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Oglinda E90 in pozitie anormala

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Pot exista probleme permanente sau sporadice in ceea cepriveste repozitionarea oglinzilor BMW E90, in special cele situate in parteapasagerului.


In mare parte se datoreaza conectorilor, dar pot fi si altecauze:




"SI B51 36 08

Body Equipment April 2009

Technical Service


This Service Information bulletin supersedes SI B51 36 08 dated February 2009.


designates changes to this revision



Outside Mirror Moves when Unlocking the Vehicle



E90, E91 (3 Series Sedan andSports Wagon) produced up to 9/2008 and equipped with power front seats, optioncode SA459




When unlocking the vehicle via the remote key fob or the centrallocking button, the driver's side outside mirror moves unexpectedly.This condition occurs intermittently. When the mirror moves, it seemingly goesto a random position. Pressing the seat memory button typically will return themirror to the stored position.



When the unlock signal is sent to the car, a mirror position self-check isperformed. One of the factors in determining the mirror's present position isan expected resistance value in the circuit. Due to a higher than expectedresistance, the Footwell Module (FRM) calculates the mirror positionincorrectly. The mirror is then moved to what is believed to be the correctposition. The unexpected resistance value is caused by one of the following:


* Corrosion on the LIN-bus connection at the mirror, switch block, or FRM


* Poor connection at the mirror, switch block, or FRM


* Damaged mirror electronics



Repair or clean the appropriate connections. In isolated cases, the mirrorelectronics need to be replaced.




1. Reproduce the customer complaint by locking and unlocking with theremote key fob or central locking switch.


2. Remove the driver's side door panel per Repair Instruction RA 5141 000.


3. Remove the window frame trim panel, which covers the mirror connection, perRepair Instruction RA 51 32 160.






4. Unplug the connector from the mirror.


5. Inspect the connector for any damaged or poorly fitting terminals.


6. If any damage is found, repair or replace the connector and/or terminals.


7. Remove the terminals one by one, and clean thoroughly with electricalcontact cleaner.


8. Apply a small amount of dielectric grease to the contact side of theconnector.


9. Reinstall the connector.


10. Attempt to reproduce the customer complaint again to determine whether theproblem has been resolved.


11. If the problem has not been eliminated, continue with the followingprocedure.


12. Inspect the connector at the door switch block to check for damaged orpoorly fitting terminals which lead to the mirror, as well as those leading tothe FRM. These are pins 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, and 12.


13. If any damage is found, repair or replace the connector and/or terminals.


14. Remove the terminals one by one, and clean thoroughly with electricalcontact cleaner.


15. Apply a small amount of dielectric grease to the contact side of theconnector.


16. Reinstall the connector.


17. Attempt to reproduce the customer complaint again to determine whether theproblem has been addressed.


18. If the problem persists, remove the mirror cap per Repair Instruction RA 5116 040.


19. Inspect the wiring of the mirror electronics for damage or poorconnections.






20. Unplug the mirror electronics (1) and clean the connection (2) on the backside with electrical contact cleaner.


21. Attempt to reproduce the customer complaint again to determine whether theproblem has been addressed.


22. If the problem persists, replace the mirror electronics for the driver's sidemirror for vehicles not equipped with auto dimming/power fold mirrors(SA430),or the complete mirror for those equipped with auto dimming/power fold mirrors.



Part Number



Locally sourced

Electrical contact cleaner


83 23 0 149 149

Dielectric grease


67 13 6 972 536

Mirror electronics – driver's side with SA459

1 – if necessary

51 16 7 189 977

Mirror – complete driver's side with SA430

1 – if necessary


Covered under the terms of the BMW New Vehicle Limited Warranty.


Defect Code:

51 16 36 41 00



Labor Operation:

Labor Allowance:


51 41 000*

Refer to KSD

R&I door trim panel for left or right front door


+51 16 540

Refer to KSD

R&I mirror cover for left or right front door – if



51 99 000

Work Time

Work time for testing and cleaning connections.

*Main Work - use this labor operation number when this is the only repair beingperformed, or if this is the main repair when performed along with otherrepairs at the same time. If this is not the main repair, refer to KSD for theassociated (+) labor operation code.

Sublet Code 4**


** Reimbursement of up to the amount listed may be charged to sublet code 4 forthe Contact cleaner and Dielectric grease required to perform this repair.Claiming this part number outside of sublet code 4 will result in a delayed ordenied claim payment.

[ Copyright Ë 2009 BMW of North America,LLC ]






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