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este siguranta 08


sursa e90post.com:

"I have a 335i e92 (2008-05 according to the door sticker), and the fuse layout does not seem to be the same as layouts I've seen for earlier models.


Here is my fuse layout. If yours is the same, then the Cigarette Lighter is fuse 08, (on the chart, it's the bottom right-most icon). It's a 20 Amp (yellow) mini-fuse. I had wondered why so high, then I realized that non-e92's actually have 4 (four) count-em four cigarette lighters to my two. Mine are both in the center console, but other e9x models have a third for the back seat and a fourth for the trunk.


I scanned in the fuse box chart the First Thing, knowing I'll loose it very very soon, and then colored it so it's easier to read.


I just wish I could find some Legend of what all the symbols meant!


Edited: Note that not all 2008 e90,1,2,3's have the same fuse box. (Anyone know the actual time and model where one is different than the other?). For example, look at the orientation of the little red "H" shaped plastic fuse-removal tool that's provided. Some have it horizontal, some vertical (like my 05/2008 e92). Keep that in mind when you are looking at various DIY's fuse suggestions."


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