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Logo BMW pt.un mp3 Alpine

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Salut,am achizitionat de curand un mp3 player Alpine ida x001,din cate am inteles suporta doar poze format APN pe fundal iar pe situl Alpine se gasesc doar cateva poze cu flori si diferite desene grafice.Ma poate ajuta cineva cu un logo BMW format APN?Multumesc
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  • 3 weeks later...
Google - Search: "jpg to apn"

Ma gandesc ca trebuie sa existe ceva tool-uri din astea de conversie.


Dupa aia te descurci.


Poate te ajuta:




Iti dai seama ca prima data am cautat si eu pe google,pe situl pride rock sunt cateva poze,dar nici una nu este pt.modelul meu,scrie si pe pagina lor ca nu merg la X001,iar o aplicatie ca sa faca ea totul nu exista.Am gasit eu ceva,totul trebuie facut manual,acesta este linkul,din pacate in spaniola http://www.forocoches.com/foro/showthread.php?t=930619#

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  • 2 months later...

Am rezolvat,destul de complicata treaba,daca ajuta pe cineva acesta este dyi,formatul apn nu ma lasa sa-l uploadez,asa ca am atasat logo-ul format jpg,care a fost convertit.


step 1


get a photo youd like to use as your background


step 2


open your photo in Microsoft Paint (sorry apple users ya gotta find something else) or any other photo editing program and resize the image to 320x240 in MS paint this is done by selecting the area you want to resize,


once the photo area (or full picture) is selected (ctrl+A, or the selector tool) click the corner of the selected area and drag until you get the desired size (look around on the bottom of the program window for a pixel count) make sure to get the pizels right the first time unslecting and reselecting the picture cases loss in quality!!


save your picture on your desktop (make sure its jpeg to do this click save as and change the file extension)


step 3


unzip Alpine.rar (WinRAR archiver, a powerful tool to process RAR and ZIP files figure out which version you need) drag the alpine folder into you main drive (example C:\Alpine)


install irfanview and the irfanview plugins


step 4


open your jpeg image on your desktop using irfanview than SAVE AS a .raw format (same method as step 3 just save as and change file extension)


step 5


open your command prompt (start>all programs>accesories>command prompt) and than type without quotes "cd C:\Alpine"


step 6


type without quotes "xndconverter.exe (your image converted with irfanview).raw"


it'll do its thing and after everything comes out successful you'll have an official (or so were going to make our decks believe) alpine wallpaper file


step 7


convert a usb thumb drive to fat 32 (Mycomputer> right click your usb drive> format) and after its formatted upload your alpine wallpaper file to the usb (our decks are fussy so dont put too many files on the usb or else your deck might not recognize


step 8


plug your usb into your deck and figure out how to download wallpapers from your deck (dont know if each deck has its own different method of downloading images off your usb)


this works 100% for an x001 and x100 i have tried it on my x100. x200/300 i dont know for sure


source of info:

Lotus Elan Central • View topic - Custom Wallpaper for Alpine iDA-x001/x100



Edited by ral
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