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Am un e90 320d 203mii km,masina e noua pentru mine, in curand trebuie sa schimb uleiul din motor si nu stiu ce ulei sa folosesc, acum are ulei long-life 0w30(castrol), Ce imi recomandati, sa merg incontinuare pe asta sau unul normal care se schimba in jur de 15mii km? Voi ce uleiuri folositi?
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Am un e90 320d 203mii km,masina e noua pentru mine, in curand trebuie sa schimb uleiul din motor si nu stiu ce ulei sa folosesc, acum are ulei long-life 0w30(castrol), Ce imi recomandati, sa merg incontinuare pe asta sau unul normal care se schimba in jur de 15mii km? Voi ce uleiuri folositi?


castrol 5w30 sau 0w30

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PĂŁrerile sunt ĂŽmpĂŁrĂžite ĂŽn legĂŁturĂŁ cu acest subiect.


Flushing oils


These are special compound oils that are very, very thin. They almost have the consistency of tap water when cold as well as hot. Typically they are 0W/20 oils. Don't ever drive with these oils in your engine - it won't last. (Caveat : some hybrid vehicles now require 0W20, so if you're a hybrid driver, check your owner's manual). Their purpose is for cleaning out all the gunk which builds up inside an engine. Note that Mobil1 0W40 is okay, because the '40' denotes that it's actually thick enough at temperature to work. 0W20 just doesn't get that viscous!

Do I need a flushing oil?


Unless there's something seriously wrong with your engine, like you've filled it with milk or shampoo, you really ought never to need a flushing oil. If you're transitioning from a mineral oil to a synthetic oil, likewise you probably don't need to flush the engine first.

If you do decide to do an oil flush, first drain your engine of all it's oil, but leave the old oil filter in place. Next fill it up with flushing oil and run it at a fast idle for about 20 minutes. Finally, drain all this off (and marvel at the crap that comes out with it), replace the oil filter, refill with a good synthetic oil and voila! Clean engine.

Of course, like most things nowadays, there's a condition attached when using flushing oils. In an old engine you really don't want to remove all the deposits. Some of these deposits help seal rings, lifters and even some of the flanges between the heads, covers, pan and the block, where the gaskets are thin. I have heard of engines with over 280,000km that worked fine, but when flushed it failed in a month because the blow-by past the scraper ring (now really clean) contaminated the oil and screwed the rod bearings.



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Bun venit pe forum in primul rand.


In al doilea rand subiectul a fost discutat si iar discutat de nenumarate ori. Foloseste functia SEARCH pentru a gasi ceea ce te intereseaza inainte de a deschide un topic nou.


Gasesti pareri AICI si AICI


Cred ca se poate inchide acest topic.

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ma refeream la spalatul interior al motorului. sa speli / tii curat compartimentul motor e ceva de bun simt , normal, dar nu are treaba cu circuitul de ungere. motorul se spala cu demontarea baii si a capacului de tacheti, radiator + furtune (daca are) / filtru de ulei, ca noul ulei sa nu se mai contamineze cu mizerie din motor.
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Am ĂŽnĂželes, deci practic nu poĂži scrie pentru cĂŁ e din secretele bĂŁtrânilor, volumul II - Ănnobilarea metalelor.


PĂŁrerea mea este cĂŁ, ĂŽn cazul ĂŽn care motorul nu are nici un fel de problemĂŁ, o astfel de operaĂžiune nu are rost.


Cel mai bine este sã faci cu totul alte lucruri, ºi anume sã schimbi toate filtrele ºi fluidele, sã cureÞi radiatoarele, mai ales la exterior, sã schimbi rolele, curelele ºi Întinzãtoarele, sã verifici toate furtunele, mai ales cele de rãcire, ºi sã le schimbi dacã sunt Îmbãtrânite.

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ca de obicei, ai inteles ce-ai vrut, am scris pe aici demult cum se face asta, daca rares imi va cere sa-l informez / ajut, o voi face.


la cat ai stat pe net / forumuri ar fi trebuit sa stii deja ca un ulei nu poate schimba compozitia unui aliaj, feros sau nu....asa ca....

Edited by brownshark
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