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Jeremy este un maestru si cred ca intentionat demonteaza M5-ul, inainte de a spune ce spune despre el.


Problema e ca eu stiu, cat de putina dreptate are, ca de altfel oricine conduce un E60, relativ la electronica, semnalizatoare, navigatie, radio... Nu-l cred pe Jeremy asa de prost, asa ca eu cred ca toata demontarea masinii de la inceput, a fost o sarada, pentru a putea contrasta cu "the best sedan in the world".


O sa fac o analiza a tuturor problemelor indicate de Jeremy, mai putin asupra look-ului. Mie partea cu flashy, "I'm a shark", arrrrr, arrrrr, imi pare o lauda, probabil pentru ca mie imi place mult cum arata...

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Incep cu prima parte, care mie-mi place cum descrie masina:


For a kick-off, the new 5 series is, a ugly car... Fat in the back and with headlights like Edna Everage's spectacles... So... To mast the horror they festooned the M5 with a deep chin spoiler and big exhausts and M5 badges on every panel.


There's nothing quiet and dignified about this, it's a very shouty car:


"Look at me! Look how powerful I am! Hrrrr... Arrrrr. I'm a shark! I've got a fin on my back."


And things get even worse when you get inside. It has so much technology in here, that you can't just get in and go. First of all...


Asta la o prima ascultare.

Edited by Romulus
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Jeremy este un maestru si cred ca intentionat demonteaza M5-ul, inainte de a spune ce spune despre el.


a fost o sarada, pentru a putea contrasta cu "the best sedan in the world".


O sa fac o analiza a tuturor problemelor indicate de Jeremy, mai putin asupra look-ului.




n`are rost :blink: asta`i este stilu`,il intalnesti si la alte masini prezentate(chiar backwords :))

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I mean, first of all you get to choose how ferocious you want the gear changes to be. You get a choice of five settings for that, then there's three for the differential and two for the suspension.


Fie vorba intre noi, sunt 5 setari pe D si 6 pentru S. :blink: E un punct pozitiv, nimic rau ca ai de unde alege. Jeremy pare ca vrea sa spuna ca nu poti pleca pana nu decizi. Poti pleca linistit, le poti seta in mers si raman la fel pana pornesti data viitoare... :)

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You can even choose how long you want the headlamps to stay on after you get home at night. And it's not just like 10, 20, 30 seconds, it's infinite. So... I want 33 seconds... Or... or 34...? or... 37...? I don't know... 42...? It's just like in a cofee shop... Do I want the skimmed milk, do I want the water, do I want to buy expresso... thirty... 37! No! 38...


Bineinteles ca erau suficiente cateva optiuni, dar fiind windows CE nimeni nu s-a gandit ca ar fi vreo problema. In plus, setarea asta am facut-o o singura data la masina pentru fiecare cheie. De atunci n-am mai vazut-o la fata. :blink:

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It's a good job this is a powerful car because by the time you finish fiddling with all the computer stuff you'll have a lot of time to make up.


The engine however does not sound very powerful, when you start it... Sounds more like a diesel.


Aiurea, nu ai nimic de setat, doar pleci. Despre sunet, nu ma pot pronunta.

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