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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

softuri diagnoza


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Multumesc pt. raspuns ...

Oricum, toti cei care vand interfata si DIS-ul spun ca merge la orice bmw pana-n 2008 .

Momentan am comandat o interfata de la o firma din Craiova cu 365 ron .

Vine in 2 zile ...


Merg doar pentru diagnoza pentru modele de pana in 2008 ( dar la unele motoare nu citeste motorul si unele module ), dar pentru codari si programari in nici un caz. Avantajul care il ai pentru interfata OBD pe care am cumparato eu ( chinezarie ) este ca se poate diagnostiaca aproape oate masinile ( VW, Audi,Seat, Skoda-VAG, Rnault,Logan-CLIP100, Opel-OP-COM, Citroen, Peugeot-Lexia Planet), a intrat in toate modulele si a diagnosticat perfect.

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Momentan am comandat o interfata de la o firma din Craiova cu 365 ron .

Vine in 2 zile ...


Daca e ELM 327 sa cauti soft de la Palmer Engineering...gasesti pe torrent. Nu e chiar DIS dar e mai sus de Carsoft

Asta e numai parerea mea

Vorbim in PM daca vrei si iti dau o copie cu licenta mea pentru PCMScan



Nu mai tin minte cum se numeste dar soseste in 2 zile si-ti spun ...

Multumesc !

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  • 2 weeks later...
Momentan am comandat o interfata de la o firma din Craiova cu 365 ron .

Vine in 2 zile ...


Daca e ELM 327 sa cauti soft de la Palmer Engineering...gasesti pe torrent. Nu e chiar DIS dar e mai sus de Carsoft

Asta e numai parerea mea

Vorbim in PM daca vrei si iti dau o copie cu licenta mea pentru PCMScan



Nu mai tin minte cum se numeste dar soseste in 2 zile si-ti spun ...

Multumesc !

Intr-adevar, nu am reusit sa fac nimic cu interfata asta si am vorbit s-o trimit retur in schimbul la PA Soft 1.36 care-i mai prietenos la utilizare din cate am inteles ...

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Bavaria multam de raspuns si de link da am o problema,in sensul ca de cate ori incerc sa deschid forumul imi da eroare in pagina si am incercat cu 3 browsere(mozilla,chrome si internet explorer).Merge sa intru peste tot in afara de sectiunea forum.Asa ca daca poti sa ma ajuti aici ori pe PM cu niste indicatii despre cum as putea sa o fac sa mearga,as fii recunoscator....Deci,ca telefon folosesc un nokia X6 si ca diagnoza am gasit asa ceva: http://www.okazii.ro/catalog/42648923/vand...etooth.html.Cam ce mai imi trebuie si de unde as putea sa iau????Multam inca o data si scuze deranjul....
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Bavaria multam de raspuns si de link da am o problema,in sensul ca de cate ori incerc sa deschid forumul imi da eroare in pagina si am incercat cu 3 browsere(mozilla,chrome si internet explorer).Merge sa intru peste tot in afara de sectiunea forum.Asa ca daca poti sa ma ajuti aici ori pe PM cu niste indicatii despre cum as putea sa o fac sa mearga,as fii recunoscator....Deci,ca telefon folosesc un nokia X6 si ca diagnoza am gasit asa ceva: http://www.okazii.ro/catalog/42648923/vand...etooth.html.Cam ce mai imi trebuie si de unde as putea sa iau????Multam inca o data si scuze deranjul....


O sa iti dau un pm cu adresa firmei de unde poti sa cumperi softul.




Nu pot sa pun aici adresa deoarece se poate interpreta ca reclama si nu vreau sa incalc regulile acestui forum de pasionati. :twoup:

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Bavaria multam de raspuns si de link da am o problema,in sensul ca de cate ori incerc sa deschid forumul imi da eroare in pagina si am incercat cu 3 browsere(mozilla,chrome si internet explorer).Merge sa intru peste tot in afara de sectiunea forum.Asa ca daca poti sa ma ajuti aici ori pe PM cu niste indicatii despre cum as putea sa o fac sa mearga,as fii recunoscator....Deci,ca telefon folosesc un nokia X6 si ca diagnoza am gasit asa ceva: http://www.okazii.ro/catalog/42648923/vand...etooth.html.Cam ce mai imi trebuie si de unde as putea sa iau????Multam inca o data si scuze deranjul....


O sa iti dau un pm cu adresa firmei de unde poti sa cumperi softul.




Nu pot sa pun aici adresa deoarece se poate interpreta ca reclama si nu vreau sa incalc regulile acestui forum de pasionati. :twoup:

multam mult inca o data!

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Am parcurs topicul, si sa fiu sincer am deja capul calendar :)


Ce imi recomandati ca potrivit in materie de tester pentru uz personal, la 318i din '99, adica cu mufa mare rotunda la motor?

Nu sunt chiar neinitiat cu testere, dar le folosesc la alte utilaje, nu la masini mici :twoup:


Scz pentru postul acesta, dar chiar m-a depasit discutia din topic, si as dori un sumar :)


Mersi anticipat

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Am si eu o problema cu INPA - imi vede IGNITION "pe dos" - pe off cand sunt cu contactul pus, si invers. Aveti idee de la ce se intampla asta?


Nu pot citi erorile - pentru ca sunt cu contactul pus, si el imi spune switch ignition on ...


adica ai avut instalata impa inainte si mergea sau de la inceput face asa, ca daca este de la inceput este de la soft sau instalare gresita

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Am si eu o problema cu INPA - imi vede IGNITION "pe dos" - pe off cand sunt cu contactul pus, si invers. Aveti idee de la ce se intampla asta?


Nu pot citi erorile - pentru ca sunt cu contactul pus, si el imi spune switch ignition on ...


adica ai avut instalata impa inainte si mergea sau de la inceput face asa, ca daca este de la inceput este de la soft sau instalare gresita



pai am mai avut instalat inpa si folosit cu alta interfata. acum e instalat din nou, dar acelasi kit, nu cred sa fi facut altceva la instalare. ce poate fi gresit in instalare ... cred ca e ceva de la adaptorul de usb, de la setarile com-ului sau ceva.. dar.. Speram ca cineva cu mai multa experienta o sa recunoasca simptomul :twoup:

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Mersi de sfat, stiu de obd.ini, porturile sunt configurate corect, e o problema cu interfata, am incercat-o si pe alte softuri si pe alte masina... O schimb..


Exista un soft care ajuta. Vezi in fila atasata subliniat cu galben

Edit: il am eu dar ti-l dau in mail eventual daca tu crezi ca rezolvi

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  • 1 month later...


Am si eu o problema cu INPA - imi vede IGNITION "pe dos" - pe off cand sunt cu contactul pus, si invers. Aveti idee de la ce se intampla asta?


Nu pot citi erorile - pentru ca sunt cu contactul pus, si el imi spune switch ignition on ...


Ai cumva Dell?

Am patit si eu si apoi citind in manualul INPA, am vazut asta:


1.10 Battery and Ignition not recognised

Reason: With a Dell Latitude D600 laptop, pin 9 has no function and it is therefore not

able to correctly recognise the battery status.

Solution 1: Use OBD via USB, see C:\EDIABAS\BIN\INI.PDF Chapter 2.2 for this.

Solution 2: The laptop is connected to the docking station.

Solution 3: Workaround for the OBD driver as of February 2004: A file “OBD.ini” must be

created in the directory C:\WINDOWS for Windows XP, or alternatively

C:\WINNT for Windows NT, with the following entry. This is because with

UBATT=OFF, the battery status is not determined via hardware, but is

permanently set to “Battery voltage available”. Also see OBD_DOKU.pdf in the

\Ediabas\Hardware\OBD directory.

Edited by DanS
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Am si eu o problema cu INPA - imi vede IGNITION "pe dos" - pe off cand sunt cu contactul pus, si invers. Aveti idee de la ce se intampla asta?


Nu pot citi erorile - pentru ca sunt cu contactul pus, si el imi spune switch ignition on ...


Ai cumva Dell?

Am patit si eu si apoi citind in manualul INPA, am vazut asta:


1.10 Battery and Ignition not recognised

Reason: With a Dell Latitude D600 laptop, pin 9 has no function and it is therefore not

able to correctly recognise the battery status.

Solution 1: Use OBD via USB, see C:\EDIABAS\BIN\INI.PDF Chapter 2.2 for this.

Solution 2: The laptop is connected to the docking station.

Solution 3: Workaround for the OBD driver as of February 2004: A file “OBD.ini” must be

created in the directory C:\WINDOWS for Windows XP, or alternatively

C:\WINNT for Windows NT, with the following entry. This is because with

UBATT=OFF, the battery status is not determined via hardware, but is

permanently set to “Battery voltage available”. Also see OBD_DOKU.pdf in the

\Ediabas\Hardware\OBD directory.


Trebuie redenumit fisierul Edibas din folderul C:/EDIBAS/bin/EDIBAS se modifica cu setarile in functie de interfata iar INPA este deja setat pentru o astfel de interfata asa cum ai scris la Solution 3. In concluzie pentru toti care aveti interfata OBD ci doriti sa instalati programele de diagnoza pentru BMW :INPA, GT1, SSS Progman va stau la dispozitie cu softurile gata. Doar sa aveti SKYPE instalat pentru ca permite transferuri mai mari de fisiere. Fisierele sunt gata de copiat pe calculator si lucrat cu ele, dv sa aveti interfata OBD pe USB si mufa adaptoare pentru masinile mai vechi

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@Florinkim, Solution 3 nu spune asta si deja confuzezi omul....Daca vrei iti traduc dar cred c-o poti face si singur

@derelict...Stai linistit si nu redenumi nimic ca mai rau strici ...Softul are nevoie de ediabas.ini si daca nu-l vede nu lucreaza...Trebuie editat insa, si anume scris:

hostname: si portul: 6801

Deasemeni iei " ; " din fata ignitionhandling si ubatthandling dar le lasi =0.

Te asiguri ca iei " ; " si din fata Loadwin32 si ii atribui valoarea 1 (are 0 default)

Dar mai bine le pun aici....Ai grija ca obd.ini sa-l copiezi si in directorul Windows)

Asta pentru interfata cu serial....pentru adaptor usb sau daca folosesti ADS, inlocuiesti acolo in locul celor specifice com/ obd

Faci copy-paste la cele de mai jos in cate un fisier text si le redenumesti ediabas.ini si pe celalalt obd.ini


Job done! Bafta :twoup:




;EDIABAS 7.0.0 Configuration





; EcuPath

; Description : ECU file path

; Default = .




; SimulationPath

; Description : Simulation file path

; Default = .




; TracePath

; Description : Trace file path

; Default = .




; CodeMapping

; Description : Character mapping file path

; Default = .

;CodeMapping = C:\EDIABAS\BIN\ansi2oem.tab



; TraceSize

; Description : Maximum size of each trace file [KB]

; Value : 0..32767

; Default = 1024

TraceSize = 32767



; ApiTrace

; Description : Enable/Disable API/User trace

; Value : 0 = Trace disabled

; 1 = User trace

; 2 = User trace + time stamp

; 3 = User trace + time stamp + process id (Win32)

; 4 = Function trace

; 5 = Function trace + time stamp

; 6 = Function trace + time stamp + timing

; 7 = Function trace + time stamp + timing + process id (Win32)

; Default = 0

ApiTrace =0



; IfhTrace

; Description : Enable/Disable IFH trace

; Value : 0 = Trace disabled

; 1 = User trace

; 2 = User trace + interface

; 3 = User trace + interface + time stamp

; Default = 0

IfhTrace =0



; IfhnTrace

; Description : Enable/Disable IFH network trace (with XREMOTE)

; Value : 0 = Trace disabled

; 1 = User trace

; 2 = User trace + interface

; 3 = User trace + interface + time stamp

; Default = 0

;IfhnTrace = 0



; SystemTraceSys

; Description : Enable/Disable system trace (runtime system)

; Value : 0 = Trace disabled

; Trace levels 1..7

; Default = 0

SystemTraceSys = 0



; SystemTraceBip

; Description : Enable/Disable BIP trace (runtime system)

; Value : 0 = Trace disabled

; Trace levels 1..7

; Default = 0

SystemTraceBip = 0



; SystemTraceIfh

; Description : Enable/Disable IFH system trace

; Value : 0 = Trace disabled

; Trace levels 1..7

; Default = 0

SystemTraceIfh = 0



; SystemTraceNet

; Description : Enable/Disable network trace

; Value : 0 = Trace disabled

; Trace levels 1..7

; Default = 0

SystemTraceNet = 0



; BipDebugLevel

; Description : BIP debug level of ECU files

; Value : 0..32767

; Default = 0

BipDebugLevel = 0



; UbattHandling

; Description : Ubatt ON/OFF handling

; Value : 0 = Ubatt ON/OFF: No EDIABAS error

; 1 = Ubatt ON/OFF: EDIABAS error

; Default = 1

UbattHandling = 0



; IgnitionHandling

; Description : Ignition ON/OFF handling

; Value : 0 = Ignition ON/OFF: No EDIABAS error

; 1 = Ignition ON/OFF: EDIABAS error

; Default = 1

IgnitionHandling = 0



; ClampHandling

; Description : automatic check of clamps for Ubatt and Ignition

; Value : 0 = no automatic clamp check with send_and_receive

; 1 = automatic clamp check with send_and_receive

; Default = 1

;ClampHandling = 1



; TaskPriority

; Description : EDIABAS process/thread priority (only Win32/16)

; Value : 0 = Optimal EDIABAS performance = 8

; 1 = Minimal EDIABAS performance

; ..

; 10 = Maximal EDIABAS performance

; Default = 0

TaskPriority = 0



; LoadWin32

; Description : Map EDIABAS Win16 calls to EDIABAS Win32

; Value : 0 = Win16/32 Mapping disabled (Win16-->Win16)

; 1 = Win16/32 Mapping enabled (Win16-->Win32)

; Default = 0 for Windows 9x/Me

; Default = 1 for Windows NT4/2000/XP

LoadWin32 = 1



; SystemResults

; Description : Enable/Disable system results (ubatt/ignition/jobstatus)

; Value : 0 = Disable system results

; 1 = Enable system results

; Default = 1

SystemResults = 1



; RetryComm

; Description : Repeat failed communication automatically (1x)

; Value : 0 = Retry disabled

; 1 = Retry enabled (1x)

; Default = 1

RetryComm = 1



; Simulation

; Description : Enable/Disable ECU simulation

; Value : 0 = Simulation disabled

; 1 = Simulation enabled

; Default = 0

Simulation = 0



; Interface

; Description : Connected diagnosis interface

; Default = STD:OBD


Interface =STD:OBD


; Additional information (in German) :

; Bitte beachten: Der HW-Treiber fuer das Interface muss installiert sein!


; Interface = STD:OBD

; Beschreibung : Serieller Pegelwandler (Nachfolger von ADS / Anschluss an OBD-Dose)

; Installation : \EDIABAS\HARDWARE\OBD\ODBSETUP (nur noetig fuer WIN NT4, WIN 2000, WIN XP)

; INI-Datei : Suchreihenfolge analog zu EDIABAS.ini

; Unterstuetzung : WIN3.xx : Nein

; WIN95,98 16-Bit : Ja

; WIN95,98 32-Bit : Ja

; WIN NT 4.0 : Ja

; WIN XP : Ja


; Interface = STD:FUNK

; Beschreibung : Funk-Diagnose Interface MDA von Fa. Siemens

; Installation : keine

; INI-Datei : FUNK.INI

; Unterstuetzung : WIN95,98 16-Bit : Ja

; WIN95,98 32-Bit : Ja

; WIN NT 4.0 : Ja

; WIN XP : Ja


; Interface = ADS

; Beschreibung : Serieller Pegelwandler (Anschluss an Diagnose-Dose)

; Installation : \EDIABAS\HARDWARE\ADS\ADS32\ADSSETUP (nur fuer WinNT4 noetig)

; INI-Datei : keine

; Unterstuetzung : WIN95,98 16-Bit : Ja

; WIN95,98 32-Bit : Nein

; WIN NT 4.0 : Ja

; WIN XP : Ja


; Interface = KBUS

; Beschreibung : Serieller Pegelwandler (Anschluss direkt an K-Bus oder I-Bus)

; Installation : \EDIABAS\HARDWARE\ADS\ADS32\ADSSETUP (nur fuer WinNT4 noetig)

; INI-Datei : keine

; Unterstuetzung : WIN95,98 16-Bit : Ja

; WIN95,98 32-Bit : Nein

; WIN NT 4.0 : Ja

; WIN XP : Ja


; Interface = EDIC

; Beschreibung : Serielles , PCMCIA , PC-Card Interface von Fa. Softing



; Unterstuetzung : WIN95,98 16-Bit : Ja

; WIN95,98 32-Bit : Ja

; WIN NT 4.0 : Ja

; WIN XP : Ja


; Interface = EDICC

; Beschreibung : EDIC-Card C oder EDIC-Card 2 CAN-Interface von Fa. Softing



; Unterstuetzung : WIN95,98 16-Bit : Ja

; WIN95,98 32-Bit : Ja

; WIN NT 4.0 : Ja

; WIN XP : Ja


; Interface = STD:CAN

; Beschreibung : PCMCIA CAN-Interface CanCardX/XL von Fa. Vector

; Installation : keine (ausser Installation der CAN-Karte)

; INI-Datei : CAN32.INI

; Unterstuetzung : WIN95,98 16-Bit : Nein

; WIN95,98 32-Bit : Nein

; WIN NT 4.0 : Ja

; WIN XP : Ja

; Ansprechpartner: Hr. Jusko

; Telefon : +49-(0)89/382-35891 (Hotline)

; email : FLASH.SERVICE@BMW.DE (Hotline)


; Interface = STD:ADS4MOST

; Beschreibung : Most-Interfaces von Fa. Oasis

; Installation : keine (ausser Installation der Oasis-Karte)


; Unterstuetzung : WIN95,98 16-Bit : ?

; WIN95,98 32-Bit : ?

; WIN NT 4.0 : Ja

; WIN XP : Ja

; Ansprechpart.: Hr. Rowedder

; Telefon : 089 / 382-29159

; email : Michael.Rowedder@bmw.de


; Interface = REMOTE

; Beschreibung : Anbindung eines EDIABAS-Interfaces Ăźber TCP/IP

; Installation : Anpassung der Einträge in [TCP] auf beiden Seiten (ins.: RemoteHost, Port)

; INI-Datei : keine

; Unterstuetzung : WIN95,98 16-Bit : Nein

; WIN95,98 32-Bit : Ja

; WIN NT 4.0, XP : Ja

; WIN XP : Ja

; Sonderfall : Interface OPPS

; Ansprechpart.: Hr. Rowedder

; Telefon : 089 / 382-29159

; email : Michael.Rowedder@bmw.de


; Interface = REMOTE:name

; Beschreibung : Anbindung eines EDIABAS-Interfaces Ăźber TCP/IP

; Installation : Anpassung der Einträge in [TCP] auf beiden Seiten (ins.: RemoteHost, Port)

; INI-Datei : REMOTE.INI (insbesondere fĂźr Parallelbetrieb notwendig)

; In REMOTE.INI stehen unter [name] spezif. Einstellungen(z.B.: RemoteHost, Port)

; Unterstuetzung : WIN95,98 16-Bit : Nein

; WIN95,98 32-Bit : Ja

; WIN NT 4.0, XP : Ja

; WIN XP : Ja

; Sonderfall : Interface OPPS

; Ansprechpart.: Hr. Rowedder

; Telefon : 089 / 382-29159

; email : Michael.Rowedder@bmw.de



; NetworkProtocol

; Description : Network protocol

; Default =

NetworkProtocol = TCP



;TCP/IP Configuration





; RemoteHost

; Description : server address/name

; Default =

RemoteHost =



; Port

; Description : IP communication port

; Value : 1000 < port < 30000

; Default =

Port = 6801




; Description : Timeout for establishing the connection

; Default = 5000

TimeoutConnect = 2000




; Description : Timeout for receiving a message

; Default = 5000

TimeoutReceive = 2000




; Description : Timeout for a long function

; Default = 59000

TimeoutFunction = 10000




; Description : Enable/Disable Disconnection with function call ApiEnd

; Value : 0 = Disconnection disabled

; 1 = Disconnection enabled

; Default = 0

;DisconnectOnApiEnd = 1




; Description : Initialization command <n> (normally for OPPS)

; Default =

;InitCmd0 = FE,04,00,03,01

;InitCmd1 = FD,05,00,03,01



; End Of File EDIABAS.ini



Acum obd.ini





TRACELEVEL = 0x00000000








;OBD-Stecker OBD

;OBD-Stecker am USB->Seriell-Adapter USB

;alte ADS-Hardware ADS





; Bit 0 = Funktionsaufruf

; Bit 1 = io Ergebnis

; Bit 2 = nio Ergebnis

; Bit 3 = Detailinfos

; Nibble 0 = readchar_wait

; Nibble 1 = main

; Nibble 2 = cmd

; Nibble 3 = obd

; Nibble 4 = send_and_receive_...

; Nibble 5 = read_telegram_...

; Nibble 6 = send_telegram

; Nibble 7 = SendData

;[uNIT_x] x = A, B, ...,Y, Z, 0, 1, .., 8, 9

;Port = Com1 COM1 .. COM9

;TRACELEVEL = 0x00000000 0x00000000 .. 0xFFFFFFFF







TRACELEVEL = 0x00000000





























































Edited by DanS
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