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Problema iDrive E90


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Salut,de 5 zile am o problema cu navigatia se inchide apoi iar porneste.

Am facut o diagnoza si a iesit ceva legat de un releu[bistable Relay].In prima faza am crezut ca este de la umezela, spaland masina cu o zi inainte sa se intample prima data.Azi insa am dat intr-o groapa si mi s-a inchis iar ecranul, ar putea fi de la un contact imperfect?....Aveti idee pe unde se afla acest releu?

Edited by cristi.n
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Salut,de 5 zile am o problema cu navigatia se inchide apoi iar porneste.

Am facut o diagnoza si a iesit ceva legat de un releu[bistable Relay].In prima faza am crezut ca este de la umezela, spaland masina cu o zi inainte sa se intample prima data.Azi insa am dat intr-o groapa si mi s-a inchis iar ecranul, ar putea fi de la un contact imperfect?....Aveti idee pe unde se afla acest releu?


Brief description


The relay terminal 30g-f is only installed with some optional special packages, e.g. when the Car Communication Computer (CCC) has been ordered.

The relay terminal 30g-f switches off in the event of faults on the connected consumer units.


The relay terminal 30g-f is a bi-stable relay and is fitted on the board of the distribution box. The relay is activated by the junction box electronics (JBE).

The bi-stable relay has two relay coils that open or close the relay contact on activation. The relay persists in the last activated position (contact open or closed).


Conditions required for switch-off of terminal 30g-f (failure)

The bi-stable relay is activated by the JBE in the event of a fault in such a way that the power supply for terminal 30g-f is under briefly or permanently.

Terminal 30g-f is controlled under one of the following conditions:


  • At and after shutdown of terminal 30g, the JBE counted more than 20 wakings (resets).
    After the reset of terminal 30g-f the JBE counts another 5 wakings, terminal 30g-f is switched off permanently.
  • With and 10 min. after shutdown of terminal 30g, the JBE registered control units that prevent the vehicle from sleeping.
    If the vehicle sleeping is prevented for another 10 minutes after the reset of terminal 30g-f, terminal 30g-f is switched off permanently.
  • With , the power management determined by means of IBS that the battery charge state is close to the starting capability limit.

When terminal 30g_f is reset or switched off, it is not taken into account which control unit is responsible for the fault. In all cases involving faults, terminal 30g-f is switched off.

If the fault is caused by a control unit that is not supplied by terminal 30g-f, the fault remains even after cutoff.


Conditions required for switch-on of terminal 30g-f

A condition for switch-on always has priority over a switch-off condition. Under the following conditions, terminal 30g-f is switched on again via the bistable relay.


  • Vehicle is unlocked
  • Terminal change from to or
  • Change in a status of door contact, bonnet or luggage compartment lid

In the normal case, terminal 30g-f is always switched on.

With or , terminal 30g-f is always switched on.






Bistable relay (depending on variant)

For cutoff in the event of a closed-circuit current, there is a bistable relay. The bistable relay is arranged on the board of the distribution box (hidden by the body of the distribution box).


The bi-stable relay activates terminal 30 on the fuses F17 and F40 (up to model year 03/2005), or F17 and F31 (as of model year 09/2005). In the event of a closed-circuit current, this relay is activated to interrupt the power supply of the fuses mentioned.


The bistable relay has two relay coils that open or close the relay contact as the case may be on activation. The relay persists in the last activated position (contact open or closed).






Activation of bistable relay

The bistable relay is on the distribution box and is activated by the junction box electronics (JBE). The activation lines run via the internal connector X04010 of the junction box (consisting of distribution box and JBE).


The relay coils are supplied on the distribution box directly via terminal 30.


The JBE switches the negative lead onto the relevant relay coil for a short time to open or close the contact.





Sper sa te ajute.

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Display-ul sa inchis si nu mai porneste din pacate.

am patit-o si eu de cateva ori,ori se stinge si apoi se aprinde,ori se vede cu ceva artefacte sau mai bine zis sunt niste culori total aiurea,eu cred ca la mine se trage de cand mi-au dat jos unitatea de cd in cautare de mufe rca...

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am patit-o si eu de cateva ori,ori se stinge si apoi se aprinde,ori se vede cu ceva artefacte sau mai bine zis sunt niste culori total aiurea,eu cred ca la mine se trage de cand mi-au dat jos unitatea de cd in cautare de mufe rca...


Nu vreau sa te indispun dar sa te astepti si tu la o unitate CCC noua.Azi am fost la Bavaria si mi-au spus ce speram sa nu fie aceasta unitate[pret la ei 3400 lei]dar am gasit mai ieftin cu aproximativ 1000lei.

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