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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

[Vand] Becuri BOSCH Xenon Silver

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@Alexandru', da-mi voie sa ma indoiesc de ceea ce scrie prin prospectele alea... e vorba de fizica pura si ceva chimie...


amestecul de gaze rare este foarte instabil, iar in concurs cu un arc electric INTERIOR (filamentul becului) ar putea da nastere unei mici explozii...


arcul electric EXTERIOR (cum e in cazul becurilor cu gas xenon) aduce particulele gazului in stare de incandescenta intr-un anumit nivel de voltaj/amperaj ...


si eu consider ca acea "proportie mica de Xenon" ramane doar pe eticheta, nicidecum in interiorul becului... bafta la vanzare !

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@X X L

Iti multumesc pentru raspunsul documentat. Nu pot spune, din pacate, despre mine ca am fost pasionat de chimie.


Fara a avea pretentia ca urmatorul citat este dintr-o sursa academica, iata ce discutau si altii. Imi cer scuze ca nu am facut traducerea.





Halogen, xenon, and krypton all refer to the gasses used to fill the bulb.


Light bulbs are usually filled with a mixture of gasses, selected to help retard the evaporation of the filament and to minimize heat loss from the filament. Argon works OK for this, krypton works better, and xenon better still. The better gasses are more expensive, of course. Because flashlight bulbs are so small, it's relatively economical to use pricier gasses like krypton and xenon, so they're pretty common.


Halogen, on the other hand, isn't a particular element or chemical. Halogen bulbs include small amounts of one of the halogen family of elements (usually iodine) in the fill gas. The halogen gas in the bulb can actually bond temporarily with evaporated filament metal, and redeposit the metal back on the filament. This extends the filament life and keeps the bulb's glass free of the filament deposits that make other bulbs turn gray as they age.


There isn't anything mutually exclusive between krypton/xenon and halogen. Some bulbs are both xenon and halogen, or both krypton and halogen.


In any case, the goal of both strategies is the same: to allow the filament to have a reasonably long life when burning at the highest possible temperature, burning more brightly and more efficiently.


There's a lot more detail available on subjects like these at Don Klipstein's Lighting Info Site. He's got a page specifically about xenon incandescent flashlight bulbs, and a longer section on incandescent lamps in general, including some info on halogen bulbs.

Edited by Alexandru`
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