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e30 M3 - S85 V10


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I would like you to meet my E30 M3. The whole story started when I was in the autumn of 2008 a friend and me in the last corner of the garage into a dusty E30 M3 Body noticed. On demand, it turned out that this M3 was totally slaughtered since 1998 due to engine trouble, and since then just standing around. After 2-week discussion with my girlfriend I took the body and proceeded to build from scratch.


Ans disassemble it took me no longer made right, because my previous owner it provided full employment and found even the mounted cable tie is still used. By the 10-year life of the car I had a nearly rust free body work, where I found only now and then small rusting. But had the entire lower floor down. The entire underbody protection was removed and treated with POR15. Also, all axle parts were sandblasted and powder coated.


Every screw, every clip I got new from BMW. At first I built again my S38 turbo engine. But I decided after the first test drive immediately back again. Kopflastig again .. a huge turbo lag, no, that can not be. After 10 minutes of driving I was aware that this is not the best basis in order to have lasting fun. Way to build the engine for brief stint together with the drive again. I knew that I wanted to go back again to a strong induction engine. Turbo 5 years were were now enough for me. Ultimately, I chose the S85 engine from the BMW E60 M5 after I graduated with such a car for a test drive. The data speak for themselves, 507PS and a limiter in 8250upm such infernal sound, that it is difficult to describe.


So I set myself the challenge to build an M3 with V10 is suitable for everyday use. The scenario is as power steering, BKV, and most importantly an original comfortable motor control. Because I think it had to be a third solution. better than the two V10 e30 m3 circulating on the Internet. The former Sweden M3 V10 without power and the BKV manages, and Ami in which only the outer skin is an E30 M3. Especially driving both with programmable according nervous and fuel injection systems.


After 2 years I was in early September, a first test drive in the M3, and must say so, a V10 engine is an absolute dream. At part load it can be driven like a normal, civilized car, at full load, he is absolutely evil on the gas and the powerful propulsion is very bright with an infernal to scream. At 8000 U7min is switched, which is also the advantage is that you can use a lower gear for much longer. For me this is my dream engine per se. Also in the curves, it looks great, the aluminum motor does not seem top-heavy. The V10 corresponds to the length of her in about an M20 engine. Through the cylinder bank angle of 90 degrees is also a relatively low center of gravity, making the car an absolute curve cutter.


To get the advance on the road I use a KW coilover suspension, pressure / train set and I've installed on the vehicle weight changes corresponding springs. All bearings are uniball, except differential stock and barrel storage because my road noise was too loud. The H / R sport stabilizers are best advantage.


I built as a brake VA a 345mm disc out of the E46 M3 CSL with Porsche Cayenne 6-piston calipers. perform at the HA discs with 325mm CSL Porsche 996 4-piston calipers their service. The hand brake funkioniert yet.


Basically, I am now finished with this project. I expect in the next time the Carbonairboxen, and are still doing some minor rework on the car.


Also, I still want Mr. Robert Sop, (www.Awron.de) specialists to thank my electrician, who worked for weeks with my electronics and so many sleepless nights worried he is due to the engine so perfectly performed his duties as he now just does. I will not forget the picture when I came over and took up sleeping on the chair in front of my car."


Have a nice autumn wishes


Herbert Hubbard

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Asta vad ca scrie cand dau pe codul de la cutie de care am zis eu...

De aceea am si zis , cred ca e aceasta cutie ,ca din ce vad e singura care vine pe S85 (inafara de SMG)


Unul din proiecte , vad ca specifica acelasi lucru "..the infamous S85 M5 V10 power plant. This motor was chosen for obvious reasons and it's been matched up with the M5 6 speed manual transmission, differential, and half-shafts."




Oricum , detalii :twoup:


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Oricand as prefera un e90 M3 in locul e30-ului modificat (ca sa nu zic un M3 e46 :twoup: )


p.s. oricum ,daca tot ai bani de aruncat ,mai bine iei un M6 Huricane si aia e sau la mai putin de jumate din pret un nissan GT-R,arhisuficient


masinile tunarite de "pasionati" ,nu sunt masini de durata, zilele le sunt numarate :twoup:



apropo de troace vechi :)




Edited by POIUYT
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In primul rand nu stiu ce tuning vezi tu la masina asta, e doar un e30 M3 original cu alt motor care e la fel, ORIGINAL. Vezi tu ceva aftermarket ? Chiar proprietarul a spus ca asta a si incercat sa faca, sa puna totul absolut ORIGINAL si eu zic ca i-a reusit 100%.

In al doilea rand, ca sa faci masina asta de 0 aproape singur, trebuie sa fii un PASIONAT ( in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, nu toti ciumpalacii ) nu stiu cati s-ar incumeta sa faca asa ceva de unul singur lucrand dupa servici seara.


Aa, si oricand as prefera un e46 M3 HPF Stage 3 sau 4 in locul unui M6 G-Power, doar ca aici o dam in povesti cu pesti, cu "preferatul" asta.

Edited by dragos1801
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nu stiu cati s-ar incumeta sa faca asa ceva de unul singur lucrand dupa servici seara.



banuiesc ca el la "servici" lucreaza ceva it, sau poate ceva director economic , dar are un hobby cu mecanica si electrica auto ,eventual si cu proiectarea si ceva turnare-confectionare de piese :twoup:


p.s. un nissan GT-R stock va fi mult timp peste multe masini modificate(cica si cu un buget mare)

Edited by POIUYT
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pai din ce am vazut si astea super sport noi au cam aceasi fiabilitate cu ursii "turbati". in spatele blocului.... vezi m6 lui Pole sau atatea alte exemple, si inca alte nspe povesti cu M-uri farmate in maxim 50k km..de la cutii pana la motoare..
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@POIUYT, crezi ca M6-le G-Power e mai fiabil decat e30-ul asta ?



este cel putin la fel de fiabil ca un M6 stock.


Despre fiabilitate nu cred ca se poate vorbi nici la M3/M5/M6 stok in conditiile unei expoatari in regim de cursa, deci nu ar fi bai daca mai pica ceva la E30.


Tot ce conteaza se vede in filmuletele alea. E30-ul pleaca de iti pui intrebarea daca M-ul demareaza sau sta pe loc?

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