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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

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de curand,mai exact ieri, am cumparat un 525d e39 din 06.2003, care are folia din spatele volanului rupta,sau cel putin asa cred, pentru ca atunci cand virez stanga sau dreapta, la un moment dat se aude un "tzac" acolo dupa volan...am gasit la un user de pe forum aceasta folie.


intrebarea mea este, se potriveste aceasta folie de pe orice model e39? chiar si de la masinile cu volan pe dreapta?..tin sa precizez ca eu am volanul sport cu comenzi pe masina, am inteles ca in butucul de la aceasta folie intra mufele de la airbag si de la comenzi,nu?


trebuie sa pun rotile drepte...si volanul pe semn,asta dupa ce dau airbagul jos...sau cum ziceti?


a si inca ceva...nu imi merg boxele pe partea dreapta...oare este din cauza acestei folii?


multumesc! :twoup:

Edited by Sorin7650
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Part 61318379091 (Switch unit steering column) was found on the following vehicles:


E38: Details on E38

E38 725tds Saloon, Europe

E38 728i Saloon, Europe

E38 728iL Saloon, Europe

E38 730d Saloon, Europe

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E38 730iL Saloon, Europe

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E38 740d Saloon, Europe

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E38 740iLP Saloon, Europe

E38 750i Saloon, Europe

E38 750iL Saloon, Europe

E38 750iLP Saloon, Europe

E38 750iLS Saloon, Europe

E38 L7 Saloon, Europe


E39: Details on E39

E39 520d Saloon, Europe

E39 520d Touring, Europe

E39 520i Saloon, Europe

E39 520i Touring, Europe

E39 523i Saloon, Europe

E39 523i Touring, Europe

E39 525d Saloon, Europe

E39 525d Touring, Europe

E39 525i Saloon, Europe

E39 525i Touring, Europe

E39 525td Saloon, Europe

E39 525tds Touring, Europe

E39 525tds Saloon, Europe

E39 528i Saloon, Europe

E39 528i Touring, Europe

E39 530d Touring, Europe

E39 530d Saloon, Europe

E39 530i Touring, Europe

E39 530i Saloon, Europe

E39 535i Saloon, Europe

E39 540i Touring, Europe

E39 540i Saloon, Europe

E39 540iP Saloon, Europe

E39 M5 Saloon, Europe


E46: Details on E46

E46 316Ci CoupĂŠ, Europe

E46 316i Touring, Europe

E46 316i Saloon, Europe

E46 316i 1.6 Saloon, Europe

E46 316i 1.9 Saloon, Europe

E46 316ti Compact, Europe

E46 318Ci CoupĂŠ, Europe

E46 318Ci Convertible, Europe

E46 318d Touring, Europe

E46 318d Saloon, Europe

E46 318i Touring, Europe

E46 318i Saloon, Europe

E46 318td Compact, Europe

E46 318ti Compact, Europe

E46 320Cd CoupĂŠ, Europe

E46 320Cd Convertible, Europe

E46 320Ci Convertible, Europe

E46 320Ci CoupĂŠ, Europe

E46 320d Touring, Europe

E46 320d Saloon, Europe

E46 320i Touring, Europe

E46 320i Saloon, Europe

E46 320td Compact, Europe

E46 323Ci CoupĂŠ, Europe

E46 323Ci Convertible, Europe

E46 323i Saloon, Europe

E46 325Ci Convertible, Europe

E46 325Ci CoupĂŠ, Europe

E46 325i Saloon, Europe

E46 325i Touring, Europe

E46 325ti Compact, Europe

E46 325xi Touring, Europe

E46 325xi Saloon, Europe

E46 328Ci CoupĂŠ, Europe

E46 328i Saloon, Europe

E46 328i Touring, Europe

E46 330Cd Convertible, Europe

E46 330Cd CoupĂŠ, Europe

E46 330Ci Convertible, Europe

E46 330Ci CoupĂŠ, Europe

E46 330d Saloon, Europe

E46 330d Touring, Europe

E46 330i Saloon, Europe

E46 330i Touring, Europe

E46 330xd Saloon, Europe

E46 330xd Touring, Europe

E46 330xi Saloon, Europe

E46 330xi Touring, Europe

E46 M3 CoupĂŠ, Europe

E46 M3 Convertible, Europe

E46 M3 CSL CoupĂŠ, Europe


E53: Details on E53

E53 X5 3.0d SUV, Europe

E53 X5 3.0i SUV, Europe

E53 X5 4.4i SUV, Europe

E53 X5 4.6is SUV, Europe

E53 X5 4.8is SUV, Europe


E83: Details on E83

E83 X3 2.0d SUV, Europe

E83 X3 2.0i SUV, Europe

E83 X3 2.5i SUV, Europe

E83 X3 3.0d SUV, Europe

E83 X3 3.0i SUV, Europe


E83N: Details on E83N

E83N X3 1.8d SUV, Europe

E83N X3 2.0d SUV, Europe

E83N X3 2.0i SUV, Europe

E83N X3 2.5si SUV, Europe

E83N X3 3.0d SUV, Europe

E83N X3 3.0sd SUV, Europe

E83N X3 3.0si SUV, Europe


E85: Details on E85

E85 Z4 2.0i Roadster, Europe

E85 Z4 2.2i Roadster, Europe

E85 Z4 2.5i Roadster, Europe

E85 Z4 2.5si Roadster, Europe

E85 Z4 3.0i Roadster, Europe

E85 Z4 3.0si Roadster, Europe

E85 Z4 M3.2 Roadster, Europe


E86: Details on E86

E86 Z4 3.0si CoupĂŠ, Europe

E86 Z4 M3.2 CoupĂŠ, Europe

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