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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Masini puse la vanzare in Romania


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Pentru cei curiosi in legatura cu ultimele tipuri de SCAM in domeniu auto, am luat legatura cu cel cu scirocco de mai sus, clasica poveste cu UK:



The car is in excellent condition, no technical damage, no accidents, full service history.

The car, the German documents and is still registered in GERMANY TĂV valid for 1 year. (Expired in 2013)

I have worked in GERMANY for 2 years, but now my company I signed a contract for 4 years in Denmark.



I want to take the car with me in Denmark, but at the last moment I found out how much is to register the Danish taxes. I'm trying to sell it at that price because I do not use it anymore, it's a shame to keep such a car and not use it. I'm aware that I'm selling it too cheap, but I have no other solution.


I offer (listed) under my car Europe Car Markets websites so I can sell it faster and for more potential buyers.


I can deliver the car anywhere in Europe in up to 5 days delivery.

Can you write English? I use to write an online German translation program if you speak English, contact. Please back to me in English.


Ok' date=' I understand your situation, I want to come to Germany and see the car and if it's OK to buy it. Please give me an adress to come and tomorrow I will be there, I can come by plane if you are in a hurry.[/quote']



I am one of those persons that really believes in common sense, honor and respect.

I am a General Inspector on Freight Boat.




The car is now located in United Kingdom (Isle of Man).

I registered the vehicle with eBay Purchase Protection Program, so a local pick-up is not an option.

This company even allow the buyer to test the car before paying for it and I think it is the fair thing to do.



My last offer price is 9.000 EURO.

*Price including:

A) The exchange documents for you to be the new owner of the car;

B) Costs for Transport

C) Full car insurance in case something is wrong with the transport,



Please write me back to discuss only if you are interested!

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Nu ma bag peste gusturile unora, masina cu siguranta ar fi luat ochii la un show de EXPO dar imi pare rau pentru calitatea vopselei sau a service-ului in care a fost vopsita, nu are luciu, e matuita parca. (asa se intampla deobicei cand nu folosesti cuptor) Edited by dj_rzn
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De aia a si pus virgula intre ele. Noul X5 arata mai bine. De Range Rover nici nu mai zic... ca ala e etalonul pentru segmentul asta.


Nici Kubang-ul de la Maserati nu e tocmai armonios (forme rotunde pe o caroserie de SUV dau impresia de balena esuata), dar parca nu chiar asa rau ca un Cayenne. Singurul SUV mai urat e cel de la Bentley.



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