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Alarmele lui Beckham.......

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Am tot citit pe aici despre cele mai bune alarme...Dar am mai citit si prin alte parti ca David Beckham a ramas fara 2 bucati BMW X5.El oare de care alarma o fi avut una ieftina sau una mai pricopsita? :blink: .Oricum e sigur ca la modelele mai noi cu "Comfort Access" daca ai place cuiva mai priceput masina ta...o va avea!!!
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Daca astia imbirliga cu comfort access....v-am imbirligat si eu.....





Comfort Access


"Also available for the first time on a BMW in this class is Comfort Access. All cars receive a newly designed key that replaces the conventional blade-type key but with Comfort Access the key contains an ID Sensor that the car recognises from a short distance away. On recognition, the doors are unlocked automatically and the car can be started with one push of the starter button. The Comfort Access system also works in tandem with BMW's familiar key memory system to ensure that the seating position, door mirrors, personalised air conditioning settings and radio reception are automatically adjusted to the current drivers' settings before they enter the car.


Walking up to his BMW properly locked and secured, all the driver has to do with Comfort Access is pull the door handle in order to open the door. Then, as he is taking his seat at the wheel, the Personal Profile functions serve to adjust, say, the driver’s seating position, the automatic air conditioning and the radio station according to the driver’s personal requirements.


Over and above these three functions, Car & Key Memory (CKM) also sets the interior and exterior mirrors, the central locking and interior lights, the audio system sound effects and, in a car appropriately equipped, the presentation on the Control Display as well as the voice entry setting.


Once the driver is ready to go, he simply presses the start/stop button. Once he has reached his destination, in turn, he presses the same button to switch off the engine. Then, placing his finger on the marked surface on the door handle after getting out and closing the door, he automatically locks and secures the car without requiring any further action. If he has forgotton the ID sensor in the car the doors will not lock and the driver will receive an appropriate warning. And should the electronic key control system ever fail to operate, the driver can insert the ID sensor into a slot in the instrument panel in order to drive the car just as conveniently the “conventional” way."


Cam atit despre "Comfort access" si furaciunile.....

Edited by iuli_dizzy
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La BMW sistemul keyless se numeste Comfort Access. Cred k singura legatura e k s-a  demonstrat ca , criptarea pe 40 bit nu e suficienta in aceste sisteme ce folosesc cip-uri RFID.

Uite aici toata metoda de a se fura masini "keyless go":




Este foarte ciudat deoarece X5-ul nu are asa ceva,este posibil sa fi fost ceva mai special ,deoarece masina a fost foarte scumpa.


Keyless inseamna ca deschizi usa cu telecomanda,comfort access este cu totul altceva.

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The authors also suggest that car owners wrap their keyless ignition fobs in tin foil when not in use to prevent active scanning attacks, and that automobile manufacturers place a protective cylinder around the ignition slot. This latter step would limit the RFID broadcast range and make it harder for someone outside the car to eavesdrop on the code sequence.


.....asa ca o rola de folie de aluminiu face mai mult decit o alarma belea!!!

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The authors also suggest that car owners wrap their keyless ignition fobs in tin foil when not in use to prevent active scanning attacks, and that automobile manufacturers place a protective cylinder around the ignition slot. This latter step would limit the RFID broadcast range and make it harder for someone outside the car to eavesdrop on the code sequence.


.....asa ca o rola de folie de aluminiu face mai mult decit o alarma belea!!!



Deja confuzia este mare.Pai ce treaba are contactul cu comfort access?Daca masina are comfort access,nu este nevoie sa introduci cheia in contact.

Daca nu are,nimeni nu poate copia de afara semnalul.

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Pai daca sistemul Comfort Access presupune si pornirea motorului "cu cheia in buzunar",  cine reuseste sa iti decripteze si cloneze frecventa cred ca poate si pleca cu ea...



Asta este clar.Si dupa cum se vede ,se poate.Ce treaba are folia?Ce protejeaza?Contactul in care nu introduci cheia?


Si nu este asa mare tragedie cum pare.Se poate decripta cheia.Bun ,si ce?

Ce mare lucru sa intrerupi comunicatia cu computerul de injectie?In nici un articol nu se face referire la faptul ca X5-urile furate aveau sau nu comfort access.

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Pai cine vrea sa iti fure masina nu are nevoie sa aibe cheia ta in mina pt a fura masina.Lucrul asta se poate face scanand cu un RFID reader atunci cind tu te afli linga masina....si daca se mai si pricepe la decriptare un pic....

Oricum e jalnica metoda recomandata de a evita ca cineva sa iti scaneze chipul RFID....

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,cred eu mai bine securizat!



Corect ,poate fi trecut peste el dupa cum se vede.Nu mi se pare motiv foarte mare de ingrijorare pentru cei ce detin o asemenea masina.Se poate elimina foarte usor accesul la computerul masinii,numai ca multi proprietari nu isi bat capul cu asta.Aproape toate masinile sunt asigurate,full,deci nimeni nu se oboseste sa isi protejeze masina.

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