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Noul BMW X3...

costin miu

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Potrivit site-ului xbimmers.com, cam asa ar urma sa arate noul X3... ei au preluat fotografiile din revista Autoview... am atasat si textul din revista.


BMW have high hopes for this Sport Activity Vehicle that the design department are working on a iS Specification model with an Aerodynamic pack reminiscent of the new Z4 iS. The front bumper in the Autoweek design is what you will see in the actual car but for the iS the openings at the brake ducts are more open and feature the bar across the intake. The rear element supports two round exhaust ports on each side of the car with a sculpted rear valence. 19" Wheels in a cross between typical X-Yspokes and BMW performance options.


An M model is not planned as yet, for the X3 there will be an "Establishment" period to see how well the car does in the market.

Like the Z4 the design model was in Melbourne Red.


The rear arches are very reminscent of how the E53 X5 rear and front arches met with the shoulder line. The massaged wheel arches converged in the lower flanks before forming the front and rear arches is a design element reinterpreted for the X3. Some will argue Mercedes-Like but like the E53 it gives the X3 a very more pumped up dynamic appearence something the previous car lacked.


The character line on the previous E83 X3 is actually an element taken to identify as part of the 3er and can be seen on the E90. To which you will some cues on the F25 that will appear integrated in the F30 design.


The rear kicked-up quarter light window as introduced on the E83 gets a better integration thanks to the sloping of the roof which does not compromise headroom. It lends the X3 a very dynamic sporting look missing from the previous X3. The Window is now shorter thanks to the measures of the glass area rising towards the rear of the car whilst the roof slopes downwards. This gives the X3 "Characteristic" a more cohesive appearence and dynamic look to the glasshouse.


The characteristic first seen on the X3 and can be seen in the X1 and an interpretation in the X6 will also be introduced to the next X5 model.


The interior has been paid particular attention to especially regarding the reaction taken when the car was introduced in 2003. Although the 2006 facelift addressed some areas the new car will offer better quality and better interiors adapting the "Wave" effect as seen in the X1 and Z4.

The new X3 will address it's premium status with better quality materials and components found in other latest BMW's such as the 7er , 5er GT and Z4.


E83 X3 was a challenge because it was adapting the X5 for a smaller package and no one in the Premium segment had attempted to do this before. It could not be a complete X5 because of it's segment and manufacturing and market costs. Because the X5 was still selling exceptionally. Many were expecting a smaller X5 in terms of design and function but the car was more individual than an X5 and appealed to younger consumers who liked the cars tough looks and sporty handling.

X3 created the Small Premium SAV segment but quickly became the pariah in light of incoming competition from Audi and Mercedes-Benz.

Since it's introduction in 2003 (Market introduction in 2004) The BMW X3 has surpasssed 550,000 units which signifies the X3's success and why BMW's competitors were eager to introduce their interpretations for the mid Premium SAV/SUV segment.


With the new car beginning development marketing began "Reverse Engineering" the E83 by having a 2003 and a 2006 model side by side and going through every aspect of the car that was liked , could be better and the unlikeable features put forward by customers and set about ways of improving , eradicating and reinterpreting ideas.


The new X3 will be technologically more advanced than the E83 because of it's requirement to be based on the incoming new platform to be found within the incoming 1er and 3er models. Technology will bring the X3 screaming into the modern world. All new mechanicals such as the addition of driver enhancement , Dynamic Performance Control will bring new levels of handling to the X3 as will better steering and improved suspension tailored to give the car a real sporty drive to the lake/slopes/beach or the city.


It was a case of taking everything that worked , advancing it to modern day expectations. Whilst everything that didnt work was reverse engineered to offer a considerable vast improvement over today's X3.

The new X3 will be more Sporting to drive , dynamic in handling and appearence , more advanced thanks to modern day tech, more luxurious with a better finished flexible interior and efficient thanks to a range of highly efficient petrol or diesel engines.


The "Pariah" is about to fight back

Edited by costin miu
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Nu cred ca o sa ramana asa design-ul, oricum destul de tarziu s-au gandit sa scoata un model nou de x3.Diin punctul meu de vedere actualul x3 este cel mai subtehnologizat model bmw.

Acelasi lucru pot spune si despre viitorul model de MB ML 2011.


Pai daca te gandesti ca din toata gama actuala e cam cel mai batran (2003) si ca de atunci n-a suferit schimbari majore (nici macar vreun facelift, daca numa insel eu...) a usor normal sa fie cel mai "subtehnologizat", cum ii spui tu... merg de 3 ani cu un X3 3.0sd si mai tehnologizat de atat nu am simtit vreodata ca ar fi nevoie... dpdv al calitatii masinii este unul dintre cele mai fiabile BMW actuale si asta ti-o pot spune si cei la service... ca e departe de a fi cel mai frumos BMW, asta e sigur :)

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A beneficiat si de facelift, dar nesmnificativ....


@majoritatea modelelor dupa 2005, au start/stop(cartela), la x3 inca mai are cheie normala, idrive-ul este tot cel vechi....


ai dreptate, dar la o masina de doua tone care face suta in 6.6 sa mor daca m-a deranjat vreodata cheia! :)

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@majoritatea modelelor dupa 2005, au start/stop(cartela), la x3 inca mai are cheie normala, idrive-ul este tot cel vechi....


Pentru asta nu poĂži spune cĂŁ sunt subtehnologizate.


Din punctul meu de vedere, mi se rupe de start/stop Âşi de idrive. :)

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