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Problema la incalzirea in scaun


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Salut BAIETII , am si eu un e46 din 99 , am oberzat atunci cand dau drumu la sofer sa incalzeasca scaunu, merge cateva secunde si apoi se opreste din senin , i-i dau drumu din nou si la fel apoi dupa 3-4 incercari ramane pornit , dar nu i-mi incalzeste spataru . AVETI IDEI CE SE INTAMPA ???
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Salut BAIETII , am si eu un e46 din 99 , am oberzat atunci cand dau drumu la sofer sa incalzeasca scaunu, merge cateva secunde si apoi se opreste din senin , i-i dau drumu din nou si la fel apoi dupa 3-4 incercari ramane pornit , dar nu i-mi incalzeste spataru . AVETI IDEI CE SE INTAMPA ???


si al meu face figuri. merge cand e cald afara. pe frig foarte rar o ia. daca stie cineva ce are si eu sunt interesat sa rezolv problema asta

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la mine nu se incazeste sezutul decat foarte putin si partial ( nu pe toata suprafata). legat de problema de mai sus in care se opreste dupa 3-4 secunde, ai un scurt pe undeva sau o problema grava si ca sa iti protejeze instalatia se opreste automat. au mai multi senzori...............eu am gasit documentatie in ETK sau TIS , nu mai stiu exact, unde spune cum functioneaza instalatie de incalzire , ce protectii are, cum se verifica. stiu ca scria si despre aceasta simptoma ( adica se opreste automat la cateva secunde dupa pornire, e o masura de protectie, ceva e in scurt mai mult ca sigur)
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Hai baieti nu arezolvat nimeni problema ca nu-i dau de cap si e enervanta treaba ca stiu ca nu merge cum trebuie


tu ce astepti de fapt? o solutie miraculosa? ceva de genul .. e un fir desfacut...???!!!


la tine probabil e arsa rezistenta din spatar si elementul de comada (butonul) e pe duca. pune mana pe un aparat de masura si te convingi singur daca e asa!

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In cazul in care butonul functioneaza si nu intrerupe dupa cateva sec., min., e clar, una din rezistente e arsa ori face figuri(gen intrerupt dar face contact din cand in cand)

La spatar pot fi 2 probleme, ori rezistenta arsa/intrerupta, ori firele catre rezistenta care sunt afectate(intrerupte) in zona balamalei de reglare a spatarului

In cazul in care si sezutul si spatarul se incalzesc dar becul butonului se stinge dupa x sec. sau min., probabil e o problema de termostat sau regulatorul treptelor de incalzire.

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daca se intrerupe dupa cateva secunde e clar ca ori e scurt ori e circuit deschis pe undeva...........citeste si tu manualul si o sa vezi cum se interpreteaza reactiile butonului de incalzire.........nu o sa citeasca nimeni in locul tau



la mine nu se incalzeste sezutul dar pana cand nu ma apuc de masurat nu pot stii exact unde e buba, rezistenta arsa sau circuitul intrerupt dar daca circuitul era intrerupt sigur mi se oprea automat dupa cateva sec

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Seat heating

The seat heating system heats the seat cushion area and backrest. The electronics for controlling the selected heating temperature (3 stages) and fault monitoring are integrated in the switching center.



Seat heating can be switched on in three heating stages as from terminal 15 by pressing the button. Three LEDs built into the switching center light to indicate operation. "Terminal 15 active" is signalled to the switching center via the K-bus.


Initially, heating stage 1 is activated when the seat heating is switched on (button pressed once). The seat surface is heated up to approx. 44 °C. All three LEDs light to indicate operation.


By pressing the button once more, the topmost LED goes out and heating stage 2 is activated. The seat is now only heated up to 39 °C.


The seat heating system is switched to heating stage 3 by pressing the button once again. The bottom-most LED lights. The seat is heated up to 35 °C.


The seat heating is switched off by pressing the button once again or switching off the ignition. The seat heating can also be switched off in any heating stage by pressing the push button for longer than 1 second.


The seats are heated by means of carbon fibre heating mats in the main section and steel wires (steel filaments) in the bolster. A carbon fibre heating mat is installed in both the seat cushion section as well as in the backrest. The center sections of the seat and backrest as well as the bolsters of the seat and backrest are always heated. Heating filaments or carbon fibre mats are additionally integrated in the thigh support on sports seats. The seat and backrest bolsters are not heated on the series E39 sports seat with fabric cover.


The temperature is measured by a temperature sensor in the seat upholstery and passed on to switching center.


Monitoring functions

Battery voltage

The electronic seat heating control switches off the power supply to the heating mats if the battery voltage in the vehicle is less than 11.4 V ±0.3 V. The function LEDs however remain on. Power supply to the heating mats is restored when the battery voltage is greater than 12.2 V ±0.3 V for at least 5 seconds.


PC-Board temperature

Due to the fact that the power input of the seat heating system is very high (120 W), the temperature of the pc-board in the switching center is monitored by temperature sensors. Initially, the heating power is reduced as the temperature increases to over 85 °C. The heating is switched off if the pc-board temperature exceeds 95 °C. The function LEDs however remain on. The seat heating cuts in automatically again when the pc-board temperature drops below 85 °C.


Fault monitoring

The electronic seat heating control system monitors the temperature sensor and heating mats for faults. Detected faults are stored in the fault code memory of the switching center.


The following faults can be recognized:


•Short-circuit or line break


•Short-circuit or line break of temperature sensors


•Break in heating mats


If a break or short occurs at the temperature sensor, the seat heating is switched off in order to prevent overheating. The function LEDs are switched off.



Current measurement, seat heating

The current is measured in order to be able to provide a basic statement with regard to a defect in the seat heating system.


Measurement preparation

On vehicles equipped with a switching center in the center console, the current is measured directly at the switching center.


•Switch off seat heating


•Remove center console switching center (A169)


•Measurement is carried out with a 50 A clip-on ammeter


•Unwind insulating tape from wiring harness under seat and attach clip-on ammeter to the wire to be measures.


•Left seat heating: Measurement on HZFA wire (white/yellow, pin 1)

Right seat heating: Measurement on HZBF wire (white/green, pin 13)


•Start engine in order to ensure a system voltage of approx. 13.8 V


System voltage


If the system voltage drops below 11.4 V, the LEDs remain lit but the seat heating is switched off. The seat heating is re-activated as soon as a voltage of at least 12.2 V is permanently applied.


Measurement at DIS tester

•Select "measurement system"


•Measurement function: Current 50 A


•Measurement connection: Clip-on ammeter


•Type of measurement: Direct current =


•Measuring range: +/- 50 A


•Check system voltage with DIS tester


•Switch on seat heater on the side to be measured


Measurement evaluation

Generally applicable for all heating stages: Each heating stage has a certain setpoint temperature. The control unit attempts to reach this temperature as fast as possible. The temperature is the kept constant by means of clocking (= pulsating direct current).


•Generally, the current is approx. 10 A during the heating-up phase (at a system voltage of 13.8 V)


•The heating output is reduced on approaching the setpoint temperature. The clocking function can now be distinctly recognized, i.e. the current pulsates between 0 and approx. 10 A.


•On finally reaching the setpoint temperature, the interval of the 0 A range is extended even longer.


•If the current temperature is higher than the setpoint temperature, e.g. when, after a longer period of operation, the heating is switched back from stage 1 (3 LEDs) to stage 3 (1 LED), no current is applied until the temperature has again dropped to the corresponding setpoint temperature.


Heating-up seat


The duration of the heating-up phase is dependent on the temperature measured at the temperature sensor! The setpoint temperature is reached more quickly at high ambient temperatures (e.g. in summer) or if the seat is preheated. In this case, the clocking cuts in correspondingly earlier.


Measured power


The measured power depends on many different factors. Both the level of the system voltage as well as the type of seat installed and operation of other loads (seat heating on other side, steering wheel heating) play a significant role. The specified value of 10 A is therefore only a reference value.


Setpoint temperatures

The following setpoint temperatures are reached in the three-stage seat heating system:


•Stage 1 operation (3 LEDs lit):

The seat is heated to a setpoint temperature of 35 °C


•Stage 2 operation (2 LEDs lit):

The seat is heated to a setpoint temperature of 39 °C


•Stage 3 operation (1 LED lit):

The seat is heated to a setpoint temperature of 44 °C


Measurement evaluation

•A current of approx. 10 A is applied:

The seat heating is OK


•A current of approx. 5 A is applied:

Defect in heating mat of seat cushion or seat backrest


•No current is applied:

Defect in heating mat of seat cushion and seat backrest

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Eu zic sĂŁ nu vĂŁ jucaĂži cu asa ceva..... Mai bine nergeĂži la un electrician bun Âşi rezolvati acolo problema. ĂncĂŁlzirea ĂŽn scaune este foarte pretenĂžioasĂŁ. TT-ul cumnatei mele a luat foc ĂŽn ianuarie din cauza ĂŽncĂŁlzirii ĂŽn scaune. DupĂŁ câte am ĂŽnĂželes, ĂŽn scaune este tensiune f mare pentru a alimenta rezistenĂžele. Din cauza vibraĂžiilor poate s-a dus vreo izolaĂžie Âşi............... .
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