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Salut!pt baetii care stiu mai bine.Am un E46 330 ci din 2003,cutie manuala,cu ceva modificari.As vrea sa stiu daca pot sa pun un turbo kit,de la Dream Tuning[1000 de euro] pe my baby,ca sa-i mai dau ceva ponei in plus.Cam 100 si un pic.Momentan am 270 de ponei.ARE CINEVA IDEE? A
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film nu am,dar am o fisa dyno.work this one out:231 cp+evacuare schimbata cap-coada 10 cp,role OBX custom made 15cp,Simmota carbon fiber induction kit 5cp,plus cip motor 10-15 cp.WORK IT OUT DUDE!



hello dude, ce este pe hartie si la calculatorul de buzunar nu iese si in fisa de dyno, u have too work it out, ca idee ce scrii si aduni pe hartie din ce spun comerciantii nu iti iese mereu pe dyno, iar cand ajungi la dyno mai ai 2 masuratori la roata sau la volanta, te asteptam cu o fisa. ti pup.

nu te supara ca nu vreau sa fiu rau cu tine, doar incerc sa fiu realist.

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film nu am,dar am o fisa dyno.work this one out:231 cp+evacuare schimbata cap-coada 10 cp,role OBX custom made 15cp,Simmota carbon fiber induction kit 5cp,plus cip motor 10-15 cp.WORK IT OUT DUDE!

Eu nu zic ca nu ai, se poate sa ai. Insa o fisa dyno face cat 1000 de cuvinte :)

Sau un 0-200km/h

Edited by roco123
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film nu am,dar am o fisa dyno.work this one out:231 cp+evacuare schimbata cap-coada 10 cp,role OBX custom made 15cp,Simmota carbon fiber induction kit 5cp,plus cip motor 10-15 cp.WORK IT OUT DUDE!

YO MAN !!! auzi da stickere nu ai lipite pe masina? Abtipildele cati cai iti dau? Sau sunt inclusi in aritmetica aia de da 270?

Probabil ca cei care si-au pus turbo au mers la un tuner, cat de mic..., nu pe eBay de unde lumea isi ia adidasi no offense to those who really use eBay, ca na doar am facut engleza din clasa a doua.

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Guest poleposition

Altu' care vorbeste ron-gleza ?


Apropos de Yo, yo asta... hai ca mi-am amintit una tare cu "yo mama"... de fapt 2


"Yo mama's so old, that Jurrasic Park brought back some memories"




"Yo mama's so Fat, that when she walked in front of the TV, I missed three commercials" :)

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film nu am,dar am o fisa dyno.work this one out:231 cp+evacuare schimbata cap-coada 10 cp,role OBX custom made 15cp,Simmota carbon fiber induction kit 5cp,plus cip motor 10-15 cp.WORK IT OUT DUDE!


Ce fel de role sunt astea, ce rol au mai exact, cat costa si de unde pot sa cumpar si eu?

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Your Mama So Fat


when she step on the Weight Scales it says...'to be continued'...


NASA plan to use her to shore up the hole in the Ozone layer


she was measured at 38-26-36 and that was just the left arm...


small objects orbit her.


when she farted she launched herself into orbit.


she lost a game at Hide&Seek only cos I spotted her...behind Mount Everest.


she could be the eighth continent.


her belt size is Equator.


she eats Desert out of a Trash Can lid


she wears an 'X' jacket and Copters attempt to land on her


she shows up on radar.


she needs a map to find her butt.


she fell into the Grand Canyon....and got stuck!


she wears an asteroid belt.


her Passport photo says 'Picture is continued overleaf'


she's once, twice, three times a lady.


she was in the Daily Record last week on page 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.


when she opens the Fridge it says - 'I give up...'


she got a new gig at the Cinema...she works as the screen


she once told me 'I could eat a horse'...believe me, she wasn't kidding!

Edited by Mario Marius
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Guest poleposition
film nu am,dar am o fisa dyno.work this one out:231 cp+evacuare schimbata cap-coada 10 cp,role OBX custom made 15cp,Simmota carbon fiber induction kit 5cp,plus cip motor 10-15 cp.WORK IT OUT DUDE!


Ce fel de role sunt astea, ce rol au mai exact, cat costa si de unde pot sa cumpar si eu?


Rolele de accesorii cel mai probabil, insa nu vad ce putere in plus ar furniza asa ceva:



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. By reducing the rotational mass, the engine uses less power to power accessories such as the alternator and power steering pump which translates into more available horsepower and torque.


Deci cam cat se traduce in castig de putere, 2,3%?

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"Yo mama's so Fat, that when she walked in front of the TV, I missed three commercials" :)






Your Mama So Fat

she needs a map to find her butt.


her Passport photo says 'Picture is continued overleaf'


she was in the Daily Record last week on page 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.


when she opens the Fridge it says - 'I give up...'



Nu am mai vĂŁzut de mult dar... foarte educativĂŁ emisiunea :(

Edited by Allex
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