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FILTRE K&N conice si de cutie!


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La ce sunt bune filtrele astea ?



Ajuta motorul sa respire mai usor in ture,producatorul garanteaza o crestere a puterii cu 2/3cp in afara de asta nu mai trebuie schimbate la fiecare revizie sunt garantate un milion de kilometri! Pe langa filtre se poate comanda la 80 de lei KITul curatare K&N! Pentru alte detalii folositi motoarele de cautare!

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Guest poleposition

De ce sa folosim motoarele de cautare, tu vinzi pe google sau pe un forum ? vor mai fi intrebari.


Cum garanteaza producatorul aia 3 CP ? Tot 3 CP castig si daca pun pe 320d si daca pun pe M5 ?


1 milion de Kilometri ? da... tot garantati nu ?

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De ce sa folosim motoarele de cautare, tu vinzi pe google sau pe un forum ? vor mai fi intrebari.


Cum garanteaza producatorul ai 3 CP ? Tot 3 CP castig si daca pun pe 320d si daca pun pe M5 ?


1 milion de Kilometri ? da... tot garantati nu ?


devii enervant! ma refeream la intrebarile tale inutile si caterinca ieftina la care nu sunt dispus sa raspund! Este un topic de vanzare pentru acele persoane care cunosc si stiu cu ce se mananca! Continua sa faci caterinca si sa vb pe alte topicuri te rog nu mai polua AICI!


Deci Filtre K&N






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Guest poleposition

Dar de ce nu am dreptul sa pun niste intrebari pertinente legate de produsele pe care le vinzi ? :)


Nu fac nici o caterinca, am intrebat daca am acelasi castig de putere, 3 CP, indiferent de masina pe care pun filtrul. Care-i caterinca ?


Si mai vreau sa stiu in ce consta garantarea puterii si faptul ca acest filtru tine 1 milion de kilometri.


Te rog sa raspunzi la aceste intrebari si nu imi mai da PM-uri aiurea.


Nu inteleg de ce sunt enervant.. te enervezi cam repede :lol:

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Uite sa nu spui ca nu vreau sa iti raspund, si nu vorbesc din basme! Lectura placuta:



K&N Automotive Air Filters


K&N Motorcycle and ATV Air Filters

K&N Motorcycle and ATV Air Filters

The Original High-Flow Air Filter

Since 1969 K&N Engineering has been designing, manufacturing, and enhancing High-Flow Air Filters for the automotive and motorcycle enthusiast interested in maximizing horsepower and acceleration. Since our humble beginnings we have designed and manufactured over 2,400 High-Flow Air Filters to fit most modern passenger vehicles and over 500 High-Flow Air Intake Systems to fit vehicles driven by enthusiast minded drivers. We not only have more applications than any other manufacturer of similar product, we invented the High-Flow category and the High-Flow Technology that supports it. K&N also makes thousands of racing and specialty type air filters and is the only air filter used at the Indianapolis 500 RaceÂŽ.


K&N Motorcycle Racing

The K&N FilterChargerÂŽ air filter is designed to achieve high, virtually unrestricted air flow while maintaining filtration levels critical to ensure long engine life. Our automotive OE (original equipment) replacement air filters generally add 1-4 horsepower. The secret to our success lies in the unique characteristics of our filter medium that was originally developed by K&N all those years ago in the dust, sweat and tears of desert motocross racing. We just wanted to win races and stumbled on a cotton filtration technology destined to be great. Our high flow cotton gauze air filter is washable, reusable and built to last for the life of an automotive or motorcycle engine. K&N air filters consist of four to six sheets of cotton gauze layered between two sheets of aluminum wire mesh. This media is then pleated and oiled to enhance its filtering capabilities and overall performance. K&N Air Filters were created for an environment requiring maximum horsepower and enhanced acceleration in addition to protection from the dirt and dust of off-road racing. The result is an air filter that allows dramatically more air into an engine, is washable and reusable, and will protect your engine for the life of your vehicle.


K&N Million Mile Limited WarrantyÂŽ and Consumer Protection Pledge

K&N warrants its street vehicle OE Replacement Air Filters for one million miles. When used properly and found to be defective, return your filter and the receipt from purchase and K&N will replace it free of charge. K&N’s Consumer Protection Plan goes one step further than its Million Mile Warranty. The performance aftermarket has, at times, been plagued by car manufacturers and automotive dealers that may attempt to discourage you from customizing your vehicle. They prefer you buy OE parts and not modify your car or truck and have even been known to void their own manufacturer’s warranty due to vehicle modification. That sounds un-American to us, which is why K&N and the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act (more information here) protect consumers from such denied warranty claims. When you buy an OE replacement K&N High-Flow Air Filter or High-Flow Air Intake System you can be confident your vehicle’s warranty will remain in effect. If you experience a difficult dealership, K&N will resolve the issue so you won’t have to. The following summarizes the K&N Consumer Protection Pledge:

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Guest poleposition
Nu fac nici o caterinca, am intrebat daca am acelasi castig de putere, 3 CP, indiferent de masina pe care pun filtrul. Care-i caterinca ?


Tot nu mi-ai raspuns la intrebarea de mai sus, pe care doresc sa o dezvolt astfel:


Pe masina mea am 2 filtre de aer (stanga si dreapta), daca pun 2 filtre K&N, aia 3 CP putere se dubleaza ? ma gandesc ca daca un filtru iti da 3 CP, 2 filtre insemna un castig de 6 CP, nu ? :)


Nu stiu ce scrie acolo, nu cunosc limba engleza.

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Daca merita efortul sa o duci pe Dyno poti vedea inainte si dupa montarea lor! :) Numai Bine!


Eu pun pe Dyno ..Si inainte si dupa .Si daca nu am minim 2 CP in plus ,platesti tu Dyno si-ti iei si filtrul inapoi ?

Presupun ca tu crezi total in ce vinzi . Din moment ce producatorul spune asa si mai da si garantie .

Edited by myxage
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e46 318i 1999 87kw. Filtru pentru cutie.



Pret de catalog 336 RON - 10% 300 RON


scade din viata la debitmetru?


Nu cred ca are treaba cu durata de viata a debitmetrului! pentru ca la fiecare revizie se curata! Numai bine

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La ce sunt bune filtrele astea ?



Ajuta motorul sa respire mai usor in ture,producatorul garanteaza o crestere a puterii cu 2/3cp in afara de asta nu mai trebuie schimbate la fiecare revizie sunt garantate un milion de kilometri! Pe langa filtre se poate comanda la 80 de lei KITul curatare K&N! Pentru alte detalii folositi motoarele de cautare!


Si daca "respira" mai usor ... nu afecteaza debitmetru'?

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aaaaa deci asta il iau odata apoi la fiecare revizie il curat timp de 1 milion de km?



Da, este un kit special care contine degresant si ulei pentru filtru! costa 80 de lei si iti ajunge cateva zeci de mii de km!

Il folosesti la revizie si nu mai ai treaba cu schimbatul filtrului de aer la fiecare revizie! :)


In Romania e prea mult praf pt a folosi asa ceva?

Nu crezi?


Nu are nici o legatura cu praful! e acelasi peste tot stai linistit! Asa hai sa nu mai punem filtre deloc sau sa punem dinalea de drumuri grele cu 2 straturi, nu?

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Guest poleposition
Un filtru conic fara Cold Air Intake, face mai mult rau (nu ca ar face ceva bun in general), va trage tot aerul cald de la motor in admisie si motorul va functiona mai prost. Edited by poleposition
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Un filtru conic fara Cold Air Intake, face mai mult rau (nu ca ar face ceva bun in general), va trage tot aerul cald de la motor in admisie si motorul va functiona mai prost.


Inca o dovada ca habar nu ai ce vorbesti! Un Kit dedicat pentru un anume model vine cu filtru conic montat in asa fel incat sa nu preia toata caldura de la motor! Numai bine

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