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salutare tuturor,



am un e46 330 xd si am si butonul pt asistenta la coborare. imi poate spune cineva cu ce ma ajuta si cum se activeaza / dezactiveaza aceasta optiune. ( adica doar apas pe buton sau trebuie sa fie intr-o anumita treapta si viteza )



multumesc anticipat

Edited by ahiile
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Masina franeaza singura, pe coborarile cu inclinare mare.

Functia este utila pe coborari alunecoase, cu noroi sau polei.

Cand intra in functiune sistemul, iti clipeste ledul de pe butonul HDC.

Mi se pare ca peste o anumita viteza se dezactiveaza automat.

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Scrie si in manual.

HDC Hill Descent Control


The concept

HDC is a system for driving downhill in steep terrain. This system reduces vehicle speed on steep downhill gradients, thus allowing you to maintain control of your BMW under these conditions.

The vehicle moves at slightly more than walking speed without active intervention from the driver.

HDC is available for activation at vehicle speeds below approx. 20 mph/ 35 km/h. When driving down steep hills with a speed below approx. 20 mph/

35 km/h, the vehicle reduces speed automatically down to slightly more than walking speed, approx. 5 mph/ 8 km/h, and then maintains this speed.

You can use the accelerator or brakes to vary this automatically controlled speed within a range extending from approx. 3 mph/5 km/h to 15 mph/ 25 km/h.

You can specify a target speed within the same range by using the +/– buttons of the cruise control.

HDC is automatically deactivated once vehicle speed again exceeds approx. 35 mph/60 km/h.


Activating the system

Press the button, the indicator lamp lights up.

The indicator lamp flashes when the brakes are applied automatically.


Deactivating the system

Press the button again; the indicator lamp goes out.

HDC is deactivated automatically above a road speed of approx. 35 mph/ 60 km/h and when the ignition is switched off.


Using HDC

With manual transmission:

Use HDC in first gear and in Reverse since the engine's braking effect is diminished in the higher gears.

With automatic transmission: You can use HDC in every drive position.


In case of a malfunction

The indicator lamp in the button goes out in the HDC mode or does not come on when HDC is switched on: HDC is temporarily not available if brake temperature is too high.

If the indicator lamp also lights up: A fault as occurred in the HDC system. Have your BMW Sports Activity Vehicle center inspect this system as soon as


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