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ASC sau DSC la E46 si E39


DSC vs. ASC (+T)  

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Guest poleposition

ASC - Automatic Stability Control

ASC uses speed sensors at each wheel and throttle position to improve traction by applying the rear brakes if the rear wheels spin faster than the front. It can also shut off individual fuel injectors and close the throttle valve to help maximize traction. ASC also acts as a virtual limited slip differential by detecting a spinning wheel and applying braking force to just that wheel until traction is regained. AWD models (the xi) use ASC-X which monitors all 4 wheels to provide limited slip differential effect. The ASC system also provides traction control by modulating throttle, ignition timing and braking force to maintain traction.

DSC - Dynamic Stability Control

DSC builds on the features of the ASC system. While ASC functions only during acceleration and braking, DSC functions during all driving conditions such as cornering and emergency maneuvers. Additional sensors are added to acheive this level of stability such as lateral, yaw, brake pedal, and steering angle sensors. In DSC, each of the three subsystems: ABS, ASC, and DSC have jobs to do, and these are:


ABS: Cornering Brake Control, Electronic Brake Proportioning

ASC: Brake Intervention (or ABD-Automatic Braking Differential), Drag/Drive Torque Reduction

DSC: Dynamic Brake Control, Maximum Brake Control


Cornering Brake Control keeps the inside rear wheel from locking during hard cornering when it may be lifted from the road surface brought on by the car's reaction to centrifugal forces a.k.a. body roll.


Electronic Brake Proportioning uses the wheel speed sensors to maximize braking ability by controlling rear braking force bias depending on vehicle's front/rear weight load balance.


Brake Intervention acts to keep any single wheel from spinning faster than the rest. It can apply brake pressure to the affected wheel to control wheelspin. This is the virtual limited slip differential effect.


Drag Torque Reduction evaluates rear wheel lockup caused by hard decceleration or engine braking on low traction surfaces. If the rear wheels spin slower than the front, this function can open the throttle to suspend coasting and regain traction. Also, another feature of this subsystem is Drive Torque Reduction. Drive Torque Reduction acts to limit the engine's torque output during low traction situations such as snow, sand, or mud. It can reduce the throttle valve angle, retard ignition timing, and cut individual fuel injectors to do so.


Dynamic Brake Control will boost brake pressure beyond what your foot can do in emergency situations. During emergency braking, when you mash your brake pedal the floor, DBC kicks in and increases the brake pressure right to the ABS limit to produce maximum braking force and minimum stopping distance.


Maximum Brake Control functions to improve braking efficency by increasing rear brake pressure when the front wheels are at lockup and are being regulated by the ABS system.

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Deci ASC-ul pune frana doar pe rotile spate pe cand DSC-ul si pe cele din fata.

ESP e cumparat de la bosch de mai multi producatori de masini pe cand BMW si-a dezvoltat singur sistemul antiderapaj numindu-l bineinteles altfel.

Edited by Taz
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Guest poleposition

denumirea ESP nu exista in grupul AG ci in grupul VAG. E bine asa ?


Oricum nu are legatura cu topicul.


ESP (Electronic Stability Program) este unul din sistemele de siguranţă activă pentru automobile. Denumirea ESP este marcă ĂŽnregistrată a Robert Bosch GMBH, alte companii utilizând acronime diferite, precum ESC (Electronic Stability Control), DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) sau TCS (Traction Control System).


dar sistemele au evoluat separat pentru fiecare marca in parte.


TCS este pentru Toyota daca nu ma insel, am avut toyota si era ceva de genul TCS

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Guest poleposition
Daca suntem off ca un balcon,macar lumineaza-ne....adica poleposition,deschide un topic dedicat DSC.........parca e si prezent pe M6 ce ai,asa ne explici si cum functioneaza.........te rooooog.... :)


cineva a solicitat informatii privind diferentele intre DSC si ASC, nu am facut decat sa copiez (mai sus) explicatii venite din partea cuiva care cu siguranta esta mai in masura sa vorbeasca despre acest aspect decat mine, eu sunt numai un end user, cu limitate cunostinte tehnice.


Nu am ce sa luminez si nu inteleg ironia. Iti poti pastra "inimoarele" pentru persoana iubita eventual, catre mine nu este cazul.


Informatii despre functionarea DSC sunt disponibile pe site-urile internationale BMW, nu are rost un asemenea topic.


In afara de asta, la un simplu search pe forum, sunt sigur ca vor rasari cateva topicuri dedicate DSC.

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