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X5 motor 3.0d - an 2007


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Nu am gasit cu functia search nimic referitor la problema mea, asa ca postez in acest topic. Problema este ca pierde din putere dupa ce se incalzeste motorul si nu tot timpul, aleator, pur si simplu este simptoma ca nu ar mai functiona turbina (gen limp-mode), la reprezentanta si la alte service-uri pusa pe tester nu da nici o eroare, si la service de-abia au descoperit cum face ca nu le puteam demonstra. La reprezentanta spun ca este turbina si una noua e 10000 ron. Eu nu prea cred asta deoarece se intampla aleator si nu scoate fum si nu consuma ulei exagerat.

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la reprezentanta si la alte service-uri pusa pe tester nu da nici o eroare, si la service de-abia au descoperit cum face ca nu le puteam demonstra. La reprezentanta spun ca este turbina si una noua e 10000 ron. Eu nu prea cred asta deoarece se intampla aleator si nu scoate fum si nu consuma ulei exagerat.


Am avut o problema similara pana la urma am ajuns sa cumpar o turbina noua de la SRC Piese Auto ca au avut cel mai ok pret. E ciudat cand primesti raspunsuri diferite cu privire la problema, mai ales cand se presupune ca toti sunt specialisti. Daca pana la urma ai probleme cu turbina, iti urez bafta la cautat magazine cu preturi decente.

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Si vrei sa spui ca o turbina noua a rezolvat probema ? Eu nu am auzit de o turbina stricata care sa mearga aleator rau si fara sa scoata fum, sau consum exagerat de ulei, am gasit un raspuns undeva pe un site strain:



There is a vacuum control valve on the inlet manifold side of the engine, which controls the boost pressure actuator on the turbo. I have seen a few cases where the filter on this valve gets clogged preventing it from controlling the vacuum correctly and so the turbo is not actuated as it should be. The filter on this valve is not a serviceable item, so can't replaced separately, but it can be removed to see if this has an effect on the performance. If it is OK after removing this filter you should replace the whole valve.

Another possibility is that the EGR valve on the engine may be clogged and sticking, so affecting the mixture entering the engine. If you remove the pipe from the front of the EGR valve you should be able to check visibly the condition of the valve. It will have some soot around it, but still move freely when the engine is running.


cred ca este piesa 3 de aici:


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Eu nu am auzit de o turbina stricata care sa mearga aleator rau si fara sa scoata fum, sau consum exagerat de ulei, am gasit un raspuns undeva pe un site strain:



There is a vacuum control valve on the inlet manifold side of the engine, which controls the boost pressure actuator on the turbo. I have seen a few cases where the filter on this valve gets clogged preventing it from controlling the vacuum correctly and so the turbo is not actuated as it should be. The filter on this valve is not a serviceable item, so can't replaced separately, but it can be removed to see if this has an effect on the performance. If it is OK after removing this filter you should replace the whole valve.

Another possibility is that the EGR valve on the engine may be clogged and sticking, so affecting the mixture entering the engine. If you remove the pipe from the front of the EGR valve you should be able to check visibly the condition of the valve. It will have some soot around it, but still move freely when the engine is running.


cred ca este piesa 3 de aici:



Uite, un topic asemanator:


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Nu stiu daca este aceiasi problema fiind turbine diferite dar ce am patit eu cu 520d tot din 2007.


Imi facea la fel. Doar cand era motorul cald si aleator. Am fost la sevice (pe garantie) si raspunsul lor a fost ca tija care controleaza deschiderea turbinei este vinovata.


Asa ca, mi-au schimbat acea tija si masina merge ok. Sa nu fie ca aceea tija iti creaza si tie probleme.


P.S. O turbina 10.000ron mi se pare enorm...


L.E. La mine aparea pe tester eroarea

Edited by Bala
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