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am tot rasfoit forumul insa nu am gasit raspunsuri clare.


asa ca pentru posesorii de E60 care doresc sa ma lamureasca in privinta celor 2 sisteme, as avea cateva intrebari


DSC este tot timpul ON? adica pentru a fi OFF trebuie sa imi apara martorul in bord?

la fel se intampla si cu DTC?

ce rol au fiecare?

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Guest poleposition

DSC este in permanenta ON. DTC se activeaza la apasarea scurta a butonului DSC si apare mesaj pe iDrive "DTC Activated, DSC Restricted", asta nu inseamna insa, ca s-a dezactivat DSC-ul ci ca unele functii ale DSC-ului au fost restrictionate, pentru a permite functionarea DTC-ului.


DTC-ul este util in situatii de genul, zapada, noroi, mazga, nisip, chestii de genul asta si se recomanda a fi folosit numai in astfel de situatii, adica nu sa mergi cu el activat permanent.


Ca sa dezactivezi DSC, apesi mai mult de 5 secunde pe buton, pana iti apare in bordul semnul respectiv si scrie pe iDrive "DSC deactivated!"


In rest:


Dynamic Stability Control (DSC).

Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) not only optimises driving stability when starting or accelerating, it also improves traction. In addition, the system recognises unstable driving conditions such as under - or oversteering and helps to maintain a safe course for the vehicle.

Advanced sensory technology monitors the wheel rotation speed, lateral acceleration and the yaw rate (rotation around the vertical axis). This data is processed to obtain information about the automobile as it is currently moving, and is compared with data about how it should be currently moving, as supplied by the accelerator and the angle of the steering wheel.

If these two lists of data do not match and the automobiles stability is threatened, DSC is activated and influences the brake system or the engine management. This action helps prevent dangerous situations such as skidding.

Dynamic Traction Control (DTC).

Compared to Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) provides rear wheel vehicles with greater propulsion. This increased strength serves different purposes depending on the type of automobile. In the 5 Series and 7 Series, for example, it is ideal for straight stretches of road, and for maximum power when driving in snow or sleet.

In the 3 Series and Z4 Roadster, DTC also plays a role when on bends - it enhances the car's propulsion and its sports-style qualities. The driver is in full control of their vehicle within a predetermined parameter: the regulatory functions are inactive. DSC optimises directional stability within certain boundaries.

Edited by poleposition
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  • 2 years later...

Mie mi-a zis de la reprezentanta sa nu circul cu DTC iarna activat.De cde oare nu este voie?

aia nu este activare, ci dezactivare, moment cand iti apare permanent semnul asta pe bord...




este un semn de pericol de derapaj/rasturnare, nu iti arata ca ai fi activat tu ceva... :excl:


in rest, cum zice @Bala

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Explicatia BMW:


Dynamic Traction Control (DTC).

Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) allows more wheel slip and thus a more dynamic driving style with higher wheel traction and DSC controlling stability. A small amount of spin on the drive wheels improves traction when pulling off from a standstill in snow or on loose terrain.


Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) is a sub-function of the Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) system that can be turned on and off. DTC has two major roles: to regulate traction and to enable sports-style driving while providing active stability control.

When the drive wheels start losing traction the DSC automatically begins stabilisation measures. The Dynamic Stability Control system curbs the engine output and stops slip on the wheels. In exceptional situations, however, a small amount of wheel slip can be an advantage.


When driving in deep snow, slush or on loose terrain a small amount of wheel spin improves traction. For these occasions, as well as those when the drivers want a sportier driving style, the DTC can be activated by pressing a button and this allows more slip and reduces the DSC’s curbing of the engine. The result: better traction and more thrust.


The DTC also makes driving on snow and ice-free roads more dynamic. When activated, the DTC allows sporty drivers more room to manoeuvre around curves than the Dynamic Stability Control and even permits controlled drifts. The driver retains complete control over the vehicle in every situation and the Dynamic Stability Control’s stabilising measures remain active even when the DTC is activated.

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