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torque converter


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Eu si colegul dragosvt avem o nelamurire, ne puteti ajuta?Mai mult pe el , de fapt, ca eu nu stiu cat pot pricepe :blink: .

Masinile noastre sunt aproape "surori", a lui e fabricata in noiembrie 2000 iar a mea in iunie 2001.Astazi Dragos a descoperit ca masina mea are ceva in plus.E piesa 13 de aici:


Desi in acest tabel scrie ca piesa este prezenta pe modelele fabricate intre 10.2001 pana in 02.2003, pe masina mea am vazut ca este.

Intrebarea e: ce este sau ce face torque converter si cat de folositoare este prezenta lui?


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A torque converter is a hydraulic fluid coupling that is used to transmit power from one or more engines or electric motors to a driveshaft or other output shaft. It takes the place of a mechanical clutch, and, within certain operating speed ranges, multiplies input torque, providing the equivalent of a reduction gear. Torque converters are commonly found in automotive automatic transmissions, but are also used in marine propulsion systems and various industrial machine tools.

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A torque converter is a hydraulic fluid coupling that is used to transmit power from one or more engines or electric motors to a driveshaft or other output shaft. It takes the place of a mechanical clutch, and, within certain operating speed ranges, multiplies input torque, providing the equivalent of a reduction gear. Torque converters are commonly found in automotive automatic transmissions, but are also used in marine propulsion systems and various industrial machine tools.


Sefu!!!! Ce ai scris tu se refera la convertorul de torsiune de la cutia de viteze. 525DA se refera la o piesa care are legatura cu erul conditionat!!! Multumim oricum!!!

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Teoretic ar putea fi un condensator sau rezistenta pentru ventilator. Numele ma face sa cred ca ar mari sau micsora viteza ventilatorului.


Piesa nu exista decat la diesel si a fost folosita doar pe o perioada scurta.


Multumim pentru raspuns. Aveam o nedumerire in ceea ce priveste acea piesa.

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