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Masini puse la vanzare in Romania


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masina de uk careia i-a fost schimbat volanul de pe dreapta pe stanga.....totusi e39 are oglina in parasolar si la sofer?



sau cele pe care le-am vazut eu erau toate de provenienta UK, ceea ce nu cred.


respect pentru o masina eleganta

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Bara M-tech 2 cu bara M-tech 1, volanul ala nu cred ca trebuia sa fie pe acolo, fac pariu ca masina de fapt este '99, jante de Z4. Un amalgam. Dar e frumoasa.


Pai volanul.... poate a facut omu upgrade... oricum interioru mi se pare impecabil... si optiuni are destule. Si cu bara poate a troznit-o si el si a luat de m tech 2. :thumbsup:


Vad ca langa e masina lui brandex.

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Pai volanul.... poate a facut omu upgrade... oricum interioru mi se pare impecabil... si optiuni are destule. Si cu bara poate a troznit-o si el si a luat de m tech 2. :thumbsup:


Vad ca langa e masina lui brandex.

cred ca e la o intalnire bmw , dar una mai veche de cand se tineau la casa poporului .

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Thanks for your quick reply. I am okay with the truck and tell me your last price. I am Mr Gary Williams and i will still be on-board till the end of september. My wife loves surprises so i don't want her to be aware before the car arrives home. I love my wife so much... She is so caring and loving....She deserves the whole wide world. i have contacted a shipping company in United kingdom.... Never mind... They will bring a Video Coverage when coming to view how they will test drive and capture all the engine parts and every necessary part and send it to me online to watch... About the payment, I am still on-board so the only means i can pay you is through online payment. I can only make the payment via PayPal..you can easily set up a PayPal account on www.paypal.com it is easier, safer, faster and more secured. so send me the email address you used to register so that i can send the money through my credit card. Also, If you already have a paypal account,send me the


address you used to register so that i can effect the payment to you. All the information that i need from you are these:

The Email address you used to register.............

Your Full Name................

Mobile number............

Contact Address...........

I will like you to provide these information on time so that I can transfer the money from my Credit card and effect the payment on time...

Hope to receive your reply soonest and have a pleasant day


--- On Tue, 11/15/11, Nicolae Ieronim <nicolae_ieronim@yahoo.com> wrote:


From: Nicolae Ieronim <nicolae_ieronim@yahoo.com>

Subject: Re: Contact anunt depozitauto.ro

To: "williams_gary09@yahoo.com" <williams_gary09@yahoo.com>

Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 7:20 AM


The car is in good condition, and the last price is 5800 Euro.


From: Ana-Maria Manole <anamaria.manole@depozitauto.ro>

To: nicolae_ieronim@yahoo.com

Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 2:55 PM

Subject: Contact anunt depozitauto.ro


Interested in your car, i will like to know the last price and the present condition.. I await your reply.


Nume: Gary

Email: williams_gary09@yahoo.com

Telefon: 44657356282




este teapa sau este pe bune?

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Thanks for your quick reply. I am okay with the truck and tell me your last price. I am Mr Gary Williams and i will still be on-board till the end of september. My wife loves surprises so i don't want her to be aware before the car arrives home. I love my wife so much... She is so caring and loving....She deserves the whole wide world. i have contacted a shipping company in United kingdom.... Never mind... They will bring a Video Coverage when coming to view how they will test drive and capture all the engine parts and every necessary part and send it to me online to watch... About the payment, I am still on-board so the only means i can pay you is through online payment. I can only make the payment via PayPal..you can easily set up a PayPal account on www.paypal.com it is easier, safer, faster and more secured. so send me the email address you used to register so that i can send the money through my credit card. Also, If you already have a paypal account,send me the


address you used to register so that i can effect the payment to you. All the information that i need from you are these:

The Email address you used to register.............

Your Full Name................

Mobile number............

Contact Address...........

I will like you to provide these information on time so that I can transfer the money from my Credit card and effect the payment on time...

Hope to receive your reply soonest and have a pleasant day


--- On Tue, 11/15/11, Nicolae Ieronim <nicolae_ieronim@yahoo.com> wrote:


From: Nicolae Ieronim <nicolae_ieronim@yahoo.com>

Subject: Re: Contact anunt depozitauto.ro

To: "williams_gary09@yahoo.com" <williams_gary09@yahoo.com>

Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 7:20 AM


The car is in good condition, and the last price is 5800 Euro.


From: Ana-Maria Manole <anamaria.manole@depozitauto.ro>

To: nicolae_ieronim@yahoo.com

Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 2:55 PM

Subject: Contact anunt depozitauto.ro


Interested in your car, i will like to know the last price and the present condition.. I await your reply.


Nume: Gary

Email: williams_gary09@yahoo.com

Telefon: 44657356282




este teapa sau este pe bune?



tu ce crezi?????



ia uita-te pe topicul asta la pagina 283....



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c.sainz - te uiti sa vezi daca te lipesti de vreuna?? :)



pare ok masina si ingrijita...in afara de faptul ca are jante de Z4 si barile diferite chiar nu mi se pare nimic in neregula la ea, nu ca mi se par a fi ceva rau, atat doar ca nu sunt toate pe aceeasi linie, insa eu zic ca merita vazuta masina daca esti interesat!

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salut. ce parere aveti de masina asta?






E o masina foarte scumpa la intretinere! Daca ti-o permiti ..... (mie nu-mi place modelul deloc, dar asta nu are importanta).

Fireste ca, daca te decizi, trebuie verificata din bara-n bara; macar sa stii cat de buna este si cat te costa eventualele mici reparatii. (repet: e f scumpa intretinerea)

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buna seara.

va rog sa ma ajutati la 318-le asta?

masina este in piata in Cluj, ma duc maine sa o duc la "verificat la un service de incredere".

in afara de faptul ca nu ii sta bancheta din spate chiar la locul ei (ultima poza), masina arata foarte bine si motorul "nu bate, nu troncane".

i-am luat si seria sasiului, dar la reprezentanta mi-au zis ca nu gasesc date despre ea, pentru ca nu a facut nici o reparatie la "BMW" si nici probleme in garantie nu a avut.

asta e masina:



apreciez orice sprijin, iar daca aveti idee de masini asemanatoare la pret comparabil, va rog sa imi dati de stire.


cu respect,


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