool.



Change engine oil and filter oil while engine is at normal operation temperature.

Check transmission for leaks.

Check rear axle for leaks.

Visually check fuel tank, lines, and connections for leaks.

Check condition, position, and mounting of exhaust system. Examine for leaks.

Check power steering system for leaks.

Check overall thickness of front and rear disc brake pads.

Examine brake disc surfaces.

Clean brake pad contact points in calipers.

Grease wheel center hubs.

Check steering for absence of play, condition of suspension track rods, front axle joints, steering linkage, and joint disc.

Check front control arm bushing for wear.

Check brake and clutch system connectors and lines for leaks, damage, and incorrect positioning.

Check for free movement of the parking brake cables. Adjust parking brake if necessary.

Check all tire pressures (including spare). Correct if necessary.

Check condition of tires (outer surfaces (left/right)), tread wear and pattern; In case of uneven tread wear readjust wheel alignment if required.



Engine Compartment

Read out diagnostic system

Check engine cooling system/heater hose connections for leaks.

Check coolant level and antifreeze protection level; add coolant if necessary.

Check level of brake and clutch fluid in reservoir; add fluid if required.

Check windshield washer fluid level and antifreeze protection. Fill up and/or correct if necessary.

Check air conditioner for operation.

Reset Service Indicator.



Body/Electrical Equipment

Check battery electrolyte level and add distilled water if required.

Perform batter load test.

Check lighting system, i.e. headlights, foglights, parking, backup, license plate, interior (including map reading lights), glove box, flashlight, illuminated makeup mirrors, luggage compartment lights.

Check instrument panel and dashboard illumination.

Check all warning/indicator lights, check control.

Check turn signals, hazard warning flashers, brake lights, horns, headlight dimmer/flasher switch.

Check wiper and washer system(s); wiper blades, washer jet positions.

Check condition and function of safety belts.

Oil hood, trunk/tailgate, and door hinges.

Grease hood, trunk/tailgate and door latches. Check operation of all latches.

Check central locking/double lock.

Replace microfilter or Acc. Cabin Filter.

Check heater/air conditioner blower, rear window defogger.

Check rear view mirrors

Visually examine the SRS airbag units for torn cover, obvious damage or attachment of decals, decorations, or accessories.



Final Inspection

Road test with check of brakes, suspension, steering, clutch/manual transmission or automatic transmission





Inspection II

The Inspection 2 Service is the larger of the two Inspection Services and basically includes all of the items performed on the Inspection I Service along with some extras like differential oil change; fuel filter and air filter replacements; Replacement of spark plugs. Inspection 2 generally runs around $500+ to $800+. Below are the items that are normally performed. If you are performing the inspection yourself, We carry most of the BMW parts you need to complete the inspection and replacement of BMW parts. Click here for the Online BMW Parts Catalog. Don't forget to purchase the BMW service/oil change reset tool.



Change engine oil and filter oil while engine is at normal operation temperature.

Check transmission for leaks.

Check rear axle for leaks.

Visually check fuel tank, lines, and connections for leaks.

Check condition, position, and mounting of exhaust system. Examine for leaks.

Check power steering system for leaks.

Check overall thickness of front and rear disc brake pads.

Examine brake disc surfaces.

Clean brake pad contact points in calipers.

Grease wheel center hubs.

Check steering for absence of play, condition of suspension track rods, front axle joints, steering linkage, and joint disc.

Check front control arm bushing for wear.

Check brake and clutch system connectors and lines for leaks, damage, and incorrect positioning.

Check for free movement of the parking brake cables. Adjust parking brake if necessary.

Check all tire pressures (including spare). Correct if necessary.

Check condition of tires (outer surfaces (left/right)), tread wear and pattern; In case of uneven tread wear readjust wheel alignment if required.

Check thickness of parking brake linings.

Half-shafts; check for leaks at flexible boots.

Inspect entire body according to terms of rust prevention limited warranty.


Engine Compartment

Read out diagnostic system

Check engine cooling system/heater hose connections for leaks.

Check coolant level and antifreeze protection level; add coolant if necessary.

Check level of brake and clutch fluid in reservoir; add fluid if required.

Check windshield washer fluid level and antifreeze protection. Fill up and/or correct if necessary.

Check air conditioner for operation.

Reset Service Indicator.

Replace spark plugs.

Replace intake air cleaner element.



Body/Electrical Equipment

Check battery electrolyte level and add distilled water if required.

Perform batter load test.

Check lighting system, i.e. headlights, foglights, parking, backup, license plate, interior (including map reading lights), glove box, flashlight, illuminated makeup mirrors, luggage compartment lights.

Check instrument panel and dashboard illumination.

Check all warning/indicator lights, check control.

Check turn signals, hazard warning flashers, brake lights, horns, headlight dimmer/flasher switch.

Check wiper and washer system(s); wiper blades, washer jet positions.

Check condition and function of safety belts.

Oil hood, trunk/tailgate, and door hinges.

Grease hood, trunk/tailgate and door latches. Check operation of all latches.

Check central locking/double lock.

Replace microfilter or Acc Cabin Filter.

Check heater/air conditioner blower, rear window defogger.

Check rear view mirrors

Visually examine the SRS airbag units for torn cover, obvious damage or attachment of decals, decorations, or accessories.



Final Inspection

Road test with check of brakes, suspension, steering, clutch/manual transmission or automatic transmission

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