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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

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am gasit o masina pe mobile la un pret relativ bun, baiatu e din UK, acolo e si masina dar el zice ca a luato din germania cand lucra acolo, i-am dat un e-mail in legatura cu mai multe amanunte si am intrebat cum putem face daca e sa cumpar si aici am ajuns:


I already signed a contract with the transport company and as mentioned before I paid all the taxes and I have no interested in loosing that kind of money.The car is ready to be shipped to any location.This is the only way and my only condition in this transaction.



Terms of the Transaction:


Here is how I want to go about delivery and payment for the car .



I will explain to you step by step how this will work :



1)First you have to send me your shipping information (your name and address).


2)After I receive your shipping info, I'll contact the transport company and give them your shipping details to start the transaction.


3)You will receive a notification from the transport company with all the transaction details and also with the invoice.


4)After that, you will have to make deposit payment to the transport company , as a guarantee .


( you must send a deposit of 50% first and rest of the money 50% after the inspection time if you decide to buy the car)


5)The transport company will verify the payment, and if everything is in order, they will deliver the car to your address.


6)After you will receive the car and you will be completely satisfied with it, you will tell to the transport company your decision. You have 10 days to inspect it and take a decision.


If you don't keep it,they will refund your deposit in full without any charges from your side.


7)If by any reason, you will not be satisfied with the car, your deposit will be refunded to you and the car will be shipped back with no expense from your side.



I will not receive any payment until your agree to purchase the car.



Let me know if we can do this.





SHIPPING TIME: 3-5 DAYS within Europe.



The money will be sent to the Transport Company before you will receive the car and not to me. I repeat they will keep your money until you receive the car and the documents of the car. You will have an inspection period of 10 days. In this time you can check, test and inspect the car. If by any reason (the car has any hidden damage or it isn't like i describe it) you can reject the deal. In this case the transport company will refund your deposit in full and they will ship the car back on MY cost.


The car was verified by the transport company qualified automotive technician and the car have passed all the test with no problems.



Edited by coolboy1878
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va dati seama ca nu as da nici un ban inainte de a vedea masina sau sa o testez.........nu era problema de pus botu doar intrebam daca sau perfectat asemenea tranzactii fara probleme, atat.


trebuie sa spun si am uitat in primul replay ca anuntul de pe mobile era ieri si azi a disparut :)


era vorba de un e46 320d cu m tech II in/out, vreo 98.000km, si cerea pe ea nici mai mult nici mai putin de 6000 euro :twoup:

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plus ca engleza aia suna cam romaneste, asa... adica nu prea imi seamana cu English-ul obisnuit, mai degraba topica frazei "aduce" cu cea romaneasca, mai ales pozitionarea virgulelor, care e specifica limbilor latine...


in fine, e posibil orice, dar nu e de incredere ! :twoup:

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BĂŁ, nu cred cĂŁ se ĂŽndoiește nimeni cĂŁ e țeapĂŁ.

Dar ca argument ĂŽn plus, eu aveam drum prin UK și i-am propus unuia cu o ofertĂŁ fix ca asta sĂŁ-i fac o vizitĂŁ sĂŁ vĂŁd un E46 decapotabil.

De atunci nu am mai auzit de el.

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teapa de la 5km departare ... am mai vazut exact metoda asta aplicata in vanzarea unor iphone-uri ... cel mai simplu e sa-i spui ca ai un prieten in UK care ar dori sa vada daca e ok masina pentru tine ... ai sa vezi ca nu vor sa accepte sub nici o forma! :twoup:
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am gasit o masina pe mobile la un pret relativ bun, baiatu e din UK, acolo e si masina dar el zice ca a luato din germania cand lucra acolo, i-am dat un e-mail in legatura cu mai multe amanunte si am intrebat cum putem face daca e sa cumpar si aici am ajuns:


I already signed a contract with the transport company and as mentioned before I paid all the taxes and I have no interested in loosing that kind of money.The car is ready to be shipped to any location.This is the only way and my only condition in this transaction.



Terms of the Transaction:


Here is how I want to go about delivery and payment for the car .



I will explain to you step by step how this will work :



1)First you have to send me your shipping information (your name and address).


2)After I receive your shipping info, I'll contact the transport company and give them your shipping details to start the transaction.


3)You will receive a notification from the transport company with all the transaction details and also with the invoice.


4)After that, you will have to make deposit payment to the transport company , as a guarantee .


( you must send a deposit of 50% first and rest of the money 50% after the inspection time if you decide to buy the car)


5)The transport company will verify the payment, and if everything is in order, they will deliver the car to your address.


6)After you will receive the car and you will be completely satisfied with it, you will tell to the transport company your decision. You have 10 days to inspect it and take a decision.


If you don't keep it,they will refund your deposit in full without any charges from your side.


7)If by any reason, you will not be satisfied with the car, your deposit will be refunded to you and the car will be shipped back with no expense from your side.



I will not receive any payment until your agree to purchase the car.



Let me know if we can do this.





SHIPPING TIME: 3-5 DAYS within Europe.



The money will be sent to the Transport Company before you will receive the car and not to me. I repeat they will keep your money until you receive the car and the documents of the car. You will have an inspection period of 10 days. In this time you can check, test and inspect the car. If by any reason (the car has any hidden damage or it isn't like i describe it) you can reject the deal. In this case the transport company will refund your deposit in full and they will ship the car back on MY cost.


The car was verified by the transport company qualified automotive technician and the car have passed all the test with no problems.



E O MARE TEAPA ...Acelasi lucru era sa il patesc si eu,doar ca era din finlanda si masina era inscrisa pe belgia ca acolo lucrase el...E o mare teapa

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E TEAPA MARE . EU am intrat in legatura cu omu pentru ca eram curios:)

Cititi de jos in sus...


From: Adam McCrystal [mailto:adam.mccrystal@googlemail.com]

Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 17:44

To: EU

Subject: Re: FW: BMW Seria 3 320d



You will make the sale contract with the shipping agent (he will be empowered by me to sign all the documents in my name)

We will make the deal in this way:

I will send you the car, and you will receive it in 3-4 days, first but for my warranty that you are a serios buyer ,You will make 2000 EUR from total amount via Western Union but in a secure way for you meaning that the funds will stay in the system until you receive and verify the machine

I don't want to ask you to send me any money in advance, I just want to see that you are a serious buyer. I will come only for a serious deal.

You must find the nearest Western Union agency .You have to make the payment by Western Union using only my location (london,UK) and a diffrent receiver s name .The receiver s name can be a family member or any other name you want .

You will have to go with cash to make the payment.I will will suport the Western Union fees.

You ll have to email me after the payment is complete the full name and address of the sender,receiver s name and also the Western Union ref number so i can verify that the order was placed (or send me the paper scaned from Western Union).Like this I can call to Western Union to check the transfer.

As soon as i do that i ll shipp the machine .After you receive the machine and you verify it you ll have to go to the Western Union agency again and change the receiver s name into my name so i can cash the payment and after that you must make rest of the payment.

If you don't want to buy the machine I will suport the shipping. I assure you that you will love this machine and you will buy it. It is in perfect conditions.

I repeat: You must understand that you will not send the money to me. I will not have acces to your money until you receive the machine and only when you change the receiver name I can pick up the money.

Thank You

2010/3/19 Eu <Eu>



1. How does the transaction works ?

2. How long will take until the car will be delivred to me to check it?

3. I`ve understand have 3 days to check the car at my own home , then I need to give an answer if I want to buy it or not.

4. I have any financial obligation if I will not buy the car after I’ll check it?

5. If I want to buy it how I will make the payment?

6. With who i`ll do the paper works to change car ownership to me?

7. how I send the car back if I change my mind and i`ll not buy it?






From: Adam McCrystal [mailto:adam.mccrystal@googlemail.com]

Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 3:24 PM

To: Eu

Subject: Re: BMW Seria 3 320d



Please reply in english.

Thank you for contacting me about my car.

The car is like brand new, it has no damages, no scratches or dents. This is a garage kept vehicle, it has a very clean interior, smoke and pets free. I'm not an expert on cars but I can assure you that it is in perfect conditions and it never had any problems with the engine, it has never been crashed and the maintenance was made only by authorized service.

The car has german papers it has the tilte of ownership, cleared of any obligations and fees, and comes with all the documents you need to register it (Tuv cert, COC. etc...). You will not have to pay additional taxes for this, it is my personal car.

I've worked in Germany for the last 6 months, and I purchased the car there. My company wanted me back home, so currently I'm in England. I've brought the car home with me, and now it's located in London UK.

The price 2600 euro (not negotiable). Comparing it with other cars, the price is a little bit low and I am aware of it, but the reason that I'm selling it at this price is because I don't use it anymore (the steering wheel is on the left side, and it's very hard for me to drive it here),is a pity to keep such a beautiful car and not use it.

I also tried to sell the car here in UK, but nobody wanted to buy a left hand drive car. That's why I must sell it in a country outside of UK.

Right now the car is crated in the garage at a shipping company here in my city (Auto Car Shippers). I paid this company to take care of the transaction, so you don't have to worry as you will pay only the price of the car. This is a very secure and profesional company and they will deliver the car in time. So they will bring the car to your address, and you will have 3 day to inspect it, with the option to accept, or reject it. Since we use a third party to close this deal I preffer honnest buyers.

Anyway if you want more details give me a reply, and I will get back with more details about how the deal works. I will look for your email so we can move forward with this deal.

Best regards!

Adam McCrystal

Ăn data de 19 martie 2010, 11:09, Eu <Eu> a scris:

Buna ziua ,


Ma intereseaza anuntul dumneavoastra de la linkul urmator:http://anunturi.automarket.ro/anunt/view-bmw-seria-3-diesel-2000-bucuresti.html?id=107659

Mai este valabil?

Se poate inscrie masina?

Autoturismul are carte service?

Pretul 2600 este fix?


Astept raspunsul dumneavoastra .

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