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BMW Navigation DVD Road Map Europe BUSINESS 2011

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A APARUT DE CITEVA ZILE ''BMW Navigation DVD Road Map Europe BUSINESS 2011'' ! ! !





SE POATE LUA DE PE gpsunderground.com .


Business DVD Set with 2 DVDs including the following countries:

Andorra, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Gibraltar, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy,

Croatia, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway,Austria, Portugal, Poland, San Marino,

Slowakia, Slowenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Vatican City.


Further Information:


The Update Road Map Europe Business consists again of two discs

The first DVD includes the well known Western European countries while DVD2 is covering the new Eastern

European countries

The details are given below



Coverage DVD 1


* Austria, Andorra, Belgium, Czech Republik, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Great

Britain, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal (incl. Madeira),

San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain (incl. Canary), Vatican City


Coverage DVD 2


* Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lichtenstein,

Norway, Poland, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Vatican City.


Further Info

TMC-Function in following countries:


* Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium,Denmark, Spain,

Norway, Sweden, Czech Republic

* Free TMC-Service is not available in all countries. For the reception of TMC-Pro services BMW offers

country specific BMW Connected Drive services

* 2D-Display additional to Turn-by-Turn instructions (For vehicles from 03/2007)

* BMW Service Partners

* Extended data for Eastern European countries

* POI-Data in 32 categories




* These maps DVD only function correctly after the system software update dated May 2005.

* When the Loudspeaker and Traffic Message symbols are shown in the display and Guidance start/stop are

available, no further update will be required


Technical Information

These DVD's can be used in following models:


* E60, E61, E63, E64, E81, E82, E87, E88, E90, E91, E92, E93.

* Provided the Business Navigation system is fitted


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Din nefericire, cum spune si Aris, Romania a fost iar sarita din schema de catre BMW pentru varianta Business. Eu ma intreb daca exista vreo solutie tehnica sa putem lua harta cu Romania de la Professional si sa o introducem in Business. Sau ce ceapa mamei lor putem face sa avem Romania pe Business. Imi vine sa-mi dau foc la masina. Sau mai bine zis, sa le dau foc la fabrica alora de la BMW.
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Un baietas de pe gpsunderground.com spune clar ca pe DVD exista doar ce este scris pe coperta. M-as mira sa aiba Romania si sa nu fie pe coperta. Plus ca am vorbit cu un individ de pe okaziic are vinde navi si mi-a confirmat si el ca nu exista Romania pt Business.


PS: Am sa stric un DVD sa ma conving, desi cred ca-l ard degeaba. Revin cu impresii dupa ce-l incerc in masina.

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Una bucata BMW Navigation DVD Road Map Europe BUSINESS 2011 pusa pe DVD. DVD-ul pus in masina... incarcat DVD-ul... Romania...oha. Nu-mi aparea decat o sageata oparita (dupa ce ii dadusem ca destinatie o adresa din Italia) si imi mai spunea ca am de mers o mie si nu stiu cati km. Asadar si prin urmare, BMW ne-a tras-o si anul asta pt cei cu navi Business.


PS: Imi vine sa-mi vand masina de nervi si nu-mi mai iau niciodata BMW. E lipsa de bun simt fata de clientii din Romania.

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Dar ca si vizualizare stie cineva cum vede Business hartile? Pe net am vazut doua variante:


1. http://data.motor-talk.de/data/galleries/638653/5089654/navi-business-30523.jpg

2. http://www.bmw-satnav.co.uk/images/catalog/navi_business-1.jpg


De precizat ca eu acum, fara harta de Romania, imi apare o sageata ca in prima poza, insa am gasit ceva caere spune de un update, insa nu stiu daca este valabil si la mine. (FOR I-DRIVE SYSTEMS WHERE THE DVD goes INTO THE DASHBOARD IF YOUR MAP DISPLAY HAS A TURN BY TURN ICON DISPLAY business system. Software should be 2005 or above on this system or you may require a upgrade by bmw.)


Si dupa ce se da jos, se dezarhiveaza ISO-ul presupun... apoi cum il ard pe DVD ? exista o metoda sau un program anume ? Merge si cu Nero ? Tot vad SL asta... ce e SL ? :twoup:


- Ultra ISO - http://download.kappa.ro/action__file/id__5299.

- SL - Single Layer (un model de DVD sau dvd-urile normale). Exista si DL (dual layer).

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