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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

DIY Remote Folding Mirrors Bmw E39 Facelift


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Hi Gabriel!

Thank you so much. Can I use the SPDT relay from a old BMW?? (picture in post #25), or I must buy a SPDT like you. I try to understand and want to trigger with alarm arm like this DIY for E46 post #24 http://forum.e46fanatics.com/showthread.ph...9444&page=2

In E46 they use to short Pin 2 and Pin 4. post #23 http://forum.e46fanatics.com/showthread.ph...1981&page=2

Instead Pin 2 and Pin4 I use A and B form your schema and PAC-Tr7 http://cgi.ebay.com/PAC-TR-7-TR7-Alpine-Vi...=item2c5a138bc8

to koble to GM. Do you have any comments for this methode? Do you have a close picture of A and B in the master door modu? Thanks so much.



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Hi Gabriel!

Thank you so much. Can I use the SPDT relay from a old BMW?? (picture in post #25), or I must buy a SPDT like you.


You can use any SPDT relay as long as it works on 12V.

I also used a relay that I previously recovered from an old alarm module so is not necessary to buy a new one.


I try to understand and want to trigger with alarm arm like this DIY for E46 post #24 http://forum.e46fanatics.com/showthread.ph...9444&page=2

I see you already posted on that thread, just wait for an answer or you can contact the user borlax via private message as he will get a notification on his e-mail.He is the one who can provide more info :twoup: .


In E46 they use to short Pin 2 and Pin 4. post #23 http://forum.e46fanatics.com/showthread.ph...1981&page=2

Instead Pin 2 and Pin4 I use A and B form your schema and PAC-Tr7 http://cgi.ebay.com/PAC-TR-7-TR7-Alpine-Vi...=item2c5a138bc8

to koble to GM. Do you have any comments for this methode?


I didn't have the pinouts for the E39 master door module nor GM module, that's why I hacked into the door module and that's why I solder the wires directly on the board.You can chose not to do that if you know the exact pinouts of the master module, ( like they show for E46 in the link above).


Do you have a close picture of A and B in the master door modu? Thanks so much.


Sorry, this is the closest I have.Save the picture and zoom on it, you will see exactly where to solder the wires.

ps: don't solder the wires on this side of the board!You will have to solder the wires on the other side.Contacts from this side of the board corresponds with contacts on the other side, just be shure you solder in the right place.





Hi Gabriel!

Can I use this rectifier diode P600 50 V 6 A, P 600A https://www.elfaelektronikk.no/elfa3~no_no/...2&toc=18884? instead of this 1N4007 or 1N4004 diode. Thank you.


Yes, you can use it.

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Thanks for info. I had sent a email to Blorax, but this topic from 2006. No respond from him. Do you know what the wire A and B call or signal?



Thanks for info. I had sent a email to Blorax, but this topic from 2006. No respond from him.



Thanks for info. I had sent a email to Blorax, but this topic from 2006. No respond from him.



Thanks for info. I had sent a email to Blorax, but this topic from 2006. No respond from him.



Thanks for info. I had sent a email to Blorax, but this topic from 2006. No respond from him.



Thanks for info. I had sent a email to Blorax, but this topic from 2006. No respond from him.



Thanks for info. I had sent a email to Blorax, but this topic from 2006. No respond from him.



Thanks for info. I had sent a email to Blorax, but this topic from 2006. No respond from him.




Edited by mud
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  • 2 months later...

e de apreciat munca. insa cred ca se putea gandi mai practic tot mecanismul. de ex: un prieten are un e46 320 cd 2005. la el se rabateaza oglinzile doar la apasarea lunga a butonului de inchidere din telecomanda. deci poti alege sa nu rabatezi oglinzile la fiecare inchidere.


cum e39 are inchiderea tuturor geamurilor si a trapei pe apasarea lunga a butonului. te poti lega la acea comanda.

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  • 1 month later...

Pentru a nu rabata oglinzile si in timpul mersului, se poate nega comanda acestui circuit suplimentar, in momentul cand e pus contactul si/sau pornit motorul. Asta inseamna ori inca un releu care sa faca treaba asta, ori o poarta logica. :)


Doc-ule, tocmai acest rol il au diodele.

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