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Care din cele 2 tipuri de ulei e mai OK? Castrol VS Mobil 1

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Eu am avut doar Castrol la masinile mele. La Mercedes am folosit Magnatec si la VW Edge, la BMW a avut in Gemania ulei Castrol in tara i-am pus BMW acum mi-am cumparat ulei Castrol EDGE 5w-30 nu stiu daca e cea mai buna solutie dar pe asta il pun momentan.


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4.0 "Longlife-04"

Approved for the following BMW engines: Please refer to Enclosure 3.

Longlife-04 oils are only approved for spark-ignition engines in Europe (EU plus Switzerland, Norway and

Liechtenstein). They must not be used outside this area as problems are often encountered with fuel quality.

4.1 BMW Longlife-04 engine oils available via BMW Parts Service:

Longlife-04 engine oil SAE 0W-40

Trade name BMW part number Container size

BMW engine oil Longlife-04 83 21 0 398 504 1 litre

Longlife-04 engine oil 83 21 0 398 505 208 litres

Longlife-04 engine oil 83 21 0 398 506 Tanker (truck)

Longlife-04 engine oil SAE 5W-30

Trade name BMW part number Container size

BMW engine oil Longlife-04 83 21 0 398 507 1 litre

Longlife-04 engine oil 83 21 0 398 508 208 litres

Longlife-04 engine oil 83 21 0 398 509 Tanker (truck)

4.2 Names of approved Longlife-04 oils:

Trade name Viscosity Manufacturer

Addinol Extra Power MV 0538 SAE 5W-30 Addinol Lube Oil GmbH

Agip Formula MS B04 SAE 5W-30 ENI S.p.A.

Alpine RSL 5W30 LA SAE 5W-30 Mitan MineralĂśl GmbH

Aral SuperTronic SAE 0W-40 Aral

Astris DPF Syntho SAE 5W-30 Astris SA

AVIA Synth LS SAE 0W-40 AVIA MineralĂśl AG

Aviaticon Unique BM SAE 5W-30 Finke MineralĂślwerk GmbH

Bel-Ray Longlife-04 SAE 5W-30 Krafft S.L. (Unipersonal)

Bizol New Generation SAE 5W-30 BITA Trading GmbH

Budget MotorenĂśl HC-Synthese SAE 5W-40 Goldhand Vertriebsges. mbH

Castrol Edge SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol Edge Formula RS SAE 0W-40 Castrol Limited

Castrol Edge Sport SAE 0W-40 Castrol Limited

Castrol Edge Turbo Diesel SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol Formula RS SAE 0W-40 Castrol Limited

Castrol Formula SLX Turbo Diesel SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol GTX MAGNATEC SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol GTX 9 Magnatec SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX LL-04 SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX Longlife III SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited


Castrol SLX Professional OE SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX Professional Powerflow BMW


SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX Professional Powerflow BMW


SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX Professional Powerflow C3l SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX Professional Powerflow C3 TD SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol TXT LL-04 SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Cespa Star Mega LS SAE 5W-30 Cespa Lubricantes S.A.

Diesel One SAE 5W-30 ERG Petroil spa

Divinol Syntholight HC-FE SAE 5W-30 Zeller+Gmelin

Elf Excellium C3 SAE 5W-30 Total

Elf Excellium LSX SAE 5W-30 Total

Elf Solaris LSX SAE 5W-30 Total

Euroclub Cleantec SAE 5W-30 Hunold Schmierstoffe GmbH

Fina First 500 SAE 5W-30 Total

Galp Energy Ultra LS SAE 5W-40 Petrogal SA

Gulf Formula ULE SAE 5W-30 Gulf Oil International

Gulf Formula XLE SAE 5W-30 S.A. Espanola de Lubrificantes

Gulf Progress Extended SAE 5W-30 S.A. Espanola de Lubrificantes

Havoline Ultra S SAE 5W-30 Chevron Global Lubricants

Havoline Ultra S SAE 5W-40 Chevron Global Lubricants

Igol Process Compact M SAE 5W-30 Igol France, S.A.

Jet Top Level SAE 0W-40 Conoco Phillips GmbH

Krafft Longlife-04 SAE 5W-30 Krafft S.L. (Unipersonal)

Liqui Moly Longtime High Tech SAE 5W-30 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly TopTec 4100 SAE 5W-40 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly Nachfüll-Öl SAE 5W-40 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly Pro-Engine M 400 SAE 5W-40 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly Pro-Engine M 500 SAE 5W-30 Liqui Moly

Marly Gold Ultra 5W30 LL-04 SAE 5W-30 N.V. Marly S.A.

megol MotorenĂśl New Generation SAE 5W-30 Meguin GmbH & Co.KG

Midland ® Synova SAE 5W-30 Oel-Brack AG

Midland ® Synova SAE 5W-40 Oel-Brack AG

Mobil 1 ESP SAE 0W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil 1 ESP Formula SAE 5W-30 ExxonMobil

Mobil Syst S ESP SAE 5W-30 ExxonMobil

Mobil Syst S Special V SAE 5W-30 ExxonMobil

MOL Dynamik Gold SAE 5W-30 MOL-LUB Lubricant Ltd.

SBS 4.0 "Longlife-04" BMW AG - TIS 03.01.2009 00:50

Issue status (08/2007) Valid only until next DVD is issued Copyright Page - 2 -

Molykote Longlife-04 SAE 5W-30 Krafft S.L. (Unipersonal)

Low Emission engine oil SAE 5W-40 Meguin GmbH

Motorex Select LA-X SAE 5W-30 Bucher AG

Motul Specific LL-04 SAE 5W-40 Motul S.A.

Motul 8100 X-Clean SAE 5W-40 Motul S.A.

Neste City Pro SAE 5W-40 Neste Markkinointi Oy

OMV BIXXOL special C3 SAE 5W-30 OMV AG

OMV eco plus SAE 5W-30 OMV AG

Opaljet Longlife 2 SAE 5W-30 Unil Opal

Optima Eco SAE 5W-30 Oil Refinery Modrica

Petronas Syntium 5000 LL SAE 5W-30 Petronas

Platinum MaxEnergy Euro4 SAE 5W-30 Orlen Oil Sp. z o.o.

Q Diesel Plus SAE 5W-30 Pennzoil Quaker State

Q8 Formula Special SAE 5W-30 Kuwait Petroleum

Ravenol HLS SAE 5W-30 Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb


Repsol Elite Evolution SAE 5W-40 Repsol YPF

Shell Helix Diesel Ultra Extra SAE 5W-30 Shell International Petroleum Company

Shell Helix Ultra AP SAE 5W-30 Shell International Petroleum Company

Shell Helix Ultra Extra SAE 5W-30 Shell International Petroleum Company

Shell Helix Ultra LX SAE 5W-30 Shell International Petroleum Company

Statoil LazerWay C SAE 5W-40 Statoil Lubricants

swd Concept-Tech DX SAE 5W-30 Swd Lubricants GmbH & Co. KG

swd Primus DX SAE 5W-30 Swd Lubricants GmbH & Co. KG

Tamoil Sint Future Extra SAE 5W-40 Tamoil Italia SpA

Titan GT1 SAE 5W-30 Fuchs Petrolub AG

Tor Prolong LSP SAE 5W-30 De Oliebron

Total Quartz INEO MC3 SAE 5W-30 Total

Valvoline SynPower MST SAE 5W-30 Valvoline

Vita Alpha SAE 5W-30 MĂźller MineralĂśle Handels- und

Beratungsges. mbH

Wintershall VIVA 1 topsynth alpha LS SAE 5W-30 SRS Schmierstoff Vertrieb GmbH

Wolf Masterlube Synflow C3 SAE 5W-30 Wolf Oil s.a.

Yacco VX 1703 FAP SAE 5W-30 Yacco S.A.S.

Yacco VX 1703 FAP SAE 5W-40 Yacco S.A.S.

York 848 SAE 5W-40 Ginouves SAS

BMW recommends Castrol.

Status 08/2007

SBS 4.0 "Longlife-04" BMW AG - TIS 03.01.2009 00:50

Issue status (08/2007) Valid only until next DVD is issued Copyright Page - 3 -

Edited by ionatan
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Parerile sunt tare impartite in ceea ce priveste uleiurile ... Fiecare vine cu cate o parere si cate o experienta noua .. Personal aud zvonuri cum ca pe piata circula mobil de turcia, motiv pentru care lumea incepe sa se fereasca .. Din nefericire nu scrie unde e facut . Pe marea majoritate a ambalajelor o sa gasiti made in EU (aici ma refer la Castrol si Mobil). In fond o eticheta cu codul de bare 4 sa vada lumea ca e made in germany poa` sa fie lipita si in bangladesh spre exemplu . Asadar, atata timp cat masina se comporta normal cu un ulei sau cu altul nu vad de ce s`ar trece la alte marci . Spre siguranta unora care vor sa vada ca scrie made in Germany puteti trece pe aral sau liquy moly ca tot am vazut ca s`a adus discutia despre el. In ceea ce priveste Castrol SLX, nu cred/stiu sa exista vreo diferenta dintre el si Castrol Edge decat pretul, pe ambele am vazut aceleasi specificatii/norme ...
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  • 2 months later...
Nu va speriati de Mobil, este un ulei foarte bun. Uleiul este produs in Italia la Ventimiglia unde au o rafinarie foarte mare, dupa care este transportat in Turcia si doar ambalat pe maul Bosforului (been there done that). Sunt totusi niste standarde care trebuie respectate de fiecare producator, nu tin cu Mobil, pana si Castrol e excelent, doar atat feriti-va de uleiuri ambalate la noi in nu stiu ce garaj cu preturi suspect de mici fata de media de pret ale celor din magazine. Cat despre mitul cu Castrol made in Germany, am cautat in Germania si Austria in foarte multe magazine si pe toate scria made in EU.
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multumesc frumos la amandoi :twoup:



Deci ziceti ca liqui moly le bate pe mobil 1 si castrol?? eu am momentan mobil 1 15W-30 si ma gandeam sa trec la un castrol 5W-40 sau chiar la un aral cu aceleasi specificatii deoarece masina parca consuma un pic de ulei mobil 1.


Pana la urma care e? Castrol sau Mobil 1??


multumesc frumos la amandoi :)



Deci ziceti ca liqui moly le bate pe mobil 1 si castrol?? eu am momentan mobil 1 15W-30 si ma gandeam sa trec la un castrol 5W-40 sau chiar la un aral cu aceleasi specificatii deoarece masina parca consuma un pic de ulei mobil 1.


Pana la urma care e? Castrol sau Mobil 1??

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multumesc frumos la amandoi :twoup:


Pana la urma care e? Castrol sau Mobil 1??


Nu conteaza atat de mult marka uleiului poate fii foarte bine oricare dintre cele 3, importanta este specificatia uleiului daca motorul este cu turbo si mult mai important este sa se schimbe uleiul si filtrul cat mai des, discutiile astea cu marcile de ulei sunt absolut aberante ....


Bmw recomanda Castrol (marketing) si pe langa sunt multe alte marci de uleiuri pe care le recomanda la fel de bune :





Edited by edy1092
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faceti ce faceti dar vad ca tot la turcia va intoarceti :twoup: :"Farshad Khalkhali

Level Automotive Farshas Khalkhali"

E made in germany!

import direct :) ; p.s. ai fost vreodata sa cumperi masina de la turc din germania? dute si dupa aia vorbim

Edited by grozadan
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