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problema cu kit-ul bluetoth


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masina mea, un e46 325ci FL, are in dotarea standard kit-ul bluetoth si ce mai tine de el..cand vreau sa caut de pe telefonul mobil conexiunea cu acesta, imi cere un cod...de unde pot afla codul asta? :twoup: ..si care este procedura exacta pt a realiza conexiunea?


baga un cod de ex 00000 si la bluetooth-ul de la masina si la cel de la telefon si se vor conecta

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off-topic: jacobs, aseara..pe un traseu de vreo 40km...piata unirii-universitate-piata romana-baneasa-..-ciolpani, resetand bc la piata unirii, schimbat tacticos la maxim 2500-2700rpm (ceva probleme la motor si nu am vrut sa fortez - s-a dovedit a fi o problema minora..) am obtinut o medie grandioasa...6,8 :twoup:


Enter the password (= ULF passkey) located on ULF Control Module that is

in the rear of the vehicle or on the Passkey Reference Card.

· Mobile phone display shows ‘BMW …… Pairing’

· Mobile phone display shows ‘Pairing Successful’

· Display screen shows ‘Pairing succeeded’ for 3 seconds


asta am gasit in manual..

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1. Press the menu button.

2. Select “Connect”.

3. Select option 3: “Bluetooth”.

4. Select option 4: “Options”.

5. Select option 1: “Operation mode” and set to “On” or “Automatic”.

6. Go back one step by pressing the red phone button.

7. Select option 3: “Discover”.

Mobile Phone display shows ‘Searching’

8. Select “BMW ……” in upcoming list.

9. Select option 1: “Add to paired”.

10. Enter password (= ULF passkey) located on ULF Control Module in the rear of the vehicle or on the

Passkey Reference Card.

Mobile Phone display shows ‘BMW …… Pairing’

Mobile Phone display shows ‘Pairing Successful’

Board Monitor display shows ‘Pairing succeeded’ for 3 seconds

11. Enter device name.

12. Mobile Phone display shows “Added to paired devices”.

13. Quit menu by pressing the red phone/NO button for several seconds.

14. Once the phone is successfully paired to the

device cycle the ignition switch off and back


15. The devices should wirelessly connect within

30 seconds. The connection is established

when the phone displays the symbols

indicated, on the right side of the screen.


Daca nu merge cu 0000 sau 1234 sau altele trebuie sa demontezi tot pana ajungi la ULF


off-topic: jacobs, aseara..pe un traseu de vreo 40km...piata unirii-universitate-piata romana-baneasa-..-ciolpani, resetand bc la piata unirii, schimbat tacticos la maxim 2500-2700rpm (ceva probleme la motor si nu am vrut sa fortez - s-a dovedit a fi o problema minora..) am obtinut o medie grandioasa...6,8 :twoup:


325i consum urban 6.8 pe BC ?! cam mult NU ? :))))))))))) este mai exact decat Big Benu' !!!

Edited by Jacobs
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Razvan ti-am explicat acum 3 luni cum sa faci Bluetooth Pairing :twoup: , nu ma ascultai :)


Daca nu rusesti ne intalnim intr-o zii si desfacem mocheta din portbagaj in stanga si gasim acolo pass key pe modulul bluetooth, dureaza 2 minute

Edited by edy1092
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  • 1 month later...

Desfaci mocheta din partea stanga.Si desfaci modulul bluetooth.Este situat deasupra de magazia de cduri sau MK4.Pe el o sa scrie parola.Este din 4 cifre.

Cred ca se poate afla si daca te conectezi cu laptopu la masina(eventual activezi si comenzile vocale).


L.E. acum am vazut ca ai coupe.Dar cred ca tot asa ii.


Edited by Ionut_FFF
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Nu neaparat special, doar ca nu toate telefoanele care au bluetooth sunt compatibile cu sistemul/versiunea montate pe masina ta. Avand in vedere ca ai un model un pic mai vechi de masina, s-ar putea sa mearga doar telefoane de generatie un pic mai veche. Daca ai telefon model mai nou, incearca cu unul mai vechi si vezi daca merge asa.
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