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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

VAND soft BMW pt M50

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Performance Chip unleashes more power by re-programming the fuel mixture and ignition timing parameters of the engine management system. Furthermore, the software safely raises the rev-limit, giving your BMW a broader power band and greater road speed potential in each gear. Significant gains are also achieved at part throttle, making extra power available where you spend the bulk of the time driving. The top speed governor has also been eliminated, enabling the vehicle to achieve it's "natural" top speed.


PRET: 3 mil

TEL: 0761 335 155

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o punem pe dyno inainte si dupa ,si daca nu are minim 20 hp mai mult cum facem? cine plateste deranjul?




si dak are ce facem???? in primul si primul rand 100% motorul tau sigur nu are 192 hpo dakl il punem pe dyno;)

Ce explicatie de 2 lei vechi ai dat...

Alt oportunist cu 0 posturi care umple forumul de topicuri de vanzare....

Edited by roco123
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o punem pe dyno inainte si dupa ,si daca nu are minim 20 hp mai mult cum facem? cine plateste deranjul?




si dak are ce facem???? in primul si primul rand 100% motorul tau sigur nu are 192 hpo dakl il punem pe dyno;)


pai nici nu are cum sa aiba 192hp pentru ca este 2.0

dar daca diferenta este de 20 hp platesc, normal, nu?

Edited by Genu
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