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Dezmembrez E36 316i Sedan, motor M40

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Fa un pret pentru cotiera!Nu e originala,macar vine bine?


cotiera e fabricata de KAMEI, e facuta special pt e36, nu e adaptata.pret....te las pe tine sa spui cat esti dispus sa dai, dar in limita bunului simt. Am atasat si o poza reala cu cotiera montata. O zi buna !

0745 11 65 96- Radu


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Salut! Ma intereseaza catalizatorul (toba intermediara), de pe orice varianta de caroserie, dar model 316i sau 318i. Doar acestea sunt la fel. Unul in stare cat mai buna ai avea?

De asemenea, as mai dori un vas spalator parbriz, varianta mare, de 5-6 L.

Trimite-mi te rog oferta de pret si poze intr-un mesaj privat, sau pe mail la adresa cristi_vw [@] yahoo .com


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Salut! Ma intereseaza catalizatorul (toba intermediara), de pe orice varianta de caroserie, dar model 316i sau 318i. Doar acestea sunt la fel. Unul in stare cat mai buna ai avea?

De asemenea, as mai dori un vas spalator parbriz, varianta mare, de 5-6 L.

Trimite-mi te rog oferta de pret si poze intr-un mesaj privat, sau pe mail la adresa cristi_vw [@] yahoo .com




Catalizatorul(toba intermediara) am scris mai pe la inceputul topicului ca s-a vandut.

Vas spalator parbriz nu am decat cel mic, de 2,5litri.

O zi buna!

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salut, ce an e masina? poti masura bara stabilizatoare fata? vreau sa stiu ce diametru are



masina e fabricata in iulie 1993, a avut motor 1,6 M40, Sedan. Maine o sa masor si iti dau un raspuns exact.

se potriveste pe :

Part 31351091198 (Stabilizer, front) was found on the following E36 vehicles:


E36 316i Coupe, M43, Europe, AUTO (BE21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Coupe, M43, Europe, RHD, AUTO (BE22) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Coupe, M43, Europe, MANUAL (BE11) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Coupe, M43, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (BE12) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CA81) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CP21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CP21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, AUTO (CA21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CA81) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CP21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CA81) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CA81) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CP21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, AUTO (CA21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, AUTO (CA22) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, AUTO (CA82) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, AUTO (CA82) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, AUTO (CA82) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, AUTO (CA22) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, AUTO (CA82) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, MANUAL (CA11) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, MANUAL (CA71) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, MANUAL (CA11) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, MANUAL (CA71) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, MANUAL (CA71) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, MANUAL (CA71) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (CA72) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (CA12) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (CA72) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (CA72) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (CA72) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (CA12) : Stabilizer, front


Masor maine si te anunt. O seara buna !

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salut, ce an e masina? poti masura bara stabilizatoare fata? vreau sa stiu ce diametru are






Bara stabilizatoare are diametrul de 21mm. Atasez si 2 poze cu ea.


Pentru userul @punctepuncte atasez poze cu caseta de directie.













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salut, ce an e masina? poti masura bara stabilizatoare fata? vreau sa stiu ce diametru are






Bara stabilizatoare are diametrul de 21mm. Atasez si 2 poze cu ea.


Pentru userul @punctepuncte atasez poze cu caseta de directie.

Multumesc frumos pentru promtitudine ,maine te anunt daca e alba sau neagra,o seara buna !

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salut, ce an e masina? poti masura bara stabilizatoare fata? vreau sa stiu ce diametru are






Bara stabilizatoare are diametrul de 21mm. Atasez si 2 poze cu ea.


Pentru userul @punctepuncte atasez poze cu caseta de directie.

Multumesc frumos pentru promtitudine ,maine te anunt daca e alba sau neagra,o seara buna !


Ok. O seara buna in continuare !

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Salut ,

Caut brat stanga spate si etrier cu tot cu butuc dreapta fata daca ai ,ma intereseaza sa aibe gaurile pentru prezoane bune .



bratul de pe stanga spate s-a vandut.

pe fata dreapta am ce iti trebuie. Banuiesc ca ai nevoie de ansamblul din poza de pe realoem si de etrier, nu?



Astept o oferta de pret pentru cele mentionate. Multumesc.

O zi buna !

0745.11.65.96 - Radu

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salut, ce an e masina? poti masura bara stabilizatoare fata? vreau sa stiu ce diametru are



masina e fabricata in iulie 1993, a avut motor 1,6 M40, Sedan. Maine o sa masor si iti dau un raspuns exact.

se potriveste pe :

Part 31351091198 (Stabilizer, front) was found on the following E36 vehicles:


E36 316i Coupe, M43, Europe, AUTO (BE21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Coupe, M43, Europe, RHD, AUTO (BE22) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Coupe, M43, Europe, MANUAL (BE11) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Coupe, M43, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (BE12) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CA81) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CP21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CP21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, AUTO (CA21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CA81) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CP21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CA81) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CA81) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, AUTO (CP21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, AUTO (CA21) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, AUTO (CA22) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, AUTO (CA82) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, AUTO (CA82) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, AUTO (CA82) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, AUTO (CA22) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, AUTO (CA82) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, MANUAL (CA11) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, MANUAL (CA71) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, MANUAL (CA11) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, MANUAL (CA71) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, MANUAL (CA71) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, MANUAL (CA71) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (CA72) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (CA12) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (CA72) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (CA72) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M43, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (CA72) : Stabilizer, front

E36 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (CA12) : Stabilizer, front


Masor maine si te anunt. O seara buna !



Mersi caut de 26 mm :twoup:

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