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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Vand 2 anvelope iarna Continental.


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Vand 2 anvelope de iarna Continental 225/60/15, profil 4-5mm.

150 lei ambele.










Le-am avut la e36 pe spate.

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Cum vrei sa arate, ca noi? Nu am apucat sa le spal, si nici nu fac asta decat daca e cineva interesat.


Si in al doilea rand profilul e ok.


Si in al treilea rand uita-te la masina ta iarna sau pe o vreme urata (ploaie / noroi), si la anvelope, apoi mai vorbim.

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sunt all-season ???

Scrie M+S pe ele.





M+S (Mud and Snow) tyres


All season


The All Season tire classification is a compromise between one developed for use on dry and wet roads during summer and one developed for use under winter conditions. The type of rubber and the tread pattern best suited for use under summer conditions cannot, for technical reasons, give good performance on snow and ice. The all-season tire is a compromise, and is neither an excellent summer tire nor an excellent winter tire. They have, however, become almost ubiquitous as original and replacement equipment on automobiles marketed in the United States, due to their convenience and their adequate performance in most situations. All-Season tires are also marked for mud and snow the same as winter tires but rarely with a snowflake. Owing to the compromise with performance during summer, winter performance is usually poorer than a winter tire.

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Daca au simbolul cu fulg de nea ti le iau eu!

Au fulgul pe ele. Vezi prima poza.


Spala cauciucurile daca vrei sa le vinzi nu asa . Altfel se uita cumparatorul la niste cauciucuri curate , exact ca si la masini .

O sa le si spal, numai sa fie cineva interesat :twoup:




sunt all-season ???

Scrie M+S pe ele.





M+S (Mud and Snow) tyres


All season


The All Season tire classification is a compromise between one developed for use on dry and wet roads during summer and one developed for use under winter conditions. The type of rubber and the tread pattern best suited for use under summer conditions cannot, for technical reasons, give good performance on snow and ice. The all-season tire is a compromise, and is neither an excellent summer tire nor an excellent winter tire. They have, however, become almost ubiquitous as original and replacement equipment on automobiles marketed in the United States, due to their convenience and their adequate performance in most situations. All-Season tires are also marked for mud and snow the same as winter tires but rarely with a snowflake. Owing to the compromise with performance during summer, winter performance is usually poorer than a winter tire.

Asta e valabil doar daca nu exista simbolul fulgului.

Din ce am citit eu, daca e prezent fulgul, sunt de iarna.

Edited by pyu
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