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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

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Make & Model Year Range Range Fitted KW HP CC





BMW - 3 (E46) - 318 d 09.01-03.03 -02.03 85 116 1951



BMW - 3 (E46) - 320 d 04.98-09.01 11.00- 100 136 1951



BMW - 3 (E46) - 330 d 10.99-02.05 02.01-03.03 135 184 2926



BMW - 3 (E46) - 330 xd 06.00-02.05 02.01-03.03 135 184 2926



BMW - 3 Compact (E46) - 318 td 03.03-02.05 -12.04 85 115 1995



BMW - 3 Compact (E46) - 320 td 09.01-02.05 -12.04 110 150 1995



BMW - 3 Coupe (E46) - 320 Cd 11.03- - 110 150 1995



BMW - 3 Convertible (E46) - 320 Cd 02.05- - 110 150 1995



BMW - 3 Touring (E46) - 318 d 03.02-02.05 -03.03 85 115 1951



BMW - 3 Touring (E46) - 318 d 03.03-02.05 - 85 116 1995



BMW - 3 Touring (E46) - 320 d 03.00-09.01 11.00- 100 136 1951



BMW - 3 Touring (E46) - 330 d 10.99-02.05 02.01-03.03 135 184 2926



BMW - 3 Touring (E46) - 330 xd 06.00-02.05 02.01-03.03 135 184 2926



BMW - 5 (E39) - 520 d 02.00-06.03 11.00- 100 136 1951



BMW - 5 Touring (E39) - 520 d 02.00-09.03 11.00- 100 136 1951



BMW - 7 (E38) - 730 d 04.00-11.01 02.01- 142 193 2926



BMW - X5 (E53) - 3.0 d 05.01- -09.03 135 184 2925




pentru comenzi sunati la : 0761401631

pretul este de 400 lei/buc

avans minim 200 lei

termen livrare 10 zile

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