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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Service Check


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E Road-worthiness test. Si la mine vine in curand asta.

Totusi ce verificari se fac (ar trebui sa se faca)? Daca ar fi sa merg la reprezentanta, de exemplu.

Exact ce ar spune si traducerea: road worthiness = merita masina sa circule?

Frane, directie, noxe etc.

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E Road-worthiness test. Si la mine vine in curand asta.

Totusi ce verificari se fac (ar trebui sa se faca)? Daca ar fi sa merg la reprezentanta, de exemplu.

Exact ce ar spune si traducerea: road worthiness = merita masina sa circule?

Frane, directie, noxe etc.

VEzi ca ptr noxe e alta inspectie care de obieci coincide cu asta(numai ca e alt semn pe bord)

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CBS models:


- Statutory inspection for vehicles 3 years and older.

- Annual check comprising of over 150 safety related items and exhaust emission system test.

- Checked items, for example include lights, steering, brakes, suspension and fuel system.

- Government regulated inspection.

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CBS models:


- Statutory inspection for vehicles 3 years and older.

- Annual check comprising of over 150 safety related items and exhaust emission system test.

- Checked items, for example include lights, steering, brakes, suspension and fuel system.

- Government regulated inspection.


Multumim. Eu am zis frane, directie etc. Ne-am edificat. Ideea e ca se pot reseta si gata.

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