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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×



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ia-ti un kit de la autowerke cu compresor nu turbo pentru 330ci :)



Si eu zic la fel... Daca ai 8000 de euro si te incurca prin buzunare cred ca e alegerea perfecta.

Cat mai dai si pe montaj teste si bani de o ciorba si 2 beri ajungi la 10 mii. Suma rotunda...

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Ii ajunge, imi curg si mie balele dupa un supercharger, dar ceva profi face cam cat 2 e36 in stare buna, dupa 1995 :)


Sa vedem.




Vand eu compresorul.

700 de euro. Hai ca poate il las si mai jos...Stii despre ce compresor vorbesc... Daca ii dai 2 bari cat dezvolta maxim spargi doua motoare de e36 dintr-o data...

Cumperi ?

Edited by the_rifle
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Ma refeream la asa ceva:








Vezi cate piese contine kitul ala? pe langa superchargerul tau, as avea nevoie cam de toate alea... de unde, cum...

Nu vreau sa ma apuc sa construiesc din bucati, n-am soft perfect, n-am vreme de stat cu masina luni de zile pe dreapta pentru improvizatii.


Nu zic ca superchargerul tau nu isi merita banii, ii merita din plin, insa pe mana cuiva care a mai facut asta, are timp, nu e grabit.

Edited by roco123
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pe mine ma intereseaza unde ti-ai facut toate modificarile alea, sa-mi fac si io, poate mai castig si eu 20-30hp :D

Nu'Ăži mai ajung caii? :)

intotdeauna e loc de mai mult :twoup:


mai pune un motor in porbagaj si mai castigi cva cai :)

ma gandeam ca ar fi o varinata :D

si sa-l pun cu tractiunea fata :) astfel o sa am 330xii (doi "i" => 2 motoare :( )

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:) am vazut si eu destule seturi de turbo pe ebay, IEFTINE, dar nu stiu ce reprezinta, si daca cineva are bani de RISC atunci bafta lui, eu o sa astept sa vad cat de bune sunt :)

COmpresorul necesita mai putina ingrijire decat turbo, cu toate ca nu e atat de puternic dar cu o presiune de 0.8 cred ca e bine, si nu ai lagul :twoup: cam toate sunt pentru compresor, si mai ales ca e Active Autowerke, ce sa mai .....


apropo are si role custom

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Stai linistit ca si un supercharger scoate bine, depinde ce fel de supercharger e.

Asta din poza mea e twin screw, sunt fise dyno cu 380-400Rwhp, pentru acest kit. Asta inseamna mai mult decat cam orice alt kit de supercharger, de aceea e dublu pretul :))

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:) La Kitul ala de compresor si la pozele alea ma uit si eu de 4 luni :) Ma inspira :twoup:



Tu iti dai sema a din pozele alea daca sistemul e cu intercooler sau fara ca eu nu ma prind. N-am abilitatea de a-mi da seama ce piese sunt folisite in kitul ala... Vad injectoare dar nu vad pompa de inalta presiune. Nu vad intercooler , vad o chestie neagra ce pare ori suport ori nu stiu ce dracu , diverse furtune si cam atat...

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active autowerke, supercharger twin screw:


Performance Specs

Power : 410HP@7000 rpm

Torque : 348ft-lbs @ 4250 rpm

0 - 60 mph : 5.0 sec

Top speed : delimited

1/4 mile : 13.0 sec @ 108 mph (estimated)

Boost Level : 9.5 psi





pagina propriu zisa:






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Uite aici e @rifle.


Active autowerke nu are un asemenea kit pentru e36.

Eurosport au.. :)



- High capacity 86mm (3.5") air mass meter


- Ultra light, weight optimized supercharger nose drive support bracket and belt drive pulley system


- Set of six 36lb/hr fuel injectors


- 255LPH high flow fuel pump with new crimp clamps, new factory nylon fuel hose, fuel pump filter, and custom Eurosport engineered cnc machined aluminum fuel pump mounting system that guarantees proper pump position and filter angle

- Ultra lightweight racing hose for intercooler system featuring fully swept radius aluminum -12 AN fittings in satin silver & black finish


- Constant duty electric coolant pump with factory splice block compatible wiring harness and relay system connection for direct mount of relay and added fuse location within the factory fuse box.


- High capacity intercooler coolant reservoir & front mount intercooler heat exchanger''







Uite si o parere a unui detinator de astfel de kit.


''1st gear is done before your foot gets to the floor. 2nd gear is done before you know it. I was hitting the limiter all over the place in the acceleration lanes on the freeway learning the shift times. I ride a 900cc Ducati Monster motorcycle, and this car with a passenger and rear seat (which I don't run in competition) was ~10mph faster than the bike at the same point in an acceleration lane i commuted on everyday. The throttle response and torque is just like a big v-twin motorcycle as well, instant and plentiful.''

Edited by roco123
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. By reducing the rotational mass, the engine uses less power to power accessories such as the alternator and power steering pump which translates into more available horsepower and torque.


Deci cam cat se traduce in castig de putere, 2,3%?




cel mai bine iti iei o japoneza daca vrei turbo and shit.. nu bmw

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. By reducing the rotational mass, the engine uses less power to power accessories such as the alternator and power steering pump which translates into more available horsepower and torque.


Deci cam cat se traduce in castig de putere, 2,3%?




cel mai bine iti iei o japoneza daca vrei turbo and shit.. nu bmw


Zise Ghita inteleptul.....de unde rasariti cu totii frate ?

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