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Ulei peste limita


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am pus cam 50 ( cincizeci) ml - Valvoline ....




Daca spui ca era la minim ,si dupa completare a crescut la maxim este ciudat.Diferenta intre min si max este de aprox 1 litru.Daca nu era la minim cand ai completat nu trebuia sa se aprinda becul.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Poti sa scoti si pe la joja la OMV. Te costa vr'o 50.000, dar dormi si tu linistit. Si mie imi pun la reprezentanta 2-3 mm peste maxim, dar nu ma agit pt ca si toate masinile de la firma (in jur de 15, diferite marci si ani de fabricatie) au venit din Germania cu nivelul un pic peste maxim.
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  • 10 months later...

What happens when an engine is overfilled with oil?



So you topped up the engine when it was warm after getting a faulty dipstick reading, or you put too much oil in when you changed it yourself. What's the worst that could happen? Well the problem with this is that the next time the engine is run, the windage in the crankcase and other pressures generated by the oil pump, etc. place a great strain on the seal on the rear main bearing.

Eventually, often much sooner than the ordinary man in the street might expect, the rear main bearing seal ruptures, and the engine becomes a 'leaker'. If you've got a manual gearbox, this means one thing: this oil goes right onto the flywheel and the face of the clutch disc. A lubricated clutch is A Bad Thing. If this still goes unnoticed, the front seal is the next to go, and the engine then becomes a 'gusher' (or to be more colourful, it starts pissing oil all over the place). As well as smothering the clutch with oil from the rear, the oil now coming from the front leak will be neatly distributed about the engine bay as it hits the front pulley - often propelling it out as far as the brake discs. At the same time as this Hollywood disaster movie is unfolding outside the engine, things aren't working out any better on the inside. As you can see from the diagram, the correct oil level is really close to the rotating crank. Overfilling will mean the crank dips into the oil and churns it into a froth. Froth is good on certain types of coffee but not good in an engine. The mixture of aerated oil will be forced into the bearings and in case you didn't know, air is not a lubricant. Typically this means that bearing damage will follow quite rapidly, especially if you are driving on a motorway. You'll know bearing damage when you get it. The engine smells like a garage mechanic cooking over an open flame and the noise coming from the engine is the sort of thing you'd normally hear in vaudeville plays when a piano is pushed down a flight of stairs. As if that all wasn't bad enough, the excess oil gets thrown up into the piston bores where the piston rings have a hard time coping with the excess oil and pressure. It gets into the combustion chamber and some of it will get out into the exhaust system unburned resulting in a nice patina of oil all over the platinum surfaces of your catalytic converter. This renders it utterly useless for good.



deci se duc semeringurile alea si incepe sa-ti piarda ulei



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  • 5 weeks later...

Cum este explicat si mai sus de catre cei de la carbibles.com, daca nivelul uleiului este in plus fata de limita maxima si ajunge sa atinga contragreutatile arborelui atunci vei avea o spuma in loc de ulei...asta va duce la scaderea presiunii uleiului in sistem (pompa trage si aer in acelasi timp) racirea motorului nu se mai face la fel de bine pt ca o spuma raceste mult mai greu decat un lichid...(termodinamica) si asta poate duce la CALAREA MOTORULUI...

Repet daca nivelul uleiului atinge contragreutatile ... asta inseamna cel putin 500-1000ml in functie de capacitatea motorului . Vedeti figura cu motorashul de mai sus pt a intelege care este situatia...


Deci motorul se poate CALA in ambele situatii...altfel ne-ar fi pus sa le umplem cu ulei pana da pe afara...sau sa nu mai punem deloc ulei nu?

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dak e putin peste, mai multi mecanici mi-au spus k nu are nimik..la mine scrie pe siteuri si in carti 6.5L normal si am pus 7L....(325i smg)...da am auzit k se intampla des sa se puna mai mult decat scrie normal. Edited by nedelcuts
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dak e putin peste, mai multi mecanici mi-au spus k nu are nimik..la mine scrie pe siteuri si in carti 6.5L normal si am pus 7L....(325i smg)...da am auzit k se intampla des sa se puna mai mult decat scrie normal.




vazut de mine ..se ia de la farmacie un furtun pt perfuzie ...cand e motor rece ..se introduce usor pe canalul jojei ...apoi cu o seringa se trage cat e nevoie ..si aia e ..fara prea mult stres ...

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nu dauneaza daca uleiul este peste limita,ideea este sa nu fie foarte mult peste limita(peste 1 litru),in cazul asta e posibil sa cedeze semeringurile de la distributie sau palier


Aici ii dau dreptate lu` keos.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest thesorcerer

Mi-a pus si mie un destept de mi-a facut revizia cu vreo 3-4 mm peste limita maxima.

Maine mai trag cu seringa din el ca n-am unde s-o suspend :twoup:)

Edited by thesorcerer
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  • 1 month later...

@catageo - masina era perfect orizontala? Ce inseamna ca nu era la nivel, era la min?


Ce ma distreaza unele raspunsuri de pe-aici. Tipic romanesc: "las-o bre` ca merge si-asa, n-are nimic daca e un pic peste maxim" :D

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Chiar nu are nimic daca uleiul este putin peste maxim.

Joja de ulei nu este nici pe departe un instrument de masura de precizie. O toleranta de 5-10% este absolut rezonabila. Asta inseamna cam 0,3-05l .


Cred ca nu-si imagineaza nimeni ca in mers uleiul sta perfect drept si la nivel :). Pe loc stai cateva minute, dar de mers mergi mult mai mult. Si in mers uleiul ala se duce in toate partile, ba de la forta centrifuga, ba de la inertie, ba de la faptul ca urci sau cobori o panta.

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Motivul pt care nu este recomandat sa circuli cu nivelul peste max cred ca l-a expus B.M.W., cu o pagina in urma. Nivelul normal este la jumatate intre min si max, asa-ti vine masina din fabrica, nu la max, nu putin peste. Exista suficienta toleranta intre min si max, nu trebuie extinsa si dincolo de aceste limite, parerea mea.


Acum fiecare procedeaza cum considera de cuviinta.

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Stai linistit, nu se intampla nimic daca pui ulei cu 5-10% mai mult.

Explicatia aia cu spuma in ulei aparuta ca urmare a manetoanelor care ating uleiul este o aiureala colosala.


Din cate am vazut, din fabrica masina vine cu uleiul la maxim, nicidecum la mijloc.

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Explicatia aia cu spuma in ulei aparuta ca urmare a manetoanelor care ating uleiul este o aiureala colosala.


Din cate am vazut, din fabrica masina vine cu uleiul la maxim, nicidecum la mijloc.

Interesant, atunci inseamna ca e ok sa-l tii peste max. Go 4 it :thumbsup:

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Da, ce sa zic, ai tras cea mai buna concluzie :logik: .


Ideea era ca nu trebuie sa panicheze nimeni daca uleiul este un pic peste maxim, ca nu se intampla absolut nimic si ca sunt inutile actiunile de genul de a extrage cu seringa 50-100 ml de ulei.

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