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ASC e39


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Cum spune si titlul...sunt foarte curios despre felul in care lucreaza acest sistem antipatinaj pe e39/2003.

Stiu ca functioneaza pe baza informatiilor de la senzorii ABS, si are efect reducerea cuplului pe puntea motrica. Dar efectiv cum face acest lucru?

La generatiile mai vechi stiu ca actiona asupra injectiei, reducand astfel puterea motorului. Dar.......la mine, stie sa reduca cuplul doar pe roata care patineaza, sau taie implict pe ambele roti?


Multumesc mult de info...:)

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Din 2003 ar trebui sa ai DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) care e mai complex decat ASC-ul (Automatic Stability Control) care nu face decat sa citeasca fol senzorii de ABS si in momentul cand patinezi are o clapeta pe TB (Throttle Body) cu un cablu si o inchide astfel iti taie cumva acceleratia.
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exista si un senzor giroscopic care . transmite ..informatii despre traictoria curenta a masinii ..aplicand frana..fara interventia soferului .. individual fiecare dintre roti .. .cu intensitate si cadenta diferita. ..ceva de genul... mai exact poti cauti ca s-a mai discutat.

sistemul DSC are 12 senzori de analiza a masinii ...printre care si cei de ABS... giroscopic ..pozitie volan...




DSC is, in fact, a further development of the ABS and ASC+T slip control systems.


While ASC + T analyzes the longitudinal forces occurring in straight-ahead operation, DSC additionally registers and analyses lateral dynamic forces.

When cornering at high speeds, DSC counters unstable vehicle states such as oversteering (rear of car brakes into a slide towards the outside of the curve) or understeering (front of car pushes towards the outside of the curve).

The DSC feature can provide maximum stability when cornering.

With DSC there is a significant reduction in the risk of skidding.


DSC makes use of the ABS wheel-speed sensors and the following additional components:


steering angle sensor to detect the driver's chosen path.

lateral-acceleration sensor to define the lateral forces which must be transmitted to the road by the tires.

rate-of-turn sensor to define the vehicle's degree of rotary movement.

brake-pressure sensor to define the longitudinal forces acting between tires and road surface under braking.



Oversteer and Understeer:


In the case of oversteer, DSC brakes the outer rear (and, if needed, the outer front) wheel in order to correct the vehicle's stance by generating a counter-momentum to neutralize the oversteer. The braking effect is applied at both outer wheels.

In the case of understeer, DSC acts upon the inner rear (and, if needed, the inner front) wheel to regain vehicle stability. The braking effect is applied at both inner wheels.

The DSC's electronic and hydraulic systems are rapid and precise and they are hardly felt by the driver.

Edited by Stefan_SNK
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Ok...Teoretic stiu ce e si care e efectul functionarii corecte a ASC.

Da, masina mea are DSC.....foarte eficient pe zapada, evident cu gume de iarna bune. Multumesc tuturor pentru explicatiile oferite si pentru linkuri...

Dar aceste aspecte le stiam deja.....Ma interesa efectiv cum actioneaza ASC-ul pentru a reduce cuplul la rotile motrice., si daca poate reduce cuplul individual pentru fiecare roata in parte care patineaza, sau reduce pe puntea spate....?



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