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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Duralube la E36 ?


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alex26, asculta ce iti zice paul, ca nu citeaza de la el ci de la unii dintre cei mai seriosi. daca FTC a ajuns sa ii sanctioneze pe aia, printre altele si pentru reclama mincinoasa, mai poti sa mai crezi ceva (bun) despre ei? tot ce zici tu sint efecte placebo. eu nu as incerca ce propui tu pe nici o masina (nici macar pe una de tocat carne sau spalat vase) a mea sau a prietenilor (la care tin). ar fi bataie de joc.


sau daca vrei, citand putin un site cu discutii despre uleiuri, companiile mari care produc ulei cheltuie sute de milioane de dolari pe cercetare si dezvoltare sa faca uleiuri cit mai bune. un ulei de marca cotine deja un mix de aditivi pusi de compania producatoare. in contrast, firmele care fac aditivi cheltuie citeva milioane pe cercetare (ca sa constate de fapt ca formula de aditivi necesari este X+Y+Z dar care deja sint prezenti intr-un ulei bun!) si inca pe atita sau mai mult pe marketing (sa te convinga ca produsul lor si numai produsul lor te va scapa de orice probleme si o sa prelungeasca viata masinii tale). nu vezi nici o problema? ba mai mult, marile companii care produc uleiuri, insista sa nu se foloseasca nici un fel de aditiv cu produsele lor. oare de ce?


concluzie: aditivii astia minune de ulei nu fac doi bani si nimic bun. in cel mai bun caz nu fac nici rau. dar de ce sa risti?


despre uleiuri

despre aditivi de ulei (asta e de citit neaparat daca vreti sa va jucati cu aditivi d'astia minune!)

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si inca o chestiune. poate ati mai vazut faimoasele reclame la produce d'astea minune in care un motor cu aditivi d'astia de superman merge muuult fara ulei dupa ce a fost "tratat":


...we have witnessed live demonstrations put on to demonstrate the effectiveness of certain oil additives. The demonstrators would have a bench-mounted engine which they would fill with oil and a prescribed dose of their "miracle additive." After running the engine for a while they would stop it, drain out the oil and start it up again. Instant magic! The engine would run perfectly well for hours on end, seemingly proving the effectiveness of the additive which had supposedly "coated" the inside of the engine so well it didn't even need the oil to run. In one case, we saw this done with an actual motorcycle, which would be rid den around the parking lot after having its oil drained. A pretty convincing demonstration - until you know the facts.


Since some of these demonstrations were conducted using Briggs and Stratton engines, the Briggs and Stratton Company itself decided to run a similar, but somewhat more scientific, experiment. Taking two brand-new, identical engines straight off their assembly line, they set them up for bench-testing. The only difference was that one had the special additive included with its oil and the other did not. Both were operated for 20 hours before being shut down and having the oil drained from them. Then both were started up again and allowed to run for another 20 straight hours. Neither engine seemed to have any problem performing this "minor miracle."


After the second 20-hour run, both engines were completely torn down and inspected by the company's engineers. What they found was that both engines suffered from scored crankpin bearings, but the engine treated with the additive also suffered from heavy cylinder bore damage that was not evident on the untreated engine.


This points out once again the inherent problem with particulate oil additives: They can cause oil starvation. This is particularly true in the area of piston rings, where there is a critical need for adequate oil flow. In practically all of the reports and studies on oil additives, and particularly those involving suspended solids like PTFE, this has been reported as a major area of engine damage.


articolul complet este aici.

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