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Valabil pt DDE 5/5.1


1 Preheating

At coolant temperatures below 25°C, there is a preheating period of 0.5 seconds. The preheating period increases as the temperature falls, reaching a maximum of 2.7 seconds at a coolant temperature of less than -25°C.


Activation of the glowplug system on the instrument cluster only occurs at coolant temperatures below 0°C.


2 After-heating

At coolant temperatures below 30°C, there is a temperature-dependent after-heating period to improve idling and exhaust emission characteristics.


3 Start preheating

Start preheating takes place for approx. 10 seconds if after the preheating time has elapsed the engine is not started and the ignition remain on."


DDE 5/5.1 Ro


1 Preincalzirea

Cand temp. apei de racire motor este sub 25°C bujiile sunt activate pt 0.5s. Timpul creste cu scaderea temperaturii ajungand pana la max 2.7s cand temp. apei e sub -25°C


Avertizarea pe bord apare doar cand temperatura apei ajunge sub 0°C


2 Dupa preincalzire (adica dupa ce motorul e pornit)

Cand temp. apei e sub 30°C, activarea si perioada de activare a bujiilor e dependenta de temperatura apei si se foloseste pt a mentine turatii cat mai constante la relanti si pt a scadea emisiile.


3 Preincalzirea pt pornire

Functia dureaza aprox 10s si se activeaza daca timpul pt preincalzire a trecut (se refera la cele "max 2.7s" ) motorul nu e pornit si cheia ramane pe accesorii.



Preheating System DDE 4.0


1 Preheater time control

The preheating duration is dependent on the engine coolant temperature and battery voltage and is indicated by the preheating/DDE indicator.


2 Preheating

At temperatures below 5 °C, preheating takes place for at least 4 seconds. The preheating time increases as the temperature decreases.


3 After-heating

After-heating takes place after engine start at temperatures below 20 °C in order to improve idle and exhaust characteristics.


4 Start preheating

Start preheating takes place for approx. 10 seconds if after the preheating time has elapsed the engine is not started and the ignition remain on.


DDE 4.0 Ro


1 Controlul timpului de activare

Durata activarii bujiilor depinde de temperatura apei de racire si tensiunea bateriei si este indicata de catre un martor sau mesaj


3 Preincalzirea

Are loc la temperaturi sub 5 °C, si dureaza cel putin 4s. Timpul creste cu scaderea temperaturii.


3 Dupa preincalzire

Functia se activeaza dupa ce motorul e pornit la temperaturi sub 20 °C pt a mentine turatiile cat mai constant la relanti si pt a scadea emisiile


4 Preincalzirea pt pornire

Functia dureaza aprox 10s si se activeaza daca timpul pt preincalzire a trecut (se refera la 4s) motorul nu e pornit si cheia ramane pe accesorii.




Preheating System DDE 3.0


1 Preheater time control

The preheating duration is dependent on the engine coolant temperature and battery voltage and is indicated by the preheating/DDE indicator.


2 Preheating

Preheating takes place for approx. 2 seconds between 6 °C and 20 °C. No preheating takes place at temperatures above this value.


3 After-heating

After-heating takes place after engine start at temperatures below 40 °C in order to improve idle and exhaust characteristics.




1 Controlul timpului de activare

Durata activarii bujiilor depinde de temperatura apei de racire si tensiunea bateriei si este indicata de catre un martor sau mesaj


2 Preincalzirea

Are loc la temperaturi intre 6 °C si 20°C si dureaza aprox 2s. Functia nu se activeaza la temperaturi mai ridicate.


3 Dupa preincalzire

Functia se activeaza dupa ce motorul e pornit la temperaturi sub 40 °C pt a mentine turatiile cat mai constant la relanti si pt a scadea emisiile


asa ca nu doar iarna se folosesc bujiile la diesel :lol:


sa va fie de folos :)

Edited by clauberty
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