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Vand Mp3 player Pioneer+ adaptor comenzi volan

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Vand pioneer 5000 UB, mai are garantie 1 an si 2 luni, + adaptor pentru comenziile de volan pentru e 46 la 800 RON negociabil!

Are 10 tipuri de culori pt ecran si butoane,se poate modifica si manual culoarea dorita, mp3, usb, aux,low pass filter, 3 nivele de LOUDNESS, remote pt comenziile pt volan 50W*4 MOSFET..am pus mai jos pecificatiile, se aude foarte bine in masina.

Adaptorul este Ca-Pi- 21 pt BMW cu conectori( pini) rotunzi!Mie imi merge pe e46 din 2000!

Pt mai multe detalii , specificatii si poze: 0742428052 Razvan

In caz ca nu aveti alte accesorii, va dau tot cablajul cu mufe adaptoare si radio ...ce mai e nevoie!

Specificatii: Main Features DEH-5000UB

Max. Power Output MOSFET 50W x 4

Tuner AM/FM

Plays CD-R, CD-RW, MP3, WMA, WAV

Front Panel Removable

Display Illumination Choice of 10-colour combinations

Button Illumination Choice of 10-colour combinations

Rotary Commander Yes

Remote Control Optional

Cellular Telephone Auto Muting Yes

Connectivity DEH-5000UB

Aux-in Rear

USB Input Yes

RCA Preout 1 (R or S/W)

Hard-wired Remote Input Yes

Direct Sub Drive Yes

Tuner Features DEH-5000UB

Radio Data System (RDS) Yes

Traffic Announcement Yes

Best Stations Memory (BSM) Yes

Auto Alternative Frequency Search Yes

Auto/Manual Frequency Search Yes

PTY Search Yes

CD Player Features DEH-5000UB

CD Text Yes

MP3 Text Display Yes

USB Text Yes

Disc Title Memory Yes

Track Search/Scan/Repeat Yes/Yes/Yes

Last Position Memory Yes

Random Play Yes

Audio DEH-5000UB

Balance Yes

Fader Yes

Low Pass Filter Yes

High Pass Filter Yes

Parametric Equaliser 3-band

Advanced Sound Retriever Yes

Source Level Adjuster (SLA) Yes

Nu ma lasa sa uploadez, revin cu poze mai tarziu

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