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Urgent - Vand BMW 1.20d


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Fabricatie: 2004, Transmisie: automata, Putere: 163 CP (120 kW), Cilindree: 1995 cm³, Norma Euro: euro4, diesel, negru-metalizat, Numari de usi: 4/5, Tara de origine: Germania, Tara inmatricularii: Romania.


Pret (Brut):


11,200 EUR (pret negociabil)


URGENT, ****FULL****

From foreigner, de la straini,

117,700 km (real), automatic-steptronic, trapa, Bluetooth (handsfree phone system, Parrot), Pilot Automat, Viteza de stabilizare, Dublu Climatronic (automatic), senzori parcare, Radio/Dvd-mp3,Navigatie (business), ecran mare, i-drive, pornire buton, cotiera scaune, servis la zi,



Pret (Brut): 11,200 EUR (pret negociabil)


Detalii Contact

tel.: +4 0757536773

e-mail: restart_77@yahoo.com









Edited by restart
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sorry if i wrote wrong.


i am the foreigner :twoup:)) and i will sell my car which is registered in Romania. i will stay one more week in Bucuresti. So it is urgent. The casco value is 13800€ for this car.


the car is in very good condition, if you wanna see, call me.



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sorry if i wrote wrong.


i am the foreigner :twoup:)) and i will sell my car which is registered in Romania. i will stay one more week in Bucuresti. So it is urgent. The casco value is 13800€ for this car.


the car is in very good condition, if you wanna see, call me.




Bre, sa ma ierti, am crezut la inceput ca esti vreun foreigner de limba romana, proprietar de BMW full. :)


"i am the foreigner", te rog sa ma crezi ca mi-au dat lacrimile de ras.

Apropo, daca mai stai o saptamana du-te sa vizitezi Castelul Peles, ca masina oricum nu o vinzi, macar te alegi si tu cu ceva.

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@Carlos, m-ai strigat ?


sunt aici ! :twoup:


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closed !

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