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Sal,de cateva zile ,mai exact de cand a venit frigu asta napraznic masina face niste chesti pe care nu le-a mai facut pana acum,dimineata cand o pornesc se accelereaza singura pe la 2500 rpm si sta acolo cca 1 min dupa care incepe si fluctueaza turatia intre 1800 -2500 pana cand se incalzeste motorul,uneori si cand o scot pe liber in mers pt a opri sau orice altceva da sa se opreasca dar nu a facut-o deloc pana acum,poate ma puteti ajuta cu niste pareri cu privinta la ce poate avea,ms anticipat
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e un furtun ce iese din servofrana si intra in admisie.


e un furtun ce iese din servofrana si intra in admisie.

piesa 6http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?model=CB11&mospid=47441&btnr=34_0385&hg=34&fg=25



Si cum ar trebui procedat cu supapa aia? Se curata sau se inlocuieste? Sau se face altceva?


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daca ne luam dupa ce scrie la carte...


Air intake leak:

A leak in the intake or vacuum leaks (check the dipsick o-ring seal and oil filter seal) will make your car idle roughly.



Spark plugs:

Old spark plugs will make your car idle and run rough. Change them, good time to try those expensive Bosch platinum +4. Some owner use a slightly greater clearance: set them slightly larger to 0.86-0.91mm (0.034-0.036in) to help improve the idle with the stock plugs.



Ignition wires:

Check the ignition wire resistance with a multi-meter, it should be around 0 Ohm.



Idle Control Valve (ICV):

This expensive part gets dirty. You should clean it (along with the throttle body) each time you adjust your valves with carburator cleaner. If there is no improvement and your ICV had never been changed (there is sometimes a year stamped onto the casting), change it.


Other considerations are: leaking injector, faulty temperature sensor, faulty oxygen sensor, check all electrical connections.

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incearca alt calculator si ne mai auzim.


Ceau Cristi si restul....

Nu e de acolo sau de la cotul ala




nu are nici o legatura cu frana,face asa indiferent daca calc frana sau nu.


b-69-tau are motor ca al tau...stie sigur ca a patit

Edited by DanS
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incearca alt calculator si ne mai auzim.


Ceau Cristi si restul....

Nu e de acolo sau de la cotul ala




nu are nici o legatura cu frana,face asa indiferent daca calc frana sau nu.


b-69-tau are motor ca al tau...stie sigur ca a patit

a facut baie calculatorul lui,deci sanse mari.mi-a povestit la telefon.


asteptam parerea lui @b-69-tau :)

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